
Nuclear weapons tests
Essais d'armes nucléaires
Pruebas de armas nucleares
Græsk: Atomvåbenforsøg er alle militære og videnskabelige eksperimenter med kernevåben; deres hardware og software. Der har været, historisk set, fem former for atomvåbenforsøg. 1) Konventionelle atomvåbenforsøg; alle andre forsøg end brintbombeforsøg. 2) Forsøg med brintbomber. 3) Atmosfæriske atomvåbenforsøg, herunder også forsøg uden for atmosfæren. 4) Underjordiske atomvåbenforsøg, samt, forsøg under havets overflade. 5) Store (endog meget store) og små, så små, at plutomiummet ikke igangsætter en kædereaktion, eksempelvis såkaldte subkritiske hydronukleære eksperimenter, som det amerikanske Rebound, 2. juli 1997. Alle disse forsøg har, samlet set, forårsaget omfattende forurening af omgivelserne, eksempelvis i form af radioaktivitet.
Atomic weapons tests are all military and scientific nuclear weapons experiments; their hardware and software. There have historically been five types of nuclear weapons tests. 1) Conventional nuclear weapons tests; all other tests than hydrogen bomb tests. 2) Experiments with hydrogen bombs. 3) Atmospheric nuclear weapons tests, including exoatmospheric experiments. 4) Underground nuclear weapons tests, as well as tests under the surface of the ocean. 5) Large (even very big) and small, so small that the plutomium does not initiate a chain reaction, for example the so-called subcritical hydronuclear experiments, such as the American Rebound, July 2, 1997. All of these in general, tests have caused extensive pollution of the environment, for example in the form of radioactivity.
Mange data vedrørende atomvåbenforsøg er skjulte eller maskerede og betragtes som militære og politiske hemmeligheder. Nogle af klassificeringsreglerne vedrørende atomvåbenforsøg fremgår bl.a. af: / Many data on nuclear tests are hidden or masked and considered military and political secrets. Some of the classification rules regarding nuclear tests is stated, inter alia in:
Control of Nuclear Weapon Data. U.S. DOE: National Nuclear Security Administration, Office of Nuclear Weapon Surety and Quality, 2011.
Atomvåben­klubbens medlemmer har foretaget atomvåbenforsøg, kaldet hot spots i eller ved USA:
Først og fremmest i Forsøgsområderne i Stillehavet og i Nevada.
Frankrig: i Algeriet: Ekker og Reggan i Sahara ørkenen, i Fransk Polynesien: Fangataufa og Muroroa.
Kina: Lop Nor.
Storbritannien: Emu Field, Maralinga, Montebelloøerne og Woomera i Australien samt ved Juleøen.
Kharan ørkenen i Pakistan, Pokhran i Indien, i Det indiske ocean Prince Edward øerne (Israel og Sydafrika), i P’unggyeri i Nordkorea, og i Semipalatinsk og Novaya Zemlya i Sovjetunionen, Rusland.
Delvist forbud mod prøvesprængninger med prøvestopaftalen fra 1963.
/ Partial Test-Ban with the Test Ban Treaty of 1963: Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water.
Alle atomvåbenforsøg er nu, ifølge international lov, forbudt ved Traktat om Altomfattende Forbud mod Atomprøvesprængninger fra 1996.
Posted 8/17/2015
VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- An operational test launch of an Air Force Global Strike Command unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile is scheduled for Wednesday, August 19, 2015, between 3:01 to 9:01 a.m. from north Vandenberg Air Force Base.
The purpose of the ICBM test launch program is to validate and verify the effectiveness, readiness and accuracy of the weapon system, according to Air Force Global Strike Command.
Atomvåbenforsøgene omfattede og foregik
/ The nuclear weapons tests included and took place in
/ Les essais d'armes nucléaires ont inclus et ont eu lieu en
Operation Antler (Australien) 1957 ; Operation Argus 1958 ; Operation Buffalo (Australien) 1956 ; Operation Buster/Jangle 1951 ; Opération Canopus (Fangataufa) 1968 ; Operation Castle 1954 ; Operation Crossroads 1946 ; Operation Cue 1955 ; Operation Dominic I 1962 ; Operation Dominic II 1962 ; Operation Doorstep 1953 ; Operation Fishbowl 1962 ; Operation Gnome 1961 ; Operation Grapple 1957-1958 ; Operation Greenhouse 1951 ; Operation Happy Krishna (Indien) ; Operation Hardtack 1 1958 ; Operation Hardtack II 1958 ; Operation Hurricane (Australien) 1952 ; Operation Ivy 1952 ; Operation Little Feller ; Operation Mosaic (Australien) 1956 ; Operation Nougat 1961 ; Operation Plumbbob 1957 ; Operation Quicksilver 1978-1979 ; Operation Ranger 1951 ; Operation Redwing 1956 ; Operation Sandstone 1948 ; Operation Sculpin 1990-1991 ; Operation Smiling Buddha (Indien) ; Operation Storax1952-1963 ; Operation Sunbeam 1962 ; Operation Teapot 1955 ; Operation Totem (Australien) 1953 ; Operation Tumbler-Snapper 1952 ; Operation Upshot-Knothole 1953 ; Operation Whetstone 1964-1965 ; Operation Wigwam 1955 ; Project 56 ; Project 57 ; Project 58 ; Project 58A ; Trinity.
Se også: Atomfysik ; Atomnomader ; Atompacifisme ; atomvåbenfri zoner ; US Citizen Alert Water Sampling Program ; civilforsvar ; CTBTO (Den Forberedende Kommission for Organisationen for Traktaten om et Altomfattende Forbud mod Atomprøvesprængninger eller Kommissionen for Over-holdelse af det Altomfattende Forbud mod Atomprøve­sprængninger) ; US Ad Hoc Committee on Underwater Atomic Weapons Testing, 1947-1954 ; US National Association of Atomic Veterans ; experimental thermonuclear device ; Exercise Desert Rock 1951 ; US Families in the Offsite Human Surveillance Program ; Farallon Island Radioactive Waste Dump ; forsøgskaniner ; infralydsmålestationer ; Joint Verification Experiment ; US National Atomic Testing Museum ; US Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) Program ; Palau ; Sandia Base ; US Standby Air Surveillance Network ; US Standby Milk Surveillance Network ; Sustainable Stockpile Stewardship ; testsprængninger ; Tonopah Test Range: An Outdoor Laboratory Facility 1964 ; the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR).
/ Contamination, environmental pollution
Se også: Barium ; beryllium ; cerium ; cæsium ; jod ; krypton ; lanthanum ; molybdæn ; neptunium ; niobium ; plutonium ; polonium ; ruthenium ; strontium-90 ; tellur ; tritium ; uran ; xenon ; zirkonium.


