Geografi ; natur ; klima ; demografi ; historie ; ophørte fredsbevægelser ; ophørte politiske partier ; ophørte sociale bevægelser ; krige ; kultur ; biblioteker ; kunst ; film; musik ; musikorganisationer ; folkemusik ; jazz ; pop ; rock ; musiklitteratur ; politik: indenrigspolitik ; udenrigspolitik ; præsidenter ; regering ; lovgivende forsamling ; valg ; militær ; kernevåben ; efterretningstjenester ; aktuelle politiske partier 2010 ; aktuelle fredsbevægelser ; militærnægterorganisationer ; religion ; aktuelle sociale bevægelser ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; universiteter ; økonomi ; våbenhandel.
Geography; nature; climate; demographics; history; discontinued peace movements; discontinued political parties; Discontinued social movements; wars; culture ; libraries; art; film; music; music organizations; folk; jazz; pop; rock; music literature; policy, domestic policy; foreign policy; presidents; government; legislature; elections; military; nuclear weapons; intelligence services; current political parties 2010; current peace movements; conscientious objector organizations; religion; current social movements; social conditions ; education; universities; economy and arms trafficking.

USA: atomvåbenforsøg

US Nuclear weapons tests
américaine essais d'armes nucléaires
Pruebas estadounidense de armas nucleares
Amerikanische Atomwaffentests
USA har foretaget flere atmosfæriske og underjordiske atomvåbenforsøg siden anden verdenskrig og gennem hele atomalderen end alle de andre medlemmer af atomvåbenklubben tilsammen omkring 1500 forsøg. Geografisk har disse forsøg fundet sted i USA og i Stillehavet, nemlig i: Alamogordo Trinity Site og Carlsbad i New Mexico, Forsøgsområderne i Stillehavet, herunder Johnston Island, Juleøen (Kiribati), Marshalløerne, herunder Bikini, Eniwetok og Rongelap atollerne, Mikronesien Nevada, samt i Alaska, Colorado, Mississippi og New Mexico. De sidste områder betegnes af Det amerikanske energiministerium som områder uden for forsøgsområdet i Nevada: The Nevada Offsites refers to sites where underground nuclear tests and experiments were performed outside of the primary testing location formerly known as the Nevada Test Site (now the Nevada National Security Site).
The Nevada Offsites include the following:
Atomvåbenforsøgene omfattede
/ The nuclear weapons tests included
Operation Anvil ; Aqueduct ; Arbor ; Argus ; Bedrock ; Bowline ; Buster-Jangle ; Castle ; Chariot ; Charioteer ; Cornerstone ; Cresset ; Operation Crossroads ; Crosstie ; Cue ; Dominic ; Dominic II ; Dugout ; Emery ; Fishbowl ; Flintlock ; Fulcrum ; Fusileer ; Greenhouse ; Grenadier ; Grommet ; Guardian ; Hardtack I ; Hardtack II ; Ivy ; Julin ; Latchkey ; Little Feller ; Mandrel ; Musketeer ; Newsreel ; Niblick ; Nougat ; Phalanx ; Plowshare ; Plumbbob ; Praetorian ; Project 56 ; Project 57 ; Project 58 ; Project 58A ; Quicksilver ; Ranger ; Redwing ; Roller Coaster ; Sandstone ; Sculpin ; Storax ; Sunbeam ; Teapot ; Tinderbox ; Toggle ; Touchstone ; Trinity ; Tumbler-Snapper ; Upshot-Knothole ; Whetstone ; Wigwam.
/ Contamination, environmental pollution
Se også: Barium ; beryllium ; cerium ; cæsium ; jod ; krypton ; lanthanum ; molybdæn ; neptunium ; niobium ; plutonium ; polonium ; radioaktivitet ; ruthenium ; strontium-90 ; tellur ; tritium ; uran ; xenon ; zirkonium.
Se tillige: Atomfysik ; Atomvåbenuheld ; British nuclear testing in the United States ; demon core ; downwinders ; Radiation Exposure Compensation Act of 1990.


JASON advisory panel: Hydrodynamic and Nuclear Experiments, JSR-11-340. 2011.
'JASON was asked by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to examine the current plans from the NNSA laboratories for hydrodynamic and subcritical experiments and to make recommendations for future efforts. The NNSA recently established the Office ofNuclear Experiments to coordinate a single long-term program of hydrodynamic experiments using surrogate materials and subcritical experiments using plutonium. The goal of this program is to develop improved understanding of the underlying physics of the materials and components in nuclear weapons in support of recent efforts such as the National Boost Initiative. JASON reviewed ongoing activities and plans for these experiments at the NNSA laboratories. The following summarizes the principal findings and recommendations of the report.'
Killing our own : The Disaster of America’s Experience with Atomic Radiation. / : Harvey Wasserman & Norman Solomon with Robert Alvarez & Eleanor Walters. - New York, Delta, 1982 - 250 s. - ISBN 0-440-54566-6

United States Nuclear Tests, July 1945 through September 1992.
U.S. Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office, DOE/NV--209-REV 15, December 2000.
USA's officielle redegørelse over atomvåbenforsøg: 'This document lists chronologically and alphabetically by name all nuclear tests and simultaneous detonations conducted by the United States from July 1945 through September 1992'.

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