Opération Satanique / Affaire du Rainbow Warrior 1985

Fransk: Den sataniske operation / Rainbow Warrior sagen.
Den franske efterretningstjeneste, Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure / Generaldirektoratet for ekstern sikkerheds bombning af Greenpeace-skibet Rainbow Warrior, 1985 i New Zealand.
Baggrunden for attentatet var at Greenpeace ville protestere mod planlagte franske atomvåbenforsøg ved Mururoa i Stillehavet.
Se også: Statsterrorisme.


Reports of International Arbitral Awards / Recueil des sentences arbitrales: Case concerning the difference between New Zealand and France concerning the interpretation or application of two agreements, concluded on 9 July 1986 between the two States and which related to the problems arising from the Rainbow Warrior Affair 30 April 1990. VOLUME XX pp. 215-284. UN 2006.
- http://untreaty.un.org/cod/riaa/cases/vol_XX/215-284.pdf
Rainbow Warrior: (New Zealand v. France) France-New Zealand Arbitration Tribunal. 30 April 1990: (Jiménez de Aréchaga, Chairman; Sir Kenneth Keith and Professor Bredin, Members).
- http://www.iilj.org/courses/documents/RainbowWarrior.pdf
NZ trades with Arms Company whose US Chief Executive was a lead agent in the Rainbow Warrior bombing.
Green MP Keith Locke is disturbed that the New Zealand Government has been buying arms off FN Herstal, when Louis-Pierre Dillais, a lead French agent in the Rainbow warrior bombing who bombed the Rainbow Warrior is a senior executive for them. Just Peace, May, 18. 2007.
- http://www.greens.org.nz/newsletters/just-peace-110
La VRAIE histoire de l’attentat contre le Rainbow Warrior: Incompétence, bureaucratie et avarice sont les vraies raisons d’un scandale qui retentit dans le monde en 1985.
- http://tahiti-pacifique.com/Articles.divers/171%20RAINBOW%20WARRIOR.pdf

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