Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars;
Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense;
Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education ,
Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie;
Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis
politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion;
Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce
des armes
Riksarkivet: Utvalg fra grensearkiv ca. 1750
Mellom Norge og Sverige ble riksgrensen fastlagt allerede i 1751,
og den gjelder fortsatt. Den omfatter også dagens grense mot
Finland, som i 1751 var en del av Sverige.
Grensetraktaten mellom Norge og Sverige 2. oktober 1751.
Dokumentene i grensearkivet er etter den svensk-norske
grensekommisjon 1736–1767.
Geography: Sweden is a Northern European, Scandinavian kingdom
bordering Denmark, Finland and Norway, the Peace Monument and Peace
Square, Morokulien, 1914-. and with shorelines to the Skagerrak,
Kattegat, the Sound and the Baltic Sea. Lapland, Aland Islands
Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World, 2010.
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386, Satellite Image
Atlas of Glaciers of the World, contains 11 chapters designated by
the letters A through K. Chapter A provides a comprehensive, yet
concise, review of the "State of the Earth's Cryosphere at the
Beginning of the 21st Century: Glaciers, Global Snow Cover,
Floating Ice, and Permafrost and Periglacial Environments," and a
"Map/Poster of the Earth's Dynamic Cryosphere," and a set of eight
"Supplemental Cryosphere Notes" about the Earth's Dynamic
Cryosphere and the Earth System. The next 10 chapters, B through K,
are arranged geographically and present glaciological information
from Landsat and other sources of historic and modern data on each
of the geographic areas. Chapter B covers Antarctica; Chapter C,
Greenland; Chapter D, Iceland; Chapter E, Continental Europe
(except for the European part of the former Soviet Union),
including the Alps, the Pyrenees, Norway, Sweden, Svalbard
(Norway), and Jan Mayen (Norway); Chapter F, Asia, including the
European part of the former Soviet Union, China, Afghanistan,
Pakistan, India, Nepal, and Bhutan; Chapter G, Turkey, Iran, and
Africa; Chapter H, Irian Jaya (Indonesia) and New Zealand; Chapter
I, South America; Chapter J, North America (excluding Alaska); and
Chapter K, Alaska. Chapters A–D each include map plates.
Geografihistoriske primærkilder og fremstillinger /
Geography Historical primary sources and
presentations /
Géographie des sources historiques primaires:
Johanens Schefferus: The History of Lapland ... / Written by
John Scheffer. Oxford, 1674.