Photographer: Patricia Nistor. Museums Victoria
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Britiske  atomvåbenforsøg i og
omkring Australien

British nuclear weapons tests in  and around Australia
Essais d'armes nucléaires britanniques dans et autour de l'Australie:
Pruebas británicas de armas nucleares en y alrededor de Australia.
Britische Atomwaffentests in und um Australien.
Britiske atomvåbenforsøg i og omkring Australien under den kolde krig foregik ved Emu Field, Maralinga, Montebelloøerne og Woomera i Australien samt ved Juleøen i Stillehavet. Efter de britiske atomvåbenforsøg i Australien standsede i begyndelsen af 1960'erne, forsatte de i USA.
Between 1952 and 1958 the UK conducted a total of 21 atmospheric nuclear tests in Australia and at islands in the Pacific Ocean. In addition, a number of minor trials were also conducted in Australia between 1953 and 1963. UK personnel also participated in US nuclear weapons tests based at Christmas Island in 1962. Over 20,000 UK service personnel and civilian scientists were involved in the tests.
British nuclear tests in and around Australia during the Cold War took place at Emu Field, Maralinga, Montebello Islands and Woomera in Australia and at Christmas Island in the Pacific.
After the British nuclear weapon tests in Australia stopped in the early 1960s, they continued in the United States.
According to The National Museum of Australia, 'The proposal to use the Australian desert to test British nuclear weapons became public in 1946-47. President of the South Australian Aborigines Advancement League, Charles Duguid, and anthropologist Donald Thomson led a protest movement against the use of tribal land for these purposes.'
Se også: Operation Antler ; Operation Buffalo ; Operation Grapple ; Operation Hurricane ; Operation Mosaic ; Operation Totem ; Operation Vixen ; Storbritannien: kernevåben ; British nuclear tests in the United States.
Se tillige: Atomvåbenforsøg: Frankrig, herunder Fransk Polynesiens historie ; Opération Satanique / Affaire du Rainbow Warrior 1985 ; Indien ; Israel ; Kina ; Pakistan ; Rusland ; Sovjetunionen ; Storbritannien, Britiske atomvåbenforsøg i og omkring Australien samt i USA ; Sydafrika ; USA, herunder Forsøgsområderne i Stillehavet og i Nevada.
/ Contamination, environmental pollution
Barium ; beryllium ; cerium ; cæsium ; jod ; krypton ; lanthanum ; molybdæn ; neptunium ; niobium ; plutonium ; polonium ; radioaktivitet ; ruthenium ; strontium-90 ; tellur ; tritium ; uran ; xenon ; zirkonium.
Se tillige: British Commonwealth Occupation Force, Hiroshima, 1946 : Pine Gab UK RAF; Royal Air Force ; Woomera Prohibited Area, RAAF Woomera Test Range ; Traktat om Det
sydlige Stillehav som atomvåbenfri zone
/ The South Pacific Nuclear-Free-Zone Treaty, 1996. .


Australian National Library: Nuclear Weapons Tests.
Britain, Australia and the Bomb: the Nuclear Tests and Their Aftermath.
/ : Lorna Arnold and Mark Smith. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Grappling with the bomb : Britain’s Pacific H-bomb tests. / : Nicholas Maclellan. ANU Press, 2017.
McClelland Royal Commission: The Report of the Royal Commission into British Nuclear Tests in Australia, I-II.
- Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1985. - xxi, 615 s. Delvist online.
Residual Radioactive Contamination of the Monte Bello Islands from Nuclear Weapons Tests Conducted in 1952 and 1956. / : M. B. Cooper ; B. M. Hartley. Australian Radiation Laboratory, 1979.
Distributions of long-lived radionuclides remaining from nuclear weapons trials conducted at the Monte Cello Islands in 1952 and 1956 are presented. These data are derived from e field survey carried out in 197B and augmented with eerlier deta from a survey in 1972. Significent radiation levels srising from neutron eotivation of soil constituents at the time of detonetion ere confined to the immediate environs of the ground zeros on Alphs end Trimouille Islands. These levels still exceed maximum recommended dose limits for continuous occupancy.
Surprise down under: the secret history of australia's nuclear ambitions.
/ : Jim Walsh. The Nonproliferation Review/Fall 1997. -
US Bases in Australia: the social and environmental risks./ : Kim Stewart, Robin Taubenfeld.
Friends of the Earth Australia ; the Independent and Peaceful Australian Network, [2013].
The report “US Bases in Australia: the social and environmental risks” lists the numerous locations that the US military will increasingly use on Australian soil.

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