Geografi ; klima ; demografi ; historie ; Britiske atomvåbenforsøg ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; efterretningstjenester ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale bevægelser ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; British nuclear weapons tests; Wars; Culture ; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Intelligence services; Peace movements; Religion; Social movements; Social conditions ; Education; Economy and Arms trade.

Australsk natur

Natur, klima. Biodiversitet. Fauna og flora: Botaniske haver ; Fisk. Fugle. Koralrev. Vådområder.
Nature, climate. Flora and fauna: Botanical gardens. Fish. Birds. Coral reefs. Wetlands
Flore et faune: Poissons. Oiseaux. Les récifs coralliens. Les zones humides.
Flora y fauna: Fish. Pájaros. Los arrecifes de coral. Los humedales.
Natur, Klima. Flora und Fauna: Botanische Gärten. Fisch. Vögeln. Korallenriffe. Feuchtgebiet, Feuchtbiotop.
Atlas of Living Australia
Australia's important bird areas: Key sites for bird conservation. / : Guy Dutson, Stephen Garnett and Cheryl Gole. Bird Australia (RAOU) Conservation Statement No. 15, October 2009.
Climate change and its implications for Australia’s freshwater fish. / : John R. Morrongiello et al. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2011, 62, 1082–1098.
National Vegetation Information System
'The National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) is a comprehensive data system that provides information on the extent and distribution of vegetation types in Australian landscapes.'
Atlas of Australian Vegetation
The naturalised flora of South Australia. / : John McConnell Black, 1909.
Australian Bird Study Association og Birds Australia, eller Royal Austral-asian Ornithologists Union.
Gould, John: Handbook to The birds of Australia I-VII (1847 ; 1865). 662+652 ?s.
- , og
Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds (HANZAB) I-VII.
The State of Australia's birds 2008: Supplement to Wingspan, vol. 18, no. 4. / : Compiled by Penny Olsen. Birds Australia - ISSN 1036-7810
Naturhistorie: Report on the Botanical Collections from Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. 1890. Report on a Zoological Collection made by the Officers of H.M.S. Flying Fish at Christmas Island, Indian Ocean 1887.
Significant plastic accumulation on the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Australia. / : J. L. Lavers et al.. Scientific Reports (2019) 9:7102
International Network of Basin Organizations / Det internationale netværk af flodbassin organisationer.
Hydrogeology map of Australia (also known as G.Jacobson and JE Lau Hydrogeology map).
Store floder, herunder dryland rivers og wild rivers:
The Living Murray story — one of Australia’s largest river restoration projects, Murray–Darling Basin Authority, on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia 2011. MDBA publication number: 157/11 - ISBN 978-1-921-914-27-0 (online) Floden Todd er en forbigående eller midlertidig flod i den sydlige nordlige territorium i det centrale Australien.
The Todd River is an ephemeral river in the southern Northern Territory, central Australia.
Ritzaus Bureau: Floden tager alt med sig i Brisbane. I: Information, 13. januar 2011.
Rivers of Emotion: An Emotional History of Derbarl Yerrigan and Djarlgarro Beelier/ the Swan and Canning Rivers. / : Edited by Susan Broomhall and Gina Pickering. Crawley, Uniprint, 2012.
Wild Rivers in Australia. / : J. L. STEIN, J. A. STEIN, and H. A. NIX
'Very few large rivers remain undisturbed in Australia. However, candidates for wild river designation have recently been identified. Over 1.75 million stream sections, with a total length of over 3 million kilometers, were examined for level of catchment disturbance (land-use activity, settlements and structures, infrastructure, extractive industries, and other point sources of pollution) and the extent of direct alterations to the flow regime from impoundments, flow diversions or discharges, and levee banks. More than three-quarters of undisturbed streams have a catchment area of less than 10 square kilometers . Only 13% of undisturbed streams occur within nature conservation reserves; over one-third were found on private land.'
Northern Rivers Regional Biodiversity Management Plan. / : Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW, The Australian Government.
'The Great Dividing Range defines the major river catchments of the Region, including the major easterly flowing rivers and estuarine systems of the Tweed, Brunswick, Richmond, Clarence, Bellinger, Nambucca, Macleay and Hastings rivers.'
Australsk natur i international lovgivning, folkeret / Australia's nature in international law
The Peace Palace Library: Bibliography on Water Resources and International Law.
