Historiske og aktuelle
amerikanske militære baser i udlandet

Historiske og aktuelle amerikanske militære baser i udlandet samt enkelte vigtige baser i selve USA

Historical and current U.S. military bases abroad and some important bases in the U.S.

Historiques et actuelles des bases militaires américaines à l'étranger et quelques bases importantes aux États-Unis

Históricas y actuales bases militares de Estados Unidos en el extranjero y algunas bases importantes en los EE.UU.

Historische und aktuelle US-Militärbasen im Ausland und einige wichtige Basen in den USA

US Bases and other Overseas Military Presence Program
UK Sites (USA Occupation) - Amerikanske baser i Storbritannien under den kolde krig.
Se også: Combat Alert Sites ; Cooperative Security Location ; Forward Operating Site ; Global Posture ; Main Operating Base ; USA: historie ; USA: militær ; perklorater forurening.


Camp Evans?: US Army Air Force, USMC, and Royal Canadian Air Force RADAR Units by Command, Theater, or Region 1940 – 1946. - 67 s.
- http://www.campevans.org/_CE/docs/theater-deployment-2009-06-01.pdf
Commission on Review of Overseas Military Facility Structure of the United States: Report to the President and the U.S. Congress.
- Arlington, VA, 2005. - 262 s. - http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/dod/obc.pdf

US Bases in Australia: the social and environmental risks./ : Kim Stewart, Robin Taubenfeld.
Friends of the Earth Australia ; the Independent and Peaceful Australian Network, [2013].
The report "US Bases in Australia: the social and environmental risks" lists the numerous locations that the US military will increasingly use on Australian soil.

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