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USAs historie

Stenalderen / stone age. Bronzealderen / bronze age. Før Columbus: Astronomi kulturarv og arkæoastronomi. Fremont kulturen. Forhistorisk bjergkunst / Rock Art: Helleristninger / Petroglyph. Jernalderen / Iron Age. Bears Ears National Monument.
Kolonitiden. Det vilde vesten. Katakomber. Militære aktioner. Mellemkrigsårene, Krakket i 1929, Den kolde krig. Militære alliancer. Militærkup. Watergate, Iran-Contra skandalerne, 9/11/2001.
Before Columbus: Fremont culture. Petroglyphs. Colonial period, the Wild West, military actions. the interwar period, the crash of 1929, the Cold War, military alliances, military coup. Watergate, the Iran-Contra scandals, 9/11/2001.
De tretten kolonier
En række engelske kolonier blev etableret under et system med uafhængige proprietære guvernører, der blev udnævnt under merkantile frihedsbreve til engelsk aktieselskaber til finde og udvikle bosættelser, mest især Virginia Company, der skabte den første succesfulde engelske bosættelse ved Jamestown og den anden ved St. George, Bermuda.
England overtog også den hollandske koloni New Netherland (herunder New Amsterdam bosættelsen), som blev omdøbt til provinsen New York i 1664. Med New Holland, kom den engelske også til at regere over det tidligere New Sverige (i hvad der nu Delaware), som hollænderne havde erobret tidligere. Dette blev senere til en del af Pennsylvania, efter staten blev etableret i 1680.
/ A number of English colonies were established under a system of independent Proprietary Governors, who were appointed under mercantile charters to English joint stock companies to found and run settlements, most notably the Virginia Company, which created the first successful English settlement at Jamestown and the second at St. George's, Bermuda.
England also took over the Dutch colony of New Netherland (including the New Amsterdam settlement) which was renamed the Province of New York in 1664. With New Netherland, the English also came to control the former New Sweden (in what is now Delaware), which the Dutch had conquered earlier. This later became part of Pennsylvania after it was established in 1680.
Osgood, Herbert Levi: The American Colonies in the Seventeenth Century: Imperial control. Beginnings of the system of royal provinces - New York, Macmillan, 1904. - 624+590 s.
'Vol. 1-2. The chartered colonies. Beginnings of self-government.- Vol. 3. Imperial control. Beginnings of the system of royal provinces'
Bancroft, George: History of the United States from the discovery of the American continent, I-X . - Boston, Little, 1846.
'1-3. History of the colonization of the United States.- 4. The American Revolution. Epoch first. The overthrow of the European colonial system, 1748-1763.- 5. The American Revolution. Epoch second. How Great Britain estranged America, 1763-1774.- 6. The Crisis.- 7-8. The American Revolution. Epoch third. America declares itself independent, 1774-1776.- 9. The American Revolution. Epoch fourth. The independence of America is acknowledged, 1776-1782.- 10. The American Revolution. Epoch fourth continued. Peace between America and Great Bitiain, 1778-1782. Index'
Historiske primærkilder:
AMDOCS: Documents for the Study of American History.
European treaties bearing on the history of the United States and its dependencies I-IV. / : edited by Frances Gardiner Davenport.
- Washington, D. C. : Carnegie institution of Washington, 1917-37. ; Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication no. 254, v.1-4. Papers of the Division of historical research)
'Title-page of v. 4 reads: " ... edited in continuation of the work of the late Frances Gardiner Davenport by Charles Oscar Paullin ..." Contains bibliographies. I. To 1648.--II. 1650-1697.--III. 1698-1715.--IV. 1716-1815. United States History Sources. Treaties. Europe Politics and government.'
A check list of American newspapers in the Library of Congress (1901). - 590 s.
Kilder og fremstillinger: herunder the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) og the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO).
USAs udenrigsministeriums Foreign Relations serien præsenterer den officielle dokumentation og historiske oversigt over store amerikanske udenrigspolitiske beslutninger og betydningsfuld diplomatisk aktivitet. Serien, der er produceret af udenrigs-ministeriets historiske kontor, påbegyndtes i 1861 og omfatter nu mere end 350 individuelle titler. Bindene der er offentliggjort i løbet af de sidste to årti indeholder i stigende grad afklassificerede dokumenter fra alle de udenrigspolitiske agenturer.
The Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series is the official documentary record of U.S. foreign policy published by the U.S. Department of State. The origins, development and continuing evolution of the FRUS series are explored in a massive new history prepared by the State Department Office of the Historian. "Toward 'Thorough, Accurate and Reliable': A History of the Foreign Relations of the United States Series" by William B. McAllister, Joshua Botts, Peter Cozzens, and Aaron W. Marrs, Department of State, December 19, 2013.
Dating back to the Civil War -- the Abraham Lincoln Administration -- FRUS long predates the existing national security classification and declassification regimes. But from the start it has manifested and reinforced the impulse towards open government to a remarkable if imperfect degree. It appears to surpass any comparable effort to systematically and publicly document foreign policy by any other government in the world.
National Security Archive Publishes Digitized Set of 2,100 Henry Kissinger "Memcons" Recounting the Secret Diplomacy of the Nixon-Ford Era. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 192, 2006
Dictionary of American History (James Truslow Adams, Editor in Chief, and R. V. Coleman, Managing Editor). 5 vols. and Index vol. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1940.
Brzezinski, Matthew: Kapløb Om rummet : Rumfart under Den kolde Krig. / Red moon rising : Sputnik and the Hidden Rivalries That Ignited the Space Age.
- Odense : TV2, 2007. - 364 s. - ISBN: 9788792121400
Tulsa Race Riot : A Report by the Oklahoma Commission to Study the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, 2001. - 188 s.
- og
Alabama voldgiftsagen efter den amerikanske borgerkrig.
Lov om forflytning af indianere / US Indian Treaties and the Removal Act of 1830.
Library of Congress: Indian Land Cessions in the United States, 1784-1894.
United States Serial Set, Number 4015.
'United States Serial Set Number 4015 contains the second part of the two-part Eighteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1896-1897. (Part one is printed in United States Serial Set Number 4014.) Part two, which was also printed as House Document No. 736 of the U.S. Serial Set, 56th Congress, 1st Session, features sixty-seven maps and two tables compiled by Charles C. Royce. President Andrew Jackson's Message to Congress 'On Indian Removal' (1830).
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826: Documents relating to the purchase & exploration of Louisiana [1803].
- Boston : Houghton Mifflin & Co., 1904. - 343 s.
'Printed from the original manuscripts in the Library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of the society's Committee on Historical Documents'.
Trumbull, Benjamin: A general history of the United States of America, from the discovery in 1492, or, Sketches of the divine agency, in their settlement, growth, and protection : and especially in the late memorable revolution : exhibiting a general view of the principal events, from the discovery of North America to the year 1765 (1810).
Reports of the trials of Colonel Aaron Burr (late vice president of the United States,) for treason, and for a misdemeanor : in preparing the means of a military expedition against Mexico, a territory of the King of Spain, with whom the United States were at peace ; in the Circuit Court of the United States, held at the city of Richmond, in the district of Virginia, in the summer term of the year 1807 (1808).
Political annals of the present united colonies, from their settlement to the peace of 1763 : compiled chiefly from records, and authorised often by the insertion of state-papers (1780).
On the origin of the native races of America : a dissertation / by Hugo Grotius [1542]. A treatise of foreign languages and unknown islands / by Peter Albinus : [both] translated from the original Latin, and enriched with biographical notes and illustrations by Edmund Goldsmid (1884).

