Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars;
Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense;
Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education ,
Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie;
Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis
politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion;
Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce
des armes
Nuevo Atlas Nacional de México 2007 / New National Atlas
of Mexico. / : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México, Instituto de Geografía.
Geography: Mexico is a tropical North American federal republic
bordering Belize, Guatemala and the United States, and with
shorelines to the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean.
Géographie: le Mexique est une république
fédérale d'Amérique du Nord tropical
frontières avec le Belize, le Guatemala et les Etats-Unis,
et les rivages au golfe du Mexique et l'océan
Geografía: México es una república federal
norteamericana tropical bordeando Belice, Guatemala y Estados
Unidos, y con costas en el Golfo de México y el
Océano Pacífico.
Geographie: Mexiko ist ein tropisches nordamerikanischen
Bundesrepublik grenzt Belize, Guatemala und den Vereinigten
Staaten, und mit Küstenlinien auf den Golf von Mexiko und den
Pazifischen Ozean.
Geografihistoriske primærkilder og fremstillinger /
Geography Historical primary sources and
presentations /
Géographie des sources historiques primaires:
CRS: U.S.-Mexico Water
Sharing: Background and Recent Developments. / : Nicole T.
Carter et al., 2015.
The United States and Mexico share the Colorado River and Rio
Grande pursuant to binational agreements. Increasing water demands
and reduced supplies deriving from drought and high heat increase
the challenges and significance of treaty compliance. The
International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC), a binational
entity with a U.S. Section that operates under the foreign policy
guidance from the U.S. Department of State, is charged with
addressing issues that arise during application of these
Colorado River. The Colorado River flows through seven U.S. states
before reaching Mexico; 97% of the basin is in the United States. A
1944 Water Treaty requires that the United States annually provide
Mexico with 1.5 million acre-feet (AF) of Colorado River water,
which represents about 10% of the river's average flow.
Rio Grande. The Rio Grande is governed by two separate agreements.
Deliveries to Mexico in the northwestern portion of the shared
basin (near El Paso/Ciudad Juárez) occur under a 1906
Convention, while deliveries for the southeastern portion (which is
below Fort Quitman, Texas) are laid out in the 1944 Water
Mexico and Guatemala : Exchange of notes constituting an
agreement on the establishment of an International Boundary and
Water Commission. Guatemala, 9 November and 21 December 1961.
United Nations Treaty Series [UNTS] (1984), volume 1355 , issue
22878 , p. 187-197.
Nombres geográficos de México : catálogo
alfabético de los nombres de lugar pertenecientes al idioma
"nahuatl" : estudio jeroglífico de la matrícula de
los tributos del Códice Mendocino (1885).
Historia de las Indias de Nueva España y islas de
Tierra Firme. Tomo I / por Diego Durán; la publica con
un atlas de estampas, notas e ilustraciones José F.
- México, Imp. de J.M. Andrade y F. Escalante, 1867
The illustrations comprising the atlas, with the exception of the
last 16 plates belonging to the appendix, are found in the ms. (in
colors) at the beginning of the chapters, and in the text of the
second treatise.
"Apéndice. Explicación del códice
gerogli´fico de Mr. Aubin, por Alfredo Chavero": 172 p. at
end of v. 2.
At end (t. 2, p. 305): La precedente copia está con el
original que existe en la Biblioteca nacional de Madrid, la que se
sacó por encargo del Sr. D. José F. Ramirez ... y se
acabó en 1.° de abril de 1854.
The original ms. is divided into three parts or "tratados." The
first part (t. 1, p. 1-530); t. 2, p. 1-68 of this edition)
comprising 78 chapters, treats of the history of Mexico to the end
of the conquest. At end: "Acabose la presente obra el año de
mil quinientos ochenta y uno." The second part (t. 2, p. 72-246) in
23 chapters, treats of the Mexican divinities, rites, festivals and
temples. The third part (t. 2, p. [247-305] comprising 3 chapters
subdivided into 19, treats of the Mexican calendar. The prefatory
note, or title, to this treatise has at end: "Acabose el an~o de
Vol. 2 and atlas have imprint : Mexico, Ignacio Escalante, 1880.
The second volume is edited by Gumesindo Mendoza, director of the
Museo nacional, and together with the atlas is published at the
expense of Protasio P. Tagle and Ignacion Mariscal. cf. Pref.