UK RAF; Royal Air Force

Storbritaniens luftvåben.
Det bristiske luftvåben er em militær kommando under det britiske forsvarsministerium som var udstyret med atomvåben under den kolde krig.
RAF atomvåbenforsøg omfattede
/ The nuclear weapons tests of RAF included
Operation Grapple.
Se også: Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE), Aldermaston ; HMS Navy ; RAF Cottesmore ; RAF Fylingdales ; RAF Spadeadam ; RAF Greenham Common ; RAAF, Royal Australian Air Force ; Storbritannien: Atomvåben ; atomvåbenforsøg ; krige ; US Air Force.


The Permanent Organization of the Royal Air Force - a Note by the Secretary of State for Air on a Scheme Outlined by the Chief of the Air Staff. Drafted by the Chief of the Air Staff 25th November, 1919 under the direction of the Secretary of State for Air. Commonly referred to as “The Trenchard Memorandum" the document consists of 12 numbered sections and a budget forecast for 1920, 1921 and 1922. The document was presented to Parliament by Secretary of State for Air on 11th December, 1919 by Command of His Majesty, King George V.
The Real Meaning of the Words: a Pedantic Glossary of British Nuclear Weapons — Mountbatten Centre for International Studies, University of Southampton.

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