
Græsk: Den naturvidenskabelige lære om verdensrummet, universet og solsystemer eksempelvis astrometri, astrofysik og kosmologi.
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Astronomi har været kendt siden oldtiden og var i middelalderen forudsætningen for udviklingen af den moderne videnskab.
Arkæoastronomi er det tværvidenskabelige studie af fortidens kulturers observationer af og forestillinger om himmelfænomener baseret på arkæologiske udgravninger, bygningsmonumenter og deres astronomiske betydning.
Astronomi dækker al videnskab og jura om rummet uden for jorden og dens atmosfære, himlen.
Astronomi er grundlaget for bestræbelser på at militarisere og beherske verdensrummet med henblik på krigsførelse så som stjernekrig.
Blandt astronomer kan nævnes: Ptolemæus, Hypatia af Alexandria, John Dee (1527–1608?), Arthur Eddington, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), Edwin Hubble (1889-1953), Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), Karl Schwarzschild.
Se også: Amazon Stonehenge, Calçoene megalitiske observatorium Brasilien; astroide ; galakse ; efemeride ; Stonehenge England ; Supernova Cosmology Project.
Se tillige: Arabiske astromiske primærkilder: Timbuktu eller Tombouctou manuskripterne ved Institut des Hautes Etudes et de Recherches Islamiques - Ahmed Baba, Timbuktu / Ahmed Baba Institute of Higher Learning and Islamic Research, Mali


Astronomy and world heritage: Across time and continents. / : Mikhail Ya. Marov et al. Kazan Federal University, 2016.
This collective monograph aims to highlight the results of scientific research in the field of archeoastronomy integrating archeology and the history of astronomy. It is composed of the set of papers submitted to the UNESCO International Conference “Astronomy and World Heritage: Across time and continents” which was held in Kazan (Russia) in August 2009. The baseline of the Conference was the UNESCO Thematic initiative “Astronomy and World Heritage” launched in 2004. Distinguished delegates from 15 countries attended the meeting including specialists in the fields of astronomy and archaeology, UNESCO and IAU representatives, as well as directors of astronomical observatories and coordinators of international projects.
The monograph contains a comprehensive review of the main results of the study made until recently by European, Asian and American scientists and represents a synergism of astronomy and archaeoastronomy/archeology
Referencematerialer inden for naturvidenskab & medicin. / : Finn Hjortgaard Christensen et al.
Danmarks biblioteksskole, 1985.
Dansk astronomi gennem firehundrede år, I-III. / : redaktion Claus Thykier ; udgivet ved Kjeld Gyldenkerne og Per Barner Darnell ; værkets forfattere: Kjeld Gyldenkerne m. fl.. Rhodos , 1990.
Gesammelte Werke. / : Johannes Kepler ; begründet von Walther von Dyck und Max Caspar ; fortgesetzt von Franz Hammer ; hrsg. von der Kepler-Kommission der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1937-.
Die Hauptaufgabe der Kepler-Kommission ist es, eine historisch-kritische und kommentierte Edition der Schriften und Briefe des Astronomen Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) zu erarbeiten. Bis 2017 sind 26 Bände erschienen. Der abschließende Band enthält das Gesamtregister und den Handschriftenkatalog.
De revolutionibus orbium coelestium Habes in hoc opere iam recens nato, & aedito, studiose lector, motus stellarum, tam fixarum, quam erraticarum, cum ex ueteribus, tum etiam ex recentibus obseruationibus restitutos: & nouis insuper ac admirabilibus hypothesibus ornatos. Habes etiam tabulas expeditissimas, ex quibus eosdem ad quoduis tempus quam facilli me calculare poteris. Igitur eme, lege, fruere. / : Nicolai Copernici Torinensis . - Norimbergae : Apud Ioh. Petreium, 1473.
The gradual acceptance of the Copernican theory of the universe.
/ : Dorothy Stimson. Thesis (Ph.D.) - Columbia University, 1917.

Astronomy Library of the Vienna University -
Brahe, Tycho: De nova et nullius ævi memoria prius visa Stella, iam pridem Anno à nato CHRISTO 1572, mense Novembrj primùm Constecta, contemplatio mathematica . - København: Lorentz Benedikt, 1573. [Om den nye stjerne].
Dresden Codex eller Codex Dresdensis, udateret
Albert Einstein, Karl Schwarzschild and the Schwarzschild Metric. / : Patrick Bruskiewich.
Mathematical-physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. 2012.
A close look at the life and work of Karl Schwarzschild and in particular the Schwarzschild Metric and his two papers from 1916. It is evident that scientists like Riemann and Schwarzschild were looking at gravity as a curving of space long before Einstein and his famous 1916 paper on the Theory of General Relativity. Einstein was definitely not the first physicist to suggest that space-time was curved. Schwarzschild wrote a paper on the subject of the curvature of space in 1900, over fifteen years before Einstein's 1916 paper. Schwarzschild may have been inspired by work by Gauss, but was certainty inspired by the work on the curvature of space done by Riemann. Schwarzschild could expand on Einstein's 1916 paper so readily because he was familiar with the math and physics.
The equation of state perspective to the Schwarzschild model of stellar structure showed a dichotomy between Dr. Kaempffer and Dr. Volkoff. Dr. Kaempffer emphasized the space-time aspect of the model, while Dr. Volkoff emphasized the equation of state aspect of the model. It is understandable why Dr. Volkoff, who is famous for his 1939 paper with J.R. Oppenheimer, and is known for the Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation of state of neutron stars, would place special emphasis on the equation of state aspect of the problem.
Der Almanach perpetuum des Abraham Zacuto: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Astronomie im Mittelalter (1918, 1478).
Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the context of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention: A Thematic Study. / : Clive Ruggles and Michel Cotte. - Paris: ICOMOS ; the International Astronomical Union, 2010.
Halley's Comet in History. / : editors F R Stephenson and C B F Walker. British Museum Publications, 1985.
Horrebow, Peder: Elementa doctrinae sphaericae, eller En kort og tilstrækkelig underretning om jord- og himmel-kuglernes brug, uddragen og oversat af vores vidtberømte mathematici, herr professor Peder Horrebows, fortreffelige latinske compendio, til den studerende ungdoms brug og nytte i skolerne udi Danmark og Norge, og, for deres skyld i særdeeleshed, som mangle levende anviisning, forøget med adstillige anmaerkninger og problematibus ved J.H. Trykt hos directeuren over Hans Kongel . Majestaets og Universitaets bogtrykkerie J.J . Høpffner, 1750. - 90 s.
Hubble, Edwin Powell: Photographic investigations of faint nebulae / Fotografiske undersøgelser af svage stjernetåger ([1920]).
Parapegmata, Or, Astrology, Weather, and Calendars in the Ancient World, Being an Examination of the Interplay Between the Heavens and the Earth in the Classical and Near-Eastern Cultures of Antiquity, with Particular Reference to the Regulation of Agricultural Practice, and to the Signs and Causes of Storms, Tempests, & c.. A thesis submitted in confonnity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Instituie for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology. University of Toronto. / Daryn Rosario Lehoux. 2000. - 247 s.
Wright, Thomas: The universe and the stars, being an original theory on the visible creation, founded on the laws of nature.
- Philadelphia, Printed for C. Wetherill, 1837.
'London ed. of 1750 has title: An original theory or new hypothesis of the universe.'

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