Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars;
Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense;
Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education ,
Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie;
Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis
politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion;
Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce
des armes
Geography: Bangladesh is an Asian republic, and the country is
currently defined, according to the Danish National Tax Board, as a
developing country, bordering India and Myanmar, or Burma, and with
shorelines to the Indian ocean.
Geografihistoriske primærkilder og fremstillinger /
Geography Historical primary sources and
presentations /
Géographie des sources historiques primaires:
Tabula Peutingeriana
Se også: Indien: Geografihistoriske fremstillinger:
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Year 2012. 14
March 2012 No. 16. Dispute Concerning Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary between
Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal (Bangladesh/Myanmar)