Geografi ; demografi ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; Wars; culture ; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Peace movements; Religion; social conditions ; Education; Economy and arms trade.

Kiribatis historie:

Oldtiden / Antiquity.
Stenalderen / Stone Age.
Bronzealderen / Bronze Age.
Jernalderen / Iron Age.
Kiribati blev koloniseret af Tonga imperiet og senere sammen med Tuvalu af Storbritannien som Gilbert-øerne 1916-1971.
Amerikanske og britiske atom- og brintbombeforsøg i Kiribati under den kolde krig.
Line øerne, bl.a. Juleøerne og Malden, blev brugt af Storbritannien og USA til brintbombeforsøg, bl.a. Operation Grapple, under den første del af den kolde krig, 1957.
Banaban Voice: British court to hear Pacific nuclear test (Christmas Island - Kiribati) compensation case, 2009.
Compensation issue. / : Professor Wadan Narsey.
Fiji Times Online, Thursday, January 29, 2015
The Bainimarama Government has apparently decided that it will compensate Fiji's nuclear test veterans. But should it not be Britain doing the compensating, not Fiji taxpayers? This article is an edited version of one published originally in Island Business in August, 2009.
It is in two parts.
British nuclear tests in the Pacific
During 1957 and 1958, Britain conducted nuclear tests in the Pacific — three at Malden Island, and six at Christmas Island, part of the British colony then called Gilbert and Ellice Islands (now called Kiribati and Tuvalu respectively).
British, Australian, New Zealand and Fijian servicemen were exposed to risks of radiation. So also were indigenous Gilbertese (now referred to as I-Kiribati) in the test zones.
A 1999 book (Kirisimasi: Fijian Troops at Britain's Christmas Island Nuclear Tests) by the Pacific Concerns Resource Centre, outlines the personal case histories of the many Fijians who suffered the ill-effects of radiation at the test sites, as well as the continuing effects on their children. Included in the long list of names is the former President of Fiji, the late Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau, who died of leukemia and sepsis in 1993.
Nuclear test veterans: Britain urged to compensate Fijians over 1950s Christmas Island tests ABC News Posted 3 Feb 2015
Fijian veterans of British nuclear tests in the Pacific are hoping the British government will finally offer them help after the Fijian government offered compensation payments.
Fiji's prime minister, Frank Bainimarama, announced his government would provide about $A6,000 payments to 24 surviving Fijian soldiers who were on Christmas Island (now Kiribati), during British nuclear tests in the late 1950s.
"Fiji is not prepared to wait for Britain to do the right thing," he said.
Pacific nuclear test veterans lose UK compensation bid
Radio New Zealand News, 15 March 2012
Hundreds of veterans of British nuclear tests in the Pacific in the 1950s have lost the latest round of their fight for government compensation.
The claimants - former service personnel from Britain, New Zealand and Fiji - say they were exposed to radioactive fallout and that exposure caused illnesses or disabilities.
Nuclear test veterans - compensation. / : Patsy Richards.
House of Commons Library Standard Note: SNSC-05145 2013.

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