Geografi ; natur ; klima ; demografi ; historie ; ophørte fredsbevægelser ; ophørte politiske partier ; ophørte sociale bevægelser ; krige ; kultur ; biblioteker ; kunst ; film; musik ; musikorganisationer ; folkemusik ; jazz ; pop ; rock ; musiklitteratur ; politik: indenrigspolitik ; udenrigspolitik ; præsidenter ; regering ; lovgivende forsamling ; valg ; kernevåben ; efterretningstjenester ; aktuelle politiske partier 2010 ; aktuelle fredsbevægelser ; militærnægterorganisationer ; religion ; aktuelle sociale bevægelser ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; universiteter ; økonomi ; våbenhandel.

USA, forsvar/militær

U.S. defense / military

Défense/militaire américaine

Amerikanischen Verteidigung / Militär

Alle oplysninger om amerikanske militære forhold skal tages med et gram salt, forbehold, pga. klassificering eller maskering af information.
All information on U.S. military affairs should be taken with one gram of salt, reservations, due to classification or masking of information.
Pentagon, Forsvarsministeriet
CRS: General and Flag Officers in the U.S. Armed Forces: Background and Considerations for Congress Lawrence Kapp, 2016.
'In the exercise of its constitutional authority over the Armed Forces, Congress has enacted an array of laws which govern important aspects of military officer personnel management, including appointments, assignments, grade structure, promotions, and separations. Some of these laws are directed specifically at the most senior military officers, known as general and flag officers (GFOs)... As of December 2015, there were 896 active duty GFOs.'
Kendte amerikanske efterretningstjenester
/ Known American intelligence agencies
Historisk og aktuel amerikansk deltagelse i krige / Historical and current American involvement in wars
Militære alliancer under og efter den kolde krig / Military alliances during and after the Cold War:
ANZUS, Bagdad-pagten, CENTO, NATO, North American Aerospace Defense Command ; Riotraktaten, SEATO.

Ballistic Missile Defense Organization

Defense Acquisition Deskbook

Aktuelle og amerikanske militære baser i udlandet / Current and U.S. military bases abroad
House Natural Resources: Military Activities on Federal Lands, Part 1 - House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs (now House Committee on Natural Resources). Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands, 1990.
Winthrop, William: Military law and precedents.
- Washington : U.S. G.P.O., (1920).- 1122 s.
SIPRI: Militærudgifter / Military expenditure of USA.
USAs forsvarsudgifter efter anden verdenskrig er bl.a. registreret i National Defense Budget Estimates - FY 2004.
CRS: Military Service Records and Unit Histories: A Guide to Locating Sources. / : Julissa Gomez-Granger ; Anne Leland. 2012. - 11 s. ; 'Personnel Files: Military Service Pension Records and Unit Histories at the National Archives'.
The Defense Logistics Agency er bl.a. beskrevet i CRS's Department of Defense Food Procurement: Background and Status. / : Valerie Bailey Grasso. January 24, 2013. - 8 s.
'Military food items, also known as subsistence items, are generally procured under the auspices of the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), an agency of the Department of Defense (DOD) which provides worldwide logistics support for the U.S. military services. Under DLA, DLA Troop Services (formerly the Defense Supply Center Philadelphia) is the inventory control point for food, clothing, textiles, medicines, medical equipment, general and industrial supplies, and services for the military, their eligible dependents, and other non-DOD customers worldwide. DLA Troop Services buys and manages about $13.4 billion worth of food, clothing, textiles, and other products'.
CRS: Department of Defense Energy Initiatives: Background and Issues for Congress, 2012. - 59 s.
CRS: Federal Research and Development Funding: FY2013. /: John F. Sargent Jr., Coordinator. 2012. - 56 s.
'Funding for R&D is highly concentrated in a few departments. Under President Obama's FY2013 budget request, seven federal agencies would receive 95.8% of total federal R&D funding, with the Department of Defense (50.6%) and the Department of Health and Human Services (22.3%, primarily for the National Institutes of Health) accounting for nearly three-fourths of all R&D funding.
CRS: Defining Homeland Security: Analysis and Congressional Considerations. / Shawn Reese. 2012. - 18 s.
Militære værn, under ledelse af De øverste værnschefer. se også Military Traffic Management Command.
CRS: Goldwater-Nichols at 30: Defense Reform and Issues for Congress. / : Kathleen J. McInnis, 2016.
Desert One, 1980 Iran
Grenada, 1983
Beirut, 1983
GAO: Military Transformation : Additional Actions Needed by U.S. Strategic Command to Strengthen Implementation of Its Many Missions and New Organization, 2006. - 71 s.
The cemetery's Gravesite Accountability Task Force: Report to Congress on Implementation of Army Directive on Army National Cemeteries Program, 2011. - 45 s. -
Headquarters, Department of the Army: Law and Order Operations, 2011. - 250 s.
Posture Statement of Admiral Eric T. Olson, USN Commander United States Special Operations Command before the 112th congress house armed services committee march 3, 2011.
United States Military Information Division. War Dept:Organized Militia of the United States in 1898 (1900).
Værnepligt: WRI: Nej. Country report and updates: USA
Names of persons, enrolled as liable to military duty (under the act of Congress, approved March 3, 1863,) in the Third congressional district, New York. Eleventh ward. /: United States. Provost-marshal-general's bureau. Board of enrollment (New York. 3d district). 1863. - 160 s. -
Se også: MacDill Army Air Base, Tampa Florida, 1941-., herunder Strategic Air Command, Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force og US Central Command ; Maersk Line.


CRS: Defense Surplus Equipment Disposal: Background Information. / : Valerie Bailey Grasso. 2014.
Department of Defense: Report to Congress on Future Unmanned Aircraft Systems Training, Operations, and Sustainability. / : Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. 2012. - 27 s.
CRS: Congressional Restrictions on U.S. Military Operations in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Somalia, and Kosovo: Funding and Non-Funding Approaches. Amy Belasco et al. January 16, 2007. - 41 s.

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