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Sydafrika: Atomvåbenforsøg

South Africa: nuclear weapons tests
Sydafrika har ikke officielt gennemført atomvåbenforsøg.
/ South Africa has not officially conducted nuclear weapons tests.
/ L'Afrique du Sud n'a pas officiellement mené des essais d'armes nucléaires.
/ Sudáfrica no ha realizado oficialmente pruebas de armas nucleares.
/ Südafrika hat keine offiziellen Atomwaffentests durchgeführt.


The Vela Flash: Forty Years Ago
Controversy Hovers over Possible Nuclear Signal Detected in South Atlantic in 1979; Israeli or South African Origin Suspected by Some Experts – and President Carter
CIA Saw “Probability of a Nuclear Test as 90% Plus,” According to Newly Posted Document Additional Evidence Casts Doubts on White House Science Advisers’ Dismissal of Possibility of a Nuclear Test National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 686
Washington D.C., September 22, 2019 – An unidentified flash on 22 September 1979 in the far South Atlantic had a “90% plus” probability of being a nuclear test, according to a CIA finding from later that year. The document, among others uncovered recently through archival research, adds significant weight to the argument that the flash, detected by a U.S. VELA satellite, was not a natural event, as White House science advisers later insisted. On the fortieth anniversary of the Vela incident, the National Security Archive supplements its earlier postings with documents recently obtained from the Jimmy Carter Library.
The collection includes new information on scientific intelligence provided by the Arecibo Observatory (Puerto Rico) concerning an ionospheric disturbance on 22 September that corresponded to similar evidence from Soviet nuclear tests in the early 1960s.
The documents also put an unflattering cast on the methods of White House science experts who discounted the views of the intelligence agencies, eventually agreeing to hear them out only so “we can more safely ignore them later.” While chief White House scientist Frank Press argued that the intelligence community had no convincing case, recent scientific studies suggest that the case for a nuclear event interpretation is formidable.
Rendering Useless: South Africa’s Nuclear Test Shafts in the Kalahari Desert. / : David Albright, Paul Brannan, Zachary Laporte, Katherine Tajer, and Christina Walrond. November 30, 2011.
Revisiting South Africa's nuclear weapons program: Its history, dismantlement, and lessons for today.
/ : David Albright with Andrea Stricker. Institute for science and international security, 2016.
Twenty five years ago South Africa acceded to Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty after dismantling its nuclear weapons. Yet, the full story of that nuclear weapons program was not revealed publicly at that time. Parts were hidden from the International Atomic Energy Agency as well. Now, after many years of work by the media and independent experts, with the cooperation of a number of former members of the nuclear weapons program, a much fuller picture of South Africa's nuclear weapons program has emerged.

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