Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars;
Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense;
Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education ,
Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie;
Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis
politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion;
Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce
des armes
Geography: Canada is an North American democratic, federal
republic with borders to the United States, Alaska and Greenland,
and with shorelines to the Atlantic and the Pacific. There is a
National Peace Park on the border between the United States and
Canada. Christmas Island, Nova Scotia. Sable Island.
The Atlas of Canada
'Since 1906, the Atlas of Canada has offered a rich treasury of
geographic information for all Canadians. You'll find hundreds of
online maps about Canada's environment, society, economy and
Canadiske lokalstater og
/ Canadian local states and provinces
/ États locaux canadiens et les provinces
Geografihistoriske primærkilder og fremstillinger /
Geography Historical primary sources and
presentations /
Géographie des sources historiques primaires:
Catalogue of maps, plans and charts in the map room of the
Dominion Archives. Classified and indexed by H.R. Holmden.
- Ottawa: Govt. Print. Bureau, 1912.
Herr Johann Anderson I.U.D. og fordum förste borgemester i
Hamborg hans Efterretninger om Island, Grönland og Strat
Davis, : til videnskabernes og handelens sande nytte med
kobberstykker, og et landkort, som er nöye indrettet efter de
nyeste opfindelser, og som ere anførte i dette verk. Tillige
med en forberetning om forfatterens levnets omständigheder
Johann Anderson. - Kiöbenhavn : hos Gabriel Christian Rothe,
Translation, by Barthold Johan Lodde, of Herrn Johann Anderson,
..., Nachrichten von Island, Grönland und der Strasse Davis.
Hamburg, 1746, but lacking the appendix with the vocabulary,
grammar and some statements of Christian faith and prayers in
Danish, German and the Eskimo language.
Registreret i: Ísland í skrifum erlendra manna um
þjóðlíf og náttúru landsins.
/ : to the Nature and People of Iceland. A Bibliography Haraldur
Sigurðsson tók saman Reykjavík
Landsbókasafn, 1991.
Jens Munks navigatio septentrionalis : med indledning, noter og
Gyldendal, 1883. -
Bell, Solomon: The polar regions of the western continent explored
: embracing a geographical account of Iceland, Greenland, the
islands of the frozen sea and the northern parts of the American
continent : including a particular description of the countries,
the seas, inhabitants, and animals of those parts of the world,
also, a minute account of the whale fisheries, and the dangers
attending them; with remarkable adventures of some of the whale
fishers, descriptions of Mount Hecla, and the other volcanoes of
Iceland : together with the adventures, discoveries, dangers and
trials of Parry, Franklin, Lyon, and other navigators, in those
regions. - Boston : Printed for W.W. Reed, 1831. -
Beschryving van Ysland, Groenland en de Straat Davis : bevattende
so wel ene bestipte bepaling van de ligging en grote van die
eilanden, als en volledige ontvouwing van hunne inwendige
gesteltenis vuurbrakende bergen, heete en warme bronnen enz. : een
omstandig bericht van de vruchten en kruiden des lands, van de
wilde en tamme landdieren, vogelen en visschen, de visvangst der
Yslanders en hunne onderscheiden behandeling, toebereiding en
drogen der visschen : voorts het getal der inwoonders, hunnen aart,
levenswyze en bezigheden, woningen, kledingen, handteering, arbeid,
veehoedery, koophandel, maten en gewichten, huwelyks
plechtingheden, opvoeding hunner kinderen, Godsdienst, kerken en
kerkenbestuur, burgerlyke regering, wetten, strafoeffeningen en wat
wyders tot de kennis van een land vereischt word (1756).
Blome, Richard: The present state of His Majesties isles and
territories in America : viz, Jamaica, Barbadoes, S. Christophers,
Mevis, Antego, S. Vincent, Dominica, New Jersey, Pensilvanie,
Monserat, Anguilla, Bermudas, Carolina, Virginia, New-England,
Tobago, New-Found-Land, Mary-Land, New-York : with new maps of
every place, together with astronomical tables ... and how to make
sun-dials fitting for all those places (1687).