Geologi og jordbundsforhold: Bjerge, vulkaner, jordskælv og ørkenområder:
Geology: Mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes and desert areas
Géologie: Montagnes, volcans, tremblements de terre et les zones désertiques
Geología: Montañas, volcanes, terremotos y zonas desérticas
Geologie: Berge, Vulkane, Erdbeben und Wüstengebiete
Jordbundsforhold: Australien har sit eget jordklassificeringssystem:
Australian Soil Resource Information System
De Australske Alper. Den australske bjergkæde / Great Dividing Range eller Great Divide.
Mount Augustus og Mount Augustus National Park (Burringurrah) Mount Augustus Geology and Geomorphology. / : Robert P. Bourman et al. Geographical Research • May 2010 • 48(2):111–122 111,
Vulkaner: Mount Gambier volcanic complex.
Jordskælv: Geoscience Australia Earthquakes.
Burbidge, D.R. (ed.), 2012. The 2012 Australian Earthquake Hazard Map. Geoscience Australia: Canberra.
'The earthquake catalogues used to generate the existing earthquake hazard map found in AS1170.4-2007 were based only on events up until the late 1980s, although a later revision in the 1990s also considered earthquakes that had occurred up until then. The earthquake catalogue used here includes events up until 2011; a total of 8,000 earthquakes above magnitude 3. The catalogue is a combined version of several other regional catalogues provided by external agencies and seismologists. This combined catalogue represents the most complete known catalogue of earthquakes ever compiled for Australia.'
Ørkenområder: The Great Victoria Desert, Great Sandy Desert, Tanami Desert, Simpson Deset, Gibson Desert, Little Sandy Desert, Strzelecki Desert, Sturt Stony Desert, Tirari Desert og Pedirka Desert.
Geoheritage of Australian Desert Landscapes: A report to the Commonwealth Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. / : Gresley A. Wakelin-King, Susan Q. White. Wakelin Associates, Melbourne, Australia. 2011.
Paul Williams (2008). World Heritage Caves and Karst. A global review of karst World Heritage properties: present situation, future prospects and management requirements.
Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 57pp
Beskyttede områder og nationalparker. World Database on Protected Areas.
Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2014
'The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2014 provides both spatial and text information about government, indigenous and privately protected areas for continental Australia.'
Australian Fossil Mammal Sites (Riversleigh/Naracoorte) ; Fraser Island ; Gondwana Rainforests of Australia ; Great Barrier Reef ; Greater Blue Mountains ; Heard and McDonald Islands ; Kakadu National Park ; Lord Howe Island Group ; Macquarie Island ; Purnululu National Park ; Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens ; Shark Bay, Western Australia ; Tasmanian Wilderness ; Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park ; Wet Tropics of Queensland ; Willandra Lakes Region
Kakadu National Park
The largest national park in Australia and one of the largest in the world’s tropics, Kakadu preserves the greatest variety of ecosystems on the Australian continent including extensive areas of savanna woodlands, open forest, floodplains, mangroves, tidal mudflats, coastal areas and monsoon forests. The park also has a huge diversity of flora and is one of the least impacted areas of the northern part of the Australian continent. Its spectacular scenery includes landscapes of arresting beauty, with escarpments up to 330 metres high extending in a jagged and unbroken line for hundreds of kilometres.
Department of Environment and Climate Change (NSW) 2007, Lord Howe Island Biodiversity Management Plan.
'The LHIG is located 760 kilometres north east of Sydney. This island group, known for its spectacular beauty, supports an extraordinary array of terrestrial and marine ecosystems and landscapes. The uniqueness and international importance of the LHIG was formally recognised in 1982, when it was inscribed on the World Heritage Register'.
UNEP-WCMC (2008). National and Regional Networks of Marine Protected Areas: A Review of Progress. Cambridge.
Raine Island.
Se tillige: Afghansk natur ; Albansk natur ; Algerisk natur ; Andorras natur ; Amerikansk natur ; Angolas natur ; Antigua & Barbudas natur ; Argentinsk natur ; Armensk natur ; Aserbajdsjans natur ; Bahamas natur ; Bahrains natur ; Bangladesh natur ; Barbados natur ; Belgisk natur ; Belizesk natur ; Benins natur ; Bhutans natur ; Boliviansk natur ; Bosnien-Hercegovinas natur ; Botswanas natur ; Brasiliens natur ; Brunei Darussalams natur ; Bulgarsk natur ; Burkina Fasos natur ; Burundis natur ; Canadisk natur ; Cambodjansk natur ; Camerouns natur ; Centralafrikansk natur ; Chilensk natur ; Colombiansk natur ; Comorernes natur ; Congolesisk natur ; Costa Ricas natur ; Cubansk natur ; Cypriotisk natur ; Dansk natur ; Djiboutisk natur ; Dominicansk natur ; Dominicas natur ; Ecuadoriansk natur ; Engelsk natur ; Egyptisk natur ; El Salvadoransk natur ; Elfenbenskystens natur ; Eritreas natur ; Estlands natur ; Etiopisk natur ; Fijis natur ; Filippinsk natur ; Finsk natur ; De forenede arabiske Emiraters natur ; Fransk natur ; Færøsk natur ; Gabons natur ; Gambiansk natur ; Georgiansk natur ; Ghanas natur ; Grenadas natur ; Græsk natur ; Grønlandsk natur ; Guatemalas natur ; Guineas natur ; Guinea-Bissaus natur ; Guyansk natur ; Haitiansk natur ; Hollansk natur ; Honduras natur ; Hvideruslands natur ; Indisk natur ; Indonesisk natur ; Irakisk natur ; Iransk natur ; Islandsk natur ; Irsk natur ; Israelsk natur ; Italiensk natur ; Jamaicas natur ; Japansk natur ; Jordans natur ; Kap Verdisk natur ; Kasakhstanisk natur ; Kenyansk natur ; Kinesisk natur ; Kirgisistans natur ; Kiribatis natur ; Kosovos natur ; Kroatiens natur ; Kuwais natur ; Laotisk natur ; Lesothisk natur ; Letlands natur ; Libanesisk natur ; Liberiansk natur ; Libysk natur ; Liechtensteins natur ; Litauens natur ; Luxembourgs natur ; Madagascars natur ; Makedonsk natur ; Malawis natur ; Malaysias natur ; Maldiviensk natur ; Malis natur ; Maltesisk natur ; Marokkansk natur ; Marshalløernes natur ; Mauretaniens natur ; Mauritius natur ; Mexicansk natur ; Mikronesisk natur ; Moldovisk natur ; Monacos natur ; Mongoliets natur ; Montenegros natur ; Mozambiques natur ; Myanmars natur ; Namibias natur ; Naurus natur ; Nepals natur ; New Zealandsk natur ; Nicaraguansk natur ; Nigers natur ; Nigerias natur ; Norsk natur ; Nordkoreansk natur ; Omans natur ; Pakistansk natur ; Palaus natur ; Palæstinas natur ; Panamas natur ; Papua Ny Guineansk natur ; Paraguays natur ; Peruviansk natur ; Polsk natur ; Portugisisk natur ; Qatars natur ; Rumænsk natur ; Russisk natur ; Rwandas natur ; Salomonøernes natur ; Samoas natur ; San Marinos natur ; São Tomé & Principles natur ; Saudi-Arabisk natur ; Schweizisk natur ; Senegals natur ; Serbisk natur ; Seychellernes natur ; Sierra Leones natur ; Singapores natur ; Skotsk natur ; Slovakiets natur ; Sloveniens natur ; Somalisk natur ; Spansk natur ; Sri Lankas natur ; St. Kitts & Nevis natur ; St. Lucias natur ; St. Vincent og Grenadinernes natur ; Sudanesisk natur ; Surinams natur ; Svensk natur ; Swazilands natur ; Sydafrikansk natur ; Sydkoreansk natur ; Syrisk natur ; Tadsjikistans natur ; Taiwanesisk natur ; Tanzanias natur ; Tchads natur ; Thailandsk natur ; Tjekkisk natur ; Togos natur ; Tongas natur ; Trinidad & Tobagos natur ; Tunesisk natur ; Turkmenistans natur ; Tuvalus natur ; Tyrksk natur ; Tysk natur ; Ugandas natur ; Ukrainsk natur ; Ungarnsk natur ; Uruguays natur ; Usbekistans natur ; Vanuatus natur ; Venezuelas natur ; Vietnamesisk natur ; Yemens natur ; Zambias natur ; Zimbabwes natur ; Ækvatorial Guineas natur ; Østrisk natur ; Østtimors natur.

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