zirkonium eller zirconium

Arabisk: Et radioaktivt, grundstof nr. 40. i det periodiske system.
Zirconium 95 er en af de radionuklider, der er resultatet af atmosfæriske atomvåbenforsøg.
Det er blandt de langlivede radioaktive isotoper, som skaber og vil fortsætte med at producere øget kræft risiko i årtier og århundreder fremover.
/ Contamination, environmental pollution
Barium ; beryllium ; cerium ; cæsium ; jod ; krypton ; lanthanum ; molybdæn ; neptunium ; niobium ; plutonium ; polonium ; radioaktivitet ; ruthenium ; strontium-90 ; tellur ; tritium ; uran ; xenon.
Se også: Atomfysik.


Ruthenium 106, Zirconium 95, and Potassium 40 at selected ocean stations (1960-1965) / Riel, G. K. ; Pedrick, R. A. ; Attaway, D. H. ; Audet, J. J., Jr. Naval Ordnance Lab White Oak MD, 1965.. - 48s.
'The concentrations of Potassium 40, Ruthenium-Rhodium 106, and Zirconium-Niobium 95 in the ocean have been measured by insitu gamma spectrometry at several Western North Atlantic and a few Eastern North Pacific sites between 1960 and 1965. The concentration of natural potassium 40 is proportional to salinity and close to reported average values. The zirconium-niobium 95 activity is due to fallout from nuclear weapons and decreased markedly after the test ban treaty. The ruthenium-rhodium 106 concentration reported is too high to be entirely due to nuclear tests, and shown no rational pattern with time or depth.'

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