Amerikansk støttede militærkup

Covert Action in Chile 1963-73 . / : U.S. Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities (Church Committee), 1975.
USA's uafhængighedserklæring: Primary Documents in American History: Declaration of Independence, 1774.
National Security Archive Update, October 11, 2011
U.S. Strategic Nuclear Policy: A Video History, 1945-2004
Sandia Labs Historical Video Documents History of U.S. Strategic Nuclear Policy
Fisher, Louis : When Wars Begin: Misleading Statements by Presidents. In: Presidential Studies Quarterly 40, no. 1 (March) 171. 2010 Center for the Study of the Presidency.
Bibliographical notes on the issues of the Continental Congress 1774-[1783] (1904).
Journals of the Continental Congress, Bind 1-33 1774-1789 (1904).
The diplomatic correspondence of the United States of America, from the signing of the definitive treaty of peace, 10th September, 1783, to the adoption of the Constitution, March 4, 1789. Being the letters of the presidents of Congress, the secretary for foreign affairs--American ministers at foreign courts, foreign ministers near Congress--reports of committees of Congress, and reports of the secretary for foreign affairs on various letters and communications; together with letters from individuals on public affairs (1833).
Secret journals of the acts and proceedings of Congress, from the first meeting thereof to the dissolution of the Confederation bind 1-4 (1820).
Official letters to the Honorable American Congress : written during the war between the united colonies and Great-Britain bind 1- 3 (1796).

Se tillige: Afrikansk historie ; Historie fra Amerika ; Asiens historie ; Historie fra Europa ; Historie fra Oceanien (inkl. Australien og New Zealand)
Afghansk historie ; Albansk historie ; Algerisk historie ; Andorras historie ; Angolas historie ; Antigua & Barbudas historie ; Argentinsk historie ; Armensk historie ; Aserbajdsjans historie ; Australsk historie ; Bahamaøernes historie ; Bahrainsk historie ; Bangladesh historie ; Barbados historie ; Belgisk historie ; Belizes historie ; Benins historie ; Bhutans historie ; Boliviansk historie ; Bosnien-Hercegovinas historie ; Botswanansk historie ; Brasiliansk historie ; Britisk historie ; Britiske kolonier mandatområder og protektorater ; Brunei Darussalamsk historie ; Bulgarsk historie ; Burkina Fasos historie ; Burundis historie ; Canadisk historie ; Cambodjansk historie ; Camerouns historie ; Centralafrikansk historie ; Chilensk historie ; Colombiansk historie ; Comorernes historie ; Congolesisk historie ; Costa Ricansk historie ; Cubansk historie ; Cypriotisk historie ; Dansk historie ; Dansk historisk bibliografi ; Den demokratiske republik Congos historie ; Djiboutis historie ; Dominicas historie ; Den dominikanske republiks historie ; Ecuadoriansk historie ; Egyptisk historie ; El Salvadoransk historie ; Elfenbenskystens historie ; Eritreas historie ; Estlands historie ; Etiopisk historie ; Fijis historie ; Filippinsk historie ; Finsk historie ; De forenede arabiske Emiraters historie ; Fransk historie ; Fransk Polynesiens historie ; Færøsk historie ; Gabons historie ; Gambiansk historie ; Georgiens historie ; Ghanas historie ; Grenadas historie ; Græsk historie ; Grønlandsk historie ; Guatemalas historie ; Guineas historie ; Guinea-Bissaus historie ; Guyanas historie ; Haitiansk historie ; Honduransk historie ; Hvideruslands historie ; Indisk historie ; Indonesisk historie ; Iraks historie ; Iransk historie ; Islandsk historie ; Irsk historie ; Israelsk historie ; Italiensk historie ; Jamaicas historie ; Japansk historie ; Jordans historie ; Kap Verdisk historie ; Kasakhstanisk historie ; Kenyansk historie ; Kinesisk historie ; Kirgisistans historie ; Kiribatis historie ; Kosovoansk historie ; Kroatiens historie ; Kuwaits historie ; Laotisk historie ; Lesothisk historie ; Letlandsk historie ; Libanesisk historie ; Liberias historie ; Libysk historie ; Liechtensteins historie ; Litauens historie ; Luxembourgs historie ; Madagascars historie ; Makedonsk historie ; Malawis historie ; Malaysiansk historie ; Maldiviensk historie ; Malis historie ; Maltesisk historie ; Marokkansk historie ; Marshalløernes historie ; Mauretaniens historie ; Mauritiusk historie ; Mexicansk historie ; Mikronesisk historie ; Moldovisk historie ; Monacos historie ; Mongoliets historie ; Montenegros historie ; Mozambiques historie ; Myanmars historie ; Namibias historie ; Naurus historie ; Nepals historie ; New Zealandsk historie ; Nicaraguas historie ; Nigers historie ; Nigerias historie ; Norsk historie ; Nordkoreansk historie ; Omans historie ; Pakistansk historie ; Palaus historie ; Palæstinas historie ; Panamansk historie ; Papua Ny Guineas historie ; Paraguays historie ; Peruviansk historie ; Polsk historie ; Portugisisk historie ; Qatars historie ; Rumænsk historie ; Russisk historie ; Rwandas historie ; Salomonøernes historie ; Samoas historie ; San Marinos historie ; São Tomé & Principles historie ; Saudi-Arabisk historie ; Schweizisk historie ; Senegals historie ; Serbisk historie ; Seychellernes historie ; Sierra Leones historie ; Singapores historie ; Skotsk historie ; Slovakiets historie ; Sloveniens historie ; Somalisk historie ; Spansk historie ; Sri Lankas historie ; St. Kitts & Nevis historie ; St. Lucias historie ; St. Vincent & Grenadinernes historie ; Sudanesisk historie ; Surinams historie ; Svensk historie ; Swazilands historie ; Sydafrikansk historie ; Sydkoreansk historie ; Sydsudans historie ; Syrisk historie ; Tadsjikistansk historie ; Taiwanesisk historie ; Tanzaniansk historie ; Tchads historie ; Thailandsk historie ; Tjekkisk historie ; Togos historie ; Tongas historie ; Trinidad & Tobagos historie ; Tunesisk historie ; Turkmenistansk historie ; Tuvalus historie ; Tyrksk historie ; Tysk historie ; Ugandas historie ; Ukrainsk historie ; Ungarns historie ; Uruguays historie ; Usbekistans historie ; Vanuatus historie ; Venezuelas historie ; Vietnamesisk historie ; Yemens historie ; Zambias historie ; Zimbabweansk historie ; Ækvatorial Guineas historie ; Østrisk historie ; Østtimorsk historie.


Eyles, Eric C., "Prehistoric shell artifacts from the Apalachicola River Valley area, Northwest Florida" (2004). Graduate Theses and Dissertations.

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