
Pentagon, US
Department of

tidligere krigsministerium.
Bygningen som ministeriet ligger i er et pentagram eller pentagonal, femkantet og er beskrevet i detaljer af Alfred Goldberg.
Pentagonrapporten om Vietnam-krigen / Report of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Vietnam Task Force, offentliggøres i 1971. Ministeriet udvikler af en ny generation små atomvåben omkring januar 2003, eksempelvis earth penetrating weapons. Pentagon anbefaler anvendelsen af tortur, har hovedansvaret for genopbygningen af Irak og flere Information Operations Roadmap's.
Se også: Aerospace Defense Command ; Air Force Satellite Communications System ; Airborne Alert; Area 51, Nevada ; Area-Wide Missile Defense System ; ARPANET ; Army Security Service ;
base ; Bases and other overseas military presence Program ;
CENTCOM (the U.S. Central Command) ; Chemical Weapons Stockpile Destruction Program ; CIFA Counterintelligence Field Activity ; Combat Operation Centre ; Comision to Asses United States National Security Space Management and Organisation ; Counter Communications System ; CREEL ;
DAPANET ; DAPRA ; Defense Meteorological Satellite Program ; DEFCON ; Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office (DARO) ; Defense Contract Management Agency ; Defense HUMINT Management Office ; Defense Mapping Agency ; Defense Nuclear Agency ; Defense Policy Board ; Defense Science Board ; Defense Security Cooperation Agency ; Defense Support Program ; Defense Technology Security Administration ; Defense Threat Reduction Agency ; Deployments for Training Program ; DEW-line ; DIA; DOE ;
ebombe ; DSCS (I, II, III) EUCOM ;
Federal Procurement Data Center ; Formerly Used Defense Sites ; Forward Based Systems ;
Global Information Grid ; Google ; GPS ;
HAARP ; Humanitarian Assistance Program ;
Information Operation Cell ;
Joint Chiefs of Staff ; Joint UAV Overarching Integrated Product Team ; Joint UAV Center of Excellence ; Military Airlift Command ; Military Sealift Command ; Milsatcom ; Milsatcom Joint Programs Office ; Milstar (Blok II) ; Missile Defense Agency ; MITRA ; MX ; National Command Authority ; National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency ; National Guard ; National Missile Defense System ; National Reconnaissance Office ; National Security Agency ; Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO) ; Naval Security Group ; Naval Small Craft Instruction and Technical Training School ; U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba ; Navy's Ocean Surveillance Information System ; Net Evaluation Subcommittee ; NOrth