Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 31. maj 1921 / Time Line May 31, 1921

Version 3.0

30. Maj 1921, Juni 1921

Memorial Day Tulsa, Oklahoma
It was Tuesday, May 31, 1921, and the worst race riot in U.S. history was underway. It is an event that hardly anyone commemorates on Memorial Day weekend, because its existence has been all but erased.
More than 1,000 homes and businesses were destroyed in less than a week, and at least 300 people were killed, and then buried, possibly in unmarked mass graves, according to a 2001 report on the incident by an Oklahoma state commission.
Kilde: In Tulsa, Keeping Alive 1921's Painful Memory : Recognition, Reparations Sought for Race Riot.
/ : Darryl Fears. © 2005 The Washington Post Company.
Litteratur: Tulsa Race Riot : A Report by the Oklahoma Commission to Study the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, 2001. - 188 s.
- og yderligere dokumentation

Massakre efter raceuroligheder i den amerikanske by Tusla i Oklahoma.
Ifølge en foreløbig rapport fra Tulsa Race Riot Commission menes op mod 300 sorte at være dræbt, skriver Berlingske Tidende 6.2.2000.



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