Operation Emery 1970-1971

Serie på 24 amerikanske  atomvåbenforsøg i Nevada forsøgs-området i den første del af den kolde krig.
Oplysninger om operationen er stadig skjulte som klassificeret eller maskeret information.
Atomvåbenforsøgene kom efter Operation Mandrel og før Operation Grommet.
Arkiv: National Archives: Records of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, (Record Group 374), 1943-73.
Atomvåbenforsøgene omfattede / The nuclear weapons tests included
  1. Screeacajou 13. oktober 1970 20 kilotons
  2. Alhambra 13. oktober 1970 3 20 kt
  3. Chamois 13. oktober 1970 3 20 kt
  4. Tijeras oktober 14, 1970 20 til 200 kt
  5. Truchas-Chacon 28. oktober 1970 3 20 kt
  6. Chamisal 28. oktober 1970 3 20 kt
  7. Rodarle 28. oktober 1970 3 20 kt
  8. Abeytas 5. november 1970 20 til 200 kt
  9. Penasco 19. november 19, 1970 20 kt
  10. Carrizozo 3. december 1970 20 kt
  11. Corazon 3. december 1970 20 kt
  12. Artesia 16. december 1970 20 til 200 kt
  13. Avensandorre 16. december 1970 4 20 kt
  14. Alkermes 16. december 1970 4 20 kt
  15. Asamlte 16. december 1970 4 20 kt
  16. Cream 16. december 1970 4 20 kt
  17. Canjilon 16. december 1970 20 kt
  18. Carpetbag 17. december 1970 220 kt
  19. Baneberry 18. december 1970 10 kt - Baneberry Collection, MS 19, Special Collections, UNLV Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Court proceedings of William Nunamaker vs. the United States and Harley Roberts vs. the United States, as they came til trial January 1979, in Federal District Court, Las Vegas. 'The Baneberry Collection contains records that document a federal court case regarding a 1970 Nevada Test Site nuclear test and the resultant radioactive cloud which may have exposed and subsequently injured the test site workers who brought the case til trial.'
  20. Embudo 16 juni 1971 20 kt
  21. Laguna 23. juni 1971 20 til 200 kt
  22. Dexter 23. juni 1971 20 kt
  23. Harebell 24. juni 1971 20 til 200 kt
  24. Camphor 29. juni 1971 20 kt
Se tillige: Operation Anvil ; Aqueduct ; Arbor ; Argus ; Bedrock ; Bowline ; Buster-Jangle ; Castle ; Chariot ; Charioteer ; Cornerstone ; Cresset ; Crossroads ; Crosstie ; Cue ; Dominic ; Dominic II ; Dugout ; Fishbowl ; Flintlock ; Fulcrum ; Fusileer ; Greenhouse ; Grenadier ; Grommet ; Guardian ; Hardtack I ; Hardtack II ; Ivy ; Julin ; Latchkey ; Little Feller ; Mandrel ; Musketeer ; Newsreel ; Niblick ; Nougat ; Phalanx ; Plowshare ; Plumbbob ; Praetorian ; Project 56 ; Project 57 ; Project 58 ; Project 58A ; Quicksilver ; Ranger ; Redwing ; Roller Coaster ; Sandstone ; Sculpin ; Storax ; Sunbeam ; Teapot ; Tinderbox ; Toggle ; Touchstone ; Trinity ; Tumbler-Snapper ; Upshot-Knothole ; Whetstone ; Wigwam.
/ Contamination, environmental pollution
Se også: Barium ; beryllium ; cerium ; cæsium ; jod ; krypton ; lanthanum ; molybdæn ; neptunium ; niobium ; plutonium ; polonium ; radioaktivitet ; ruthenium ; strontium-90 ; tellur ; tritium ; uran ; xenon ; zirkonium.


Department of Energy: Declassification of the Number of Devices and Amount of Plutonium in Nuclear Tests: United States Nuclear Tests With Unannounced Simultaneous Detonations, 1994.
- https://www.osti.gov/opennet/forms.jsp?formurl=document/press/pc25tab1.html
United States Nuclear Tests, July 1945 through September 1992.
U.S. Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office, DOE/NV--209-REV 15, december 2000.

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