Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; Britiske kolonier og protektorater, krigsdeltagelse ; kultur, bogvæsen ; musik ; pladeselskaber ; folkemusik ; rock; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; efterretningstjenester ; kernevåben ; atomvåbenforsøg ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold, uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; British colonies and protectorates, War participation; Culture, Books On Books; Music; Record companies; Folk music; Rock; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Intelligence services; Nuclear weapons; Nuclear weapons tests; Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions, Education; Economy and arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie; Colonies et protectorats britanniques, Participation à la guerre; Culture, livres sur les livres; La musique; Les maisons de disques; Musique folklorique; Roche; Politique; Partis politiques ; La défense; Services de renseignement; Armes nucléaires; Tests d'armes nucléaires; Mouvements de paix; Religion; Conditions sociales, éducation; L'économie et le commerce des armes.

Storbritanniens historie:

Britain's history:
Storbritannien er siden den kolde krigs tid medlem af atomvåbenklubben. Atomvåbenuheld.
The UK has since the Cold War, been a member of the nuclear weapons club. Nuclear weapons accidents.
A repertory of British archives. Vol. 1. England. / : compiled for the Royal Historical Society by Hubert Hall ; assisted by research students of the University. - London : Offices of the Society 1920.
Kilder til dansk historie i engelske arkiver.
/ : Jens Engbjerg. Rigsarkivet, 1968.
God rundgang i vigtige offentlige og private engelske arkiver fra dengang, hvor arkiverne stadig brugte fotokopier, mikrofishe.
Oldtiden / Antiquity.
Palæontologi / Megafauna.
Stenalderen / Stone Age.
Astronomi kulturarv og arkæoastronomi.
Bronzealderen / Bronze Age.
Helleristninger / Petroglyph.
Jernalderen / Iron Age.
Astronomy and world heritage: Across time and continents. / : Mikhail Ya. Marov et al. Kazan Federal University, 2016.
New Wood Henge by Chris Scarre, the University of Cambridge
Archaeological, Volume 51 Number 1, January/February 1998, Archaeological Institute of America
'Remains of the largest timber henge ever found have been discovered at Stanton Drew, near Bristol, a site already famous for its three circles of standing stones. The new henge, detected during a magnetometer survey of the Great Circle, the largest of the stone monuments, has nine concentric rings of what look like postholes, each about three feet wide. The outermost ring is more than 300 feet in diameter, filling most of the area within the Great Circle, while the innermost ring is about 75 feet across. All told, there were probably between 400 and 500 posts. Beyond the stones the magnetometer located an encircling ditch, no longer visible, about 23 feet wide and almost 450 feet in diameter. Thus, the whole monument is somewhat larger than Stonehenge.'
Kelterne eller gallerne / Celts i bronze- og jernalderen.
Storbritannien var besat af Romeriget / the Roman Empire samt Det galliske imperium (Imperium Galliarum), 260-274, og danskerne Danalagen i vikingetiden. Katakomber. Normanernes erobring af England 1066.
Angelsaksiske, oldengelske krøniker / Anglo-Saxon, Old English chronicles
Den tidlige britiske historieskrivning.
Se også opslaget i Kulturhistorisk leksikon for nordisk middelalder bd. 1 spalterne 144-146.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several original authorities. / : edited, with a translation by Benjamin Thorpe. - London : Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, 1861 (London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Her Majesty's Printers) 2 v. : facsims (some fold.) Rerum Britannicarum medii aevi scriptores Includes index. v. 1. Original texts.-- v. 2. Translation.
Codex diplomaticus aevi saxonici I-VI. / : opera Johannis M. Kemble.
- Londini, sumptibus Societatis / English Historical Society, 1839-48.
A Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, on the Most Interesting and Entertaining Subjects: But Chiefly Such as Relate to the History and Constitution of These Kingdoms : Selected from an Infinite Number in Print and Manuscript, in the Royal, Cotton, Sion, and Other Public, as Well as Private, Libraries : Particularly that of the Late Lord Somers, Bind 1. / : Sir Walter Scott. T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1809. %22
Diplomatarium anglicum aevi saxonici : A collection of English charters, from the reign of King Æthelberht of Kent, A. D. DC. V. to that of William the conqueror. Containing I. Miscellaneous charter. II. Wills. III. Guilds. IV. Manumissions and acquittances. With a translation of the Anglo-Saxon
Supplement to Kemble's "Codex diplomaticus aevi saxonici"
Syllabus (in English) of the documents relating to England and other kingdoms contained in the collection known as "Rymer's Foedera." or "Rymer's Fædera.". / : Thomas Duffus Hardy, deputy keeper of the public records.
- London : Longmans, Green, 1869-85. v. 1. 1066-1377.--v. 2. 1377-1654.--v. 3. Appendix and index.
Laurence Marcellus Larson: Canute the Great: 995 (circ.)-1035 and the Rise of Danish Imperialism During the Viking Age (1912).
Jens Jakob Asmussen: Minder om Danske og Nordmændene i England, Skotland og Irland. - Kjøbenhavn : C. A. Reitzel, 1851. - 468 s.
'De Danske i England.--Nord-mændene i Skotland.--Nordmændene i Irland.'
Chronicles of England (Westminster: William Caxton, 1480).
Historiske stater i Storbritannien
Magna Carta 1215
McKechnie, William Sharp: Magna carta ; a commentary on the great charter of King John : with an historical introduction (1914).
"Select bibliography and list of authorities referred to": p.[513]-518.
"Index of statutes": p. [519]-520
Stearns, John M. (John Milton), 1810-1898: The germs and developments of the laws of England : embracing the Anglo-Saxon laws extant from the sixth century to A. D. 1066 : as translated into English under the Royal record commission of William IV : with the introduction of the common law by Norman judges after the conquest, and its earliest proferts in Magna charta (1889).
Includes Magna Carta: p. 314-362 and glossary of terms found in Saxon laws: p. 369-370
An historical essay on the Magna charta of King John : to which are added, the Great charter in Latin and English; the charter of liberties and confirmations, granted by Henry III. and Edward I.; the original Charter of the forests; and various authentic instruments connected with them; explanatory notes on their several privileges; a descriptive account of the principal originals and editions extant, both in print and manuscript, and other illustrations, derived from the most interesting and authentic sources (1829). -
Tudortiden 1485-1558. Elisabethansk tid eller den engelske renæssance (1558–1603). 3. Storbrand i London 1666 / The Great Fire of London.
British Association for Local History, Federation of Family History Societies, Historical Manuscripts Commission, Institute of Historical Research, Oral History Society, 1973-., Society for the Study of Labour History, Social History Society
Society of Antiquaries of London, Society of Genealogists
Dictionary of National Biography - 'The original dictionary was published by George Smith as a 63–volume set between 1885 and 1901.'
Dunn Macray, William: A Manual of British Historians to A. D. 1600 - Containing a Chronological Account of the Early Chroniclers and Monkish Writers Their Printed Works and Unpublished Mss (1845).
Kongeriget Storbritannien grundlægges 1707 og kongerigerne England og Skotland ophører hermed.
/ The Kingdom of Great Britain is founded in 1707 and the Kingdoms of England and Scotland ends.
/ Le Royaume de Grande-Bretagne est fondée en 1707 et les Royaumes de l'Angleterre et de l'Ecosse se termine.
/ El Reino de Gran Bretaña se fundó en 1707 y los reinos de Inglaterra y Escocia termina.
/ Das Königreich von Großbritannien ist im Jahre 1707 und die Königreiche von England und Schottland endet gegründet.
Konger ; monarker / Kings; monarchs:
Mutiny: Highland Regiments in Revolt, 1743-1804. / : John Prebble.
- London : Secker & Warburg, 1975.
Den industrielle revolution, oplysningstiden. Alabama voldgiftsagen.
London Corresponding Society 1792-1799
Society for Constitutional Information 1780-?
An act for the more effectual suppression of societies established for seditious and treasonable purposes, and for better preventing treasonable and seditious practices: 12th July 1799.
The reports of the Committee of Secrecy of the House of Commons, on the papers belonging to the Society for Constitutional Information, and the London Corresponding Society seized by order of government, and presented to the House by Mr Secretary Dundas. (Printed by order of the House of Commons.). Edinburgh : Printed for Bell & Bradfute, and W. Creech, 1794.
The principles of government, in a dialogue between a scholar and a peasant. Written by a member of the Society for Constitutional Information. [ - London?] [1783].
The trial of Joseph Gerrald, : [electronic resource] delegate from the London Corresponding Society, to the British Convention. Before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, On the 3d, 10th, 13th, and 14th of March, 1794. For sedition. / Taken in short-hand by Mr.Ramsey. Trial of patriots New-York : Printed and Sold by Samuel Campbell, no. 124, Pearl-Street, 1794.
The trial of Thomas Hardy for high treason : at the Sessions House in the Old Bailey, on Tuesday the twenty-eighth, Wednesday the twenty-ninth, Thursday the thirtieth, Friday the thirty-first of October, and on Saturday the first, Monday the third, Tuesday the fourth, and Wednesday the fifth of November, 1794 / taken in short-hand by Joseph Gurney I-IV.
- London : Sold by Martha Gurney ..., 1794-1795.
Understanding the London Corresponding Society: A Balancing Act between Adversaries Thomas Paine and Edmund Burke. / : Jocelyn B. Hunt.
- Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2013
Den kolde krig
Storbritannien: Greenham Common ; Deltagelse i krige ; kolonier og protektorater.

Se tillige: Afrikansk historie ; Historie fra Amerika ; Asiens historie ; Historie fra Europa ; Historie fra Oceanien (inkl. Australien og New Zealand)
Afghansk historie ; Albansk historie ; Algerisk historie ; Andorras historie ; Angolas historie ; Antigua & Barbudas historie ; Argentinsk historie ; Armensk historie ; Aserbajdsjans historie ; Australsk historie ; Bahamaøernes historie ; Bahrainsk historie ; Bangladesh historie ; Barbados historie ; Belgisk historie ; Belizes historie ; Benins historie ; Bhutans historie ; Boliviansk historie ; Bosnien-Hercegovinas historie ; Botswanansk historie ; Brasiliansk historie ; Britiske koloniermandatområder og protektorater ; Brunei Darussalamsk historie ; Bulgarsk historie ; Burkina Fasos historie ; Burundis historie ; Canadisk historie ; Cambodjansk historie ; Camerouns historie ; Centralafrikansk historie ; Chilensk historie ; Colombiansk historie ; Comorernes historie ; Congolesisk historie ; Costa Ricansk historie ; Cubansk historie ; Cypriotisk historie ; Dansk historie ; Dansk historisk bibliografi ; Den demokratiske republik Congos historie ; Djiboutis historie ; Dominicas historie ; Den dominikanske republiks historie ; Ecuadoriansk historie ; Egyptisk historie ; El Salvadoransk historie ; Elfenbenskystens historie ; Eritreas historie ; Estlands historie ; Etiopisk historie ; Fijis historie ; Filippinsk historie ; Finsk historie ; De forenede arabiske Emiraters historie ; Fransk historie ; Fransk Polynesiens historie ; Færøsk historie ; Gabons historie ; Gambiansk historie ; Georgiens historie ; Ghanas historie ; Grenadas historie ; Græsk historie ; Grønlandsk historie ; Guatemalas historie ; Guineas historie ; Guinea-Bissaus historie ; Guyanas historie ; Haitiansk historie ; Honduransk historie ; Hollansk historie ; Hvideruslands historie ; Indisk historie ; Indonesisk historie ; Iraks historie ; Iransk historie ; Islandsk historie ; Irsk historie ; Israelsk historie ; Italiensk historie ; Jamaicas historie ; Japansk historie ; Jordans historie ; Kap Verdisk historie ; Kasakhstanisk historie ; Kenyansk historie ; Kinesisk historie ; Kirgisistans historie ; Kiribatis historie ; Kosovoansk historie ; Kroatiens historie ; Kuwaits historie ; Laotisk historie ; Lesothisk historie ; Letlandsk historie ; Libanesisk historie ; Liberias historie ; Libysk historie ; Liechtensteins historie ; Litauens historie ; Luxembourgs historie ; Madagascars historie ; Makedonsk historie ; Malawis historie ; Malaysiansk historie ; Maldiviensk historie ; Malis historie ; Maltesisk historie ; Marokkansk historie ; Marshalløernes historie ; Mauretaniens historie ; Mauritiusk historie ; Mexicansk historie ; Mikronesisk historie ; Moldovisk historie ; Monacos historie ; Mongoliets historie ; Montenegros historie ; Mozambiques historie ; Myanmars historie ; Namibias historie ; Naurus historie ; Nepals historie ; New Zealandsk historie ; Nicaraguas historie ; Nigers historie ; Nigerias historie ; Norsk historie ; Nordkoreansk historie ; Omans historie ; Pakistansk historie ; Palaus historie ; Palæstinas historie ; Panamansk historie ; Papua Ny Guineas historie ; Paraguays historie ; Peruviansk historie ; Polsk historie ; Portugisisk historie ; Qatars historie ; Rumænsk historie ; Russisk historie ; Rwandas historie ; Salomonøernes historie ; Samoas historie ; San Marinos historie ; São Tomé & Principles historie ; Saudi-Arabisk historie ; Schweizisk historie ; Senegals historie ; Serbisk historie ; Seychellernes historie ; Sierra Leones historie ; Singapores historie ; Skotsk historie ; Slovakiets historie ; Sloveniens historie ; Somalisk historie ; Spansk historie ; Sri Lankas historie ; St. Kitts & Nevis historie ; St. Lucias historie ; St. Vincent & Grenadinernes historie ; Sudanesisk historie ; Surinams historie ; Svensk historie ; Swazilands historie ; Sydafrikansk historie ; Sydkoreansk historie ; Sydsudans historie ; Syrisk historie ; Tadsjikistansk historie ; Taiwanesisk historie ; Tanzaniansk historie ; Tchads historie ; Thailandsk historie ; Tjekkisk historie ; Togos historie ; Tongas historie ; Trinidad & Tobagos historie ; Tunesisk historie ; Turkmenistansk historie ; Tuvalus historie ; Tyrksk historie ; Tysk historie ; Ugandas historie ; Ukrainsk historie ; Ungarns historie ; Uruguays historie ; USAs historie ; Usbekistans historie ; Vanuatus historie ; Venezuelas historie ; Vietnamesisk historie ; Yemens historie ; Zambias historie ; Zimbabweansk historie ; Ækvatorial Guineas historie ; Østrisk historie ; Østtimorsk historie.


Vejledning om arkiverne i medlemsstaternes udenrigsministerier, De europæiske fællesskaber og det europæiske politiske samarbejde.
- Luxembourg : Kontoret for de europæiske fællesskabers officielle publikationer, 1991.
Abercromby, John: A study of the bronze age pottery of Great Britain & Ireland, and its associated grave-goods, ... with 1611 illustrations of pottery, 155 examples of grave-goods, and 10 plates showing ornamentation I-II (1912). 300+240 s.
- , og
Brees, Samuel Charles: Railway practice: a collection of working plans and practical details of construction in the public works of the most celebrated engineers comprising tunnels and tunnel fronts, turnpike road bridges... ornamental bridges, with various designs for iron rails and framing... aqueducs, turn-tables, cranes, and railway depots, with sheds, &c . on the several railways, canals, and other public works throughout the kingdom; as the London and Birmingham...Slamannan, and Wishaw and Coltness railways and the elegant aqueduct of the Lancaster Canal over the River Lune. A series of original designs for every description of railway works, in various styles of architecture, completes the volume (1838).
Giles, John Allen: Six old English chronicles, of which two are now first translated from the monkish Latin originals: Ethelwerd's Chronicle. Asser's Life of Alfred. Geoffrey of Monmouth's British history. Gildas. Nennius, and Richard of Cirencester. - London, Bell & Daldy, 1848. - 562 s. -, herunder:
Nennius: Historia Brittonum, 8th century -
London labour and the London poor : the condition and earnings of those that will work, cannot work, and will not work ([1862-1864?]). v.1-3. The London street folk. -- [v.4]. Those that will not work comprising prostitutes, thieves, swindlers, beggars / by several contributors ; with introductory essay on the agencies at present in operation in the metropolis for the suppression of vice and crime by William Tuckniss.
Dictionary of National Biography. / : edited by Leslie Stephen [and Sidney Lee] v. 1-[63] Abbadie-[Zuylestein. And Supplement, v. 1-3, Abbott-Woodward]. - New York : Macmillan, 1885-1901. 68 v.
"Memoir of George Smith," the proprietor and publisher of the Dictionary: Suppl., v. 1, p. [ix]-xlix. Vols. 1- 21, edited by Leslie Stephen; v. 22-26, by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee; v. 27-63 and Supplement, 3 vols., by Sidney Lee. Published quarterly. -- v. 64. Errata -- v. 65. [Second] supplement, January 1901- December 1911 / edited by Sidney Lee. London, Oxford University Press, [1939] -- v. 66. [Third supplement] 1912-1921 / edited by H.W.C. Davis and J.R.H. Weaver, with an index covering the years 1901-1921 in one alphabetical series. London. Oxford University Press, [1938] -- v. 67. [Fourth supplement] 1922-1930 / edited by J.R.H. Weaver with an index covering the years 1901-1930 in one alphabetical series. London, Oxford University Press, [1937] -- v. 68. [Fifth supplement] 1931-1940 / edited by L.G. Wickham Legg, with an index covering the years 1901-1940. London, Oxford University Press, 1949 -- v. 1-21, edited by Leslie Stephen.--v. 22-26, by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee.--v. 27-63, Supplement (3 v., 1901), and Index (1 v., 1903), by Sidney Lee.--[Supplement] 1912-1921, by H.W.C. Davis and J.R.H. Weaver, with index, 1901-1921 (1 v., 1927)
The Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) is a standard work of reference on notable figures from British history, published from 1885. The updated Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (ODNB) was published on 23 September 2004 in 60 volumes and online.
The Dictionary of national biography, founded in 1882 by George Smith. The concise dictionary from the beginnings to 1911; being an epitome of the main works and its supplement, to which is added an epitome of the supplement, 1901-1911. Both ed. by Sir Sidney Lee. [Oxford] Oxford University Press [1920].
Politikens bog om engelsk : fra øsprog til verdenssprog. / : Jan Svartvik. Politiken, 2001.

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