Natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars; Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education , Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie; Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion; Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce des armes

Filippinernes geografi:

Filippinerne er en tropisk sydøstasiatisk   østat og republik i Stillehavet. Sulu øgruppen.
The Philippines is a tropical southeast Asian island state and a republic in the Pacific. The Sulu archipelago.


UNEP, 2005. Wilkinson, C., DeVantier, L., Talaue-McManus, L., Lawrence, D. and D. Souter. South China Sea, GIWA Regional assessment 54. University of Kalmar, Kalmar, Sweden.
'The region is formed of the marine, coastal and hinterland river catchments of nine nations: China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines. Laos and Myanmar are also part of the region but have no impacts on the water balance and are therefore not further discussed...'

Geografihistoriske primærkilder og fremstillinger /
Geography Historical primary sources and
presentations /
Géographie des sources historiques primaires:

A geography of the Malay Peninsula, Indo-China, the Eastern Archipelago, the Philippines, and New Guinea. / : A. H. Keane. - London : E. Stanford, 1887.
pt. I. The Malay Peninsula. ch. I. General survey; physical features: mountain and river systems; seaboard; islands; the Isthmus of Kra. ch. II. Climate; flora-fauna. ch. III. Inhabitants: the Negritoes; Sam-Sams and Malays; religion; language. ch.IV. Political divisions: Siamese and British divisions; resources; trade; government; statistics of the Malay Peninsula
pt. II. Indo-China. ch. I. General survey; physical features: mountain and river systems; seaboard; islands. ch. II. Climate; flora-fauna. ch. III. Inhabitants: Burmese; Talaings; Siamese-Annamese; Cambojans. ch. IV. Political divisions: Burmah; Siam; Annam; Camboja; statistics of Indo-China
pt. III. The Eastern Archipelago. ch. I. General survey; distribution of land and water; main insular groups; volcanic formations; geology; extent; population. ch. II. Climate; flora - fauna. ch. III. Inhabitants: Malays; Indonesians; Negritoes; Papuans. ch. IV. Geographical and political divisions: Asiatic, Australian, and Oceanic natural divisions; Dutch, Spanish, English, German, and Portuguese territories; statistics of Eastern Archipelago.
Handbook of the Philippine Islands (1899).
'"The geographical part of this 'Handbook' is an authorized translation of the 'Compendio de geografia de las islas Filipinas' ... The historical portion is an original compilation."-Reklame s. [3].'
Orosa, Sixto Y.: The Sulu Archipelago and its people. - Yonkers on Hudson, N. Y. : World book company, 1931. - 153 s.
Report on Sulu Moros. / Edwin Deland Smith. 1908.
Warren Dupré Smith: A Geologic Reconnaissance of the Island of Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago: Narrative of the Expedition. 1908. - 71 s.
Pettigrew, Richard Franklin: Treaty with the sultan of Sulu. Information concerning the Philippine islands (1900). - 15 s.
'Mr. PETTIGREW. Mr. President, the Sulu group of islands are located between the island of Borneo and the island of Mindanao, of the Philippine group. They are 150 in number. These islands were conquered by the Mohammedans about eight centuries ago, and they have maintained, as long as we have any history of them, a government of their own, having an absolute monarch for a ruler. Spain claimed ownership over these islands, and has undertaken at various times to take possession of them. Her power and authority reached the distance only from the shores of the islands which could be traversed by projectiles from the cannon of her fleet. These people have been pirates and slaveholders and polygamists from the earliest record of their transactions.
In 1876 Spain undertook to conquer their islands and assert her authority over them, but the effort failed; and finally the aggressive powers entered into a treaty with the Sultan by which Spain was to keep an officer representing that Government and a small number of troops at the capital of the Sulu group. The Sultan agreed to recognize the suzerainty of the King of Spain and promised to suppress piracy. He received from Spain certain salaries as compensation for his recognition of the suzerainty of the King of Spain.
Whether or not the commissioners at Paris knew what they were buying I can not tell; but in some way we purchased the entire group, including all the Philippines; and we now find that the Sultan not only has the Sulu group under his jurisdiction and control, but also the large island of Mindanao, embracing an area as large as the State of Indiana, and also the island of Palawan. These two islands, or portions of them, nearly their whole area, are under the immediate control of a subsultan, who owes some sort of allegiance to the Sultan of the Sulu Islands. The island of Mindanao has never been explored by the white people, and it was never under the jurisdiction of Spain, except that two or three of its coast ports were occupied by that power. In our treaty with Spain we take title of this entire group, as well as to the Philippines.' s. 3-4.
Atlas over Sydøstasien.
Se også: Filippinerne: Natur og klima.
Afghansk geografi ; Albansk geografi ; Algerisk geografi ; Andorras geografi ; Amerikansk geografi ; Angolas geografi ; Antigua & Barbudas geografi ; Argentinsk geografi ; Armensk geografi ; Aserbajdsjans geografi ; Australsk geografi ; Bahamaøernes geografi ; Bahrains geografi ; Bangladesh geografi ; Barbados geografi ; Belgisk geografi ; Belizes geografi ; Benins geografi ; Bhutans geografi ; Boliviansk geografi ; Bosnien-Hercegovinas geografi ; Botswanas geografi ; Brasiliens geografi ; Brunei Darussalams geografi ; Bulgarsk geografi ; Burkina Fasos geografi ; Burundis geografi ; Cambodjansk geografi ; Camerouns geografi ; Canadisk geografi ; Centralafrikansk geografi ; Chilensk geografi ; Colombias geografi ; Comorernes geografi ; Congolesisk geografi ; Costa Ricas geografi ; Cubansk geografi ; Cypriotisk geografi ; Dansk geografi ; Den demokratiske republik Congos geografi ; Djiboutis geografi ; Den Dominikanske Republiks geografi ; Dominicas geografi ; Ecuadoriansk geografi ; Engelsk geografi ; Egyptisk geografi ; El Salvadors geografi ; Elfenbenskystens geografi ; Eritreas geografi ; Estlands geografi ; Etiopisk geografi ; Fijis geografi ; Filippinsk geografi ; Finsk geografi ; De forenede arabiske Emiraters geografi ; Fransk geografi ; Færøsk geografi ; Gabons geografi ; Gambiansk geografi ; Georgiansk geografi ; Ghanas geografi ; Grenadas geografi ; Græsk geografi ; Grønlandsk geografi ; Guatemalas geografi ; Guineas geografi ; Guinea-Bissaus geografi ; Guyansk geografi ; Haitiansk geografi ; Hollansk geografi ; Honduras geografi ; Hvideruslands geografi ; Indisk geografi ; Indonesisk geografi ; Iraks geografi ; Irans geografi ; Islands geografi ; Irsk geografi ; Israels geografi ; Italiens geografi ; Jamaicas geografi ; Japans geografi ; Jordans geografi ; Kap Verdisk geografi ; Kasakhstanisk geografi ; Kenyas geografi ; Kinesisk geografi ; Kirgisistans geografi ; Kiribatis geografi ; Kosovos geografi ; Kroatiens geografi ; Kuwais geografi ; Laotisk geografi ; Lesothisk geografi ; Letlands geografi ; Libanesisk geografi ; Liberiansk geografi ; Libysk geografi ; Liechtensteins geografi ; Litauens geografi ; Luxembourgs geografi ; Madagascars geografi ; Makedonsk geografi ; Malawis geografi ; Malaysias geografi ; Maldiviensk geografi ; Malis geografi ; Maltesisk geografi ; Marokkansk geografi ; Marshalløernes geografi ; Mauretaniens geografi ; Mauritius geografi ; Mexicansk geografi ; Mikronesisk geografi ; Moldovisk geografi ; Monacos geografi ; Mongoliets geografi ; Montenegros geografi ; Mozambiques geografi ; Myanmars geografi ; Namibias geografi ; Naurus geografi ; Nepals geografi ; New Zealandsk geografi ; Nicaraguansk geografi ; Nigers geografi ; Nigerias geografi ; Norsk geografi ; Nordkoreansk geografi ; Omans geografi ; Pakistansk geografi ; Palaus geografi ; Palæstinas geografi ; Panamas geografi ; Papua Ny Guineansk geografi ; Paraguays geografi ; Peruviansk geografi ; Polsk geografi ; Portugisisk geografi ; Qatars geografi ; Rumænsk geografi ; Russisk geografi ; Rwandas geografi ; Salomonøernes geografi ; Samoas geografi ; San Marinos geografi ; São Tomé & Principles geografi ; Saudi-Arabisk geografi ; Schweizisk geografi ; Senegals geografi ; Serbisk geografi ; Seychellernes geografi ; Sierra Leones geografi ; Singapores geografi ; Skotsk geografi ; Slovakiets geografi ; Sloveniens geografi ; Somalisk geografi ; Spansk geografi ; Sri Lankas geografi ; St. Kitts & Nevis geografi ; St. Lucias geografi ; St. Vincent og Grenadinernes geografi ; Sudans geografi ; Surinams geografi ; Svensk geografi ; Swazilands geografi ; Sydafrikansk geografi ; Sydkoreansk geografi ; Sydsudans geografi ; Syrisk geografi ; Tadsjikistans geografi ; Taiwanesisk geografi ; Tanzanias geografi ; Tchads geografi ; Thailandsk geografi ; Tjekkisk geografi ; Togos geografi ; Tongas geografi ; Trinidad & Tobagos geografi ; Tunesisk geografi ; Turkmenistans geografi ; Tuvalus geografi ; Tyrksk geografi ; Tysk geografi ; Ugandas geografi ; Ukrainsk geografi ; Ungarnsk geografi ; Uruguays geografi ; Usbekistans geografi ; Vanuatus geografi ; Venezuelas geografi ; Vietnamesisk geografi ; Yemens geografi ; Zambias geografi ; Zimbabwes geografi ; Ækvatorial Guineas geografi ; Østrisk geografi ; Østtimors geografi.

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