
Græsk: Geografisk er Mesopotamien / Mesopotamia området mellem floderne Eufrat og Tigris i det nuværende Irak.

Geografihistoriske primærkilder og fremstillinger /
Geography Historical primary sources and
presentations /
Géographie des sources historiques primaires:

Description of Mesopotamia and Baghdad, written about the year 900 A.D. by Ibn Serapion. / : Guy Le Strange.
'This is the Arabic text and English translation of Ibn Serapion's important work on Mesopotamian geography. It appeared in two parts in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (1895), pp. 1-76 and 255-316 accompanied by the scholarly comments of the translator, the renowned Arabist and historical geographer Guy Le Strange (1854-1933). Sections: 1. The Tigris; 2. The Euphrates; 3. Affluents of the Euphrates; 4. Streams flowing into these Affluents; 5. Canals between the Euphrates and the Tigris; 6. Canals of the Lower Euphrates; 7. Affluents of the Tigris; 8. Canals of the Tigris; 9. The Same Continued; 10. Canals of Eastern Baghdad; 11. Canals of Western Baghdad; 12. Canals of the Harbiyya Quater; 13. The Great Swamp; 14. The Blind Tigris; 15. Canals of Al-Basra; 16. Canals to the West of Al-Basra; 17. The River Dujayl; 18. Affluents of the Euphrates. Le Strange's extensive and detailed commentary transforms this work into an historical onomasticon, invaluable for the study of the cities along the Tigris, Euphrates, and their affluents including in historical western and southern Armenia, the Lake Van area, as well as in northern and southern Mesopotamia. Includes a detailed map.'
Oldtiden / Antiquity.
Palæontologi / Megafauna.
Stenalderen / Stone Age.
Astronomi kulturarv og arkæoastronomi.
Bronzealderen / Bronze Age.
Helleristninger / Petroglyph.
Jernalderen / Iron Age.
Astronomy and world heritage: Across time and continents. / : Mikhail Ya. Marov et al. Kazan Federal University, 2016.
Mesopotamia Before History. / : Petr Charvát. Routledge, 2002.


Empires of Ancient Mesopotamia. / : Barbara A. Somervill.
- New York : Chelsea House, 2009.
Mesopotamian archaeology : an introduction to the archaeology of Babylonia and Assyria. / : Percy S.P. Handcock. - London : Macmillan and Philip Lee Warner, 1912.
The lands of the eastern caliphate : Mesopotamia, Persia and Central Asia from the Moslem conquest to the time of Timur. / : Guy Le Strange. - Cambridge : University Press, 1905.
Mesopotamia and Persia under the Mongols in the Fourteenth Century A.D. from the Nuzhat-al-Kulub of Hamd-Allah Mustawfi. / : Guy Le Strange.
'This is a study (London, 1903) of relevant parts of a precious register made by the 14th century official Hamd-Allah Mustawfi of Qazvin (also known as Qazvini) by the Arabist and historical geographer Guy Le Strange (1854-1933). Qazvini provides priceless information about Iran, Azerbaijan, Mughan and Arran, Shirvan, Gurjistan (Georgia), Rum, Armenia, and Mesopotamia. District by district, city by city, the author usually explains what revenue had accrued from a given area both in his own day, and in past times as well, providing a vivid picture of the general decline of the Mongol Il-Khanid state in the 14th century. In addition, Qazvini comments on the ruined condition of numerous cities and towns, the relative size and the trade of surviving cities, their noted religious sanctuaries, the types of crops grown in the countryside, and much more. [Note: Le Strange's later English translation of the Geographical Part of this important document (1919) is available as another Internet Archive download. Search on "Hamd-Allah Mustawfi".]'
A Servile War in the East [The Zanj Slave Uprising in 9th Century Mesopotamia]. / : Theodor Noldeke.
'This study appeared as chapter 5 in Sketches from Eastern History, a book of articles by the great philologist Theodor Noldeke (1836-1930), translated into English by John S. Black (London, 1892). Chapter 5, "A Servile War in the East" pp. 146-175 is a well-documented and very readable account of the most dangerous slave rebellion under the Arab Abbasid dynasty. The uprising is known as the rebellion of the Zanj/Zenj/Zinj after its most important component, East African slaves from the area known as Zanj (whence Zanzibar). The movement incorporated slaves and the poor of many peoples and ethnicities, though the black East African element seems to have predominated and held commanding positions in the group's military. The uprising lasted for 14 years from 869 to 883, and though suppressed brutally by the Arabs, its ideology did not die out.'
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