Geografi ; natur ; klima ; demografi ; historie ; ophørte fredsbevægelser ; ophørte politiske partier ; ophørte sociale bevægelser ; krige ; kultur ; biblioteker ; kunst ; film; musik ; musikorganisationer ; folkemusik ; jazz ; pop ; rock ; musiklitteratur ; politik: indenrigspolitik ; udenrigspolitik ; præsidenter ; regering ; lovgivende forsamling ; valg ; militær ; kernevåben ; efterretningstjenester ; aktuelle politiske partier 2010 ; aktuelle fredsbevægelser ; religion ; aktuelle sociale bevægelser ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; universiteter ; økonomi ; våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature; Climate; Demography; History: Ceased peace movements; Discontinued political parties; Ceased social movements; Wars; Culture: Libraries; Art; film; Music; Music organizations; Folk music; Jazz; Pop; Rock; Music literature; Policy: Domestic policy; Foreign policy; Presidents; Government; Legislative assembly; Elections; Military; Nukes; Intelligence services; Current political parties 2010; Current peace movements; Religion; Current social movements; Social conditions ; Education; Universities; Economy; Arms trafficking.


Den første amerikanske værnepligt i USA kom i forbindelse med den amerikanske borgerkrig (1861-1865), hvor både Nordstaterne og Sydstaterne indførte almindelig værnepligt som sidst blev afskaffet i forbindelse med afslutningen af Vietnamkrigen. USAs militærnægtere organiserede sig først og fremmest under første og anden verdenskrig, Koreakrigen og Vietnamkrigen. En stor del af arkiverne fra de amerikanske krigsmodstandere og deres organisationer er på Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Aktuelt er der ikke værnepligt i USA, men hvervning af professionelle soldater. Dette indebærer, at der nu er få organisationer som hovedsagelig beskæftiger sig med militærnægnægtelse.

US CO organizations

The first compulsory military service or the draft in the U.S. came during the American Civil War (1861-1865), where both the North and the South introduced ordinary conscription who was eventually abolished in connection with the end of the Vietnam War. U.S. conscientious objectors organized primarily during the First and Second World War, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. A large part of the archives of the American war opponents and their organizations are at the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Currently there is no conscription in the U.S., but the recruitment of professional soldiers. This implies that there are now few organizations which mainly deals with conscientious objection.

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Protestsang fra den amerikanske borgerkrig, 1861


Se også: American Deserters Committee of Montreal, Canada ; American Deserters Committee Stockholm, Sweden ; John James Audubon ; AWOL ; Civilian Public Service ; Military Census Bureau ; New York City draft riots, 1863 ; Ophørte fredsbevægelser ; USA: Historie ; Archives of Maryland Online: conscientious ; Lusk udvalget: Joint Legislative Committee to Investigate Seditious Activities ; Special Commission on Military Education and Reserve ; Toronto American Deserters Committee senere the Committee to Aid Refugees from Militarism ; The Union of American Exiles, Toronto ; United States Pacifist Party ; War Manpower Commission ; Women for Peace, Chicago, IL.


Terp, Holger: Peace in Print
Terp, Holger: Goliath vs David, 2010.

Vietnam War Resisters in Canada : A Guide to Web Sites, 2009.
Attorneys/groups who'll help you get out!: Youth and Militarism Directory 1990.
Sir! No Sir! - The Suppressed Story of the GI Movement to End the War in Vietnam.
Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports on Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans Book III. Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities United States Senate April 23 (under authority of the order of April 14), 1976.
Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights, Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate: Army Surveillance of Civilians: A Documentary Analysis. 1972, 92d Congress, 2d session, 1972.

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure: Selective service and amnesty; hearings ... Ninety-Second Congress, second session ... February 28, 29, March, 1, 1972 (1972).
Kleber, Victor: Selective service in Illinois, 1940-1947 : a complete history of the operation of the Selective Service System in Illinois from its inception on September 16, 1940 to its termination on March 31, 1947. - [Springfield]: Printed by authority of the state of Illinois, 1948. - 519 s.
Amnesty and Pardon for Political Prisoners. / : United States Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary, Thomas Sterling - Washington : Govt. print. off., 1921. - 213 pp. ; Including WWI Draft cases, Convictions, Date of sentence and Judgment pp. 107 ff.).
National service (1917). - 499 pp.
Armed Forces Security Questionnaire. / : Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors. - Philadelphia : 1962. - 5 s.
United States. Provost Marshal General's Bureau: Rules and regulations prescribed by the President for local and district boards under the authority vested in him by the terms of the act of Congress to authorize the President to increase temporarily the military establishment of the United States, approved May, 18, 1917 (1917).
Sanger, Samuel : The olive branch of peace and good will to men anti-war history of the Brethren and Mennonites, the peace people of the South, during the civil war, 1861-1865 (1907).
Friends, Society of. Philadelphia Yearly meeting: Report of the committee of the Meeting for sufferings, to advise and assist such Friends as might be drafted for military service. Also the report of the committee for the gradual improvement and civilization of the Indian natives, 1865. - 30 pp.
Amendatory Enrolment Act, approved the 24th of the 2d month, 1864.
Se: House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th Congress, 2d ... (1864).
Virginia. Supreme Court of Appeals: Opinion of the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia : in regard to liability to military service of the principals of substitutes (1864) - 26 pp.
Confederate States of America, Bureau of Conscription: The following act of Congress is published for the information of all concerned : An act to repeal certain clauses of an act entitled, An act to exempt certain persons from military service .. Richmoind, Va.: Parrish & Willingham. Confederate imprints May 14, 1863. - 8 s.
Confederate States of America. Congress. House of Representatives: A bill to be entitled An Act to exempt certain persons from military duty, and to repeal An Act entitled "An Act to exempt certain persons from enrolment for service in the Army of the Confederate States," approved twenty-first April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two (1862) -, 12 pp..
Confederate States of America. Army. District of Texas. Conscript Service: Orders, no., 13 (1862). - 6 pp.
Obituary: Minneapolis pacifist went to prison three times for his beliefs.
/ : Randy Furst Star Tribune April 10, 2017.
Orin Doty came from an antiwar family, and he lived his principles.
He went to prison three times: twice for opposing the draft and refusing to serve during the Korean War, a third time for not paying his taxes to protest the U.S. military budget.
The Minnesota’s four Doty brothers, accompanied by their father, William.

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