Trends in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Research & Development : A Physics Perspective.
/ : Monica Maceira et al. Los Alamos National Laboratory, LA-UR-17-21274, June 2017.
This document entitled “Trends in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring Research and Development – A Physics Perspective” reviews the accessible literature, as it relates to nuclear explosion monitoring and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT, 1996), for four research areas: source physics (understanding signal generation), signal propagation (accounting for changes through physical media), sensors (recording the signals), and signal analysis (processing the signal). Over 40 trends are addressed, such as moving from 1D to 3D earth models, from pick-based seismic event processing to full waveform processing, and from separate treatment of mechanical waves in different media to combined analyses. Highlighted in the document for each trend are the value and benefit to the monitoring mission, key papers that advanced the science, and promising research and development for the future.

Carlsen, Otto: Læger mod Kernevåben's undersøgelser.
- Aalborg : Dove Art, 1995. - 63 s.
The Containment of Soviet Underground Nuclear Explosions / Vitaly V. Adushkin, William Leith. U.S. Geological Survey, 2001. - 52 s.
DMI: Trafikministeren indvier målestation i Grønland.
Europarådets fælles holdning 2005/329/FUSP af 25 april 2005 vedrørende gennemgangskonferencen i 2005 mellem parterne i traktaten om ikke-spredning af kernevåben. I: EU-Tidende nr. L 106 af 27/04/2005 s. 0032 - 0035.
A feasibility study of the health consequences to the American population from nuclear weapons tests conducted by the United States and other nations Volume 1.
Technical Report. Prepared for the U.S. Congress by the Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the National Cancer Institute, 2001
In 1998, the Senate Appropriations Committee asked the Department of Health and Human Services to conduct an initial assessment of the feasibility and public health implications of a study concerning the health consequences to the American population of radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons testing. This request resulted in a collaborative effort by staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Cancer Institute to make crude estimates of doses and health risks from exposure to radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons tests conducted from 1951 through 1962 at the Nevada Test Site and other sites throughout the world.
Folketinget: Forslag til lov om foranstaltninger i medfør af De Forenede Nationers traktat af 24. september 1996 om et altomfattende forbud mod atomprøvesprængninger.
'Loven skaber den nødvendige hjemmel for, at Danmark kan opfylde og håndhæve de forpligtelser, der følger i henhold til De Forenede Nationers traktat om et altomfattende forbud mod atomprøvesprængninger. Baggrund: Lovforslaget blev fremsat i fortsættelse af Danmarks ratifikation af De Forenede Nationers Traktat af 24. september 1996 om forbud mod atomprøvesprængninger, jf. omtalen under beslutningsforslag nr. B 3.'
Folketinget: L 197 Forslag til lov om foranstaltninger i medfør af De Forenede Nationers traktat af 24. september 1996 om et altomfattende forbud mod atomprøvesprængninger. Vedtaget af Folketinget ved 3. behandling den 28. maj 1999.
Munch, Aske: Franske atomvåben giver lokalbefolkningen kræft. I: Politiken, 08/07/2006.
Nuclear Explosions in the USSR: the North Test Site. Reference Material. Version 4.
- Vienna, Austria: Division of Nuclear Safety and Security, International Atomic Energy Agency 2004. - 136 s.
The Nuclear Weapon Archive : A Guide to Nuclear Weapons.
Unfinished Business: The Negotiation of the CTBT and the End of Nuclear Testing. / : Rebecca Johnson.
- Geneva, Switzerland : UNIDIR, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, 2009. - 383 s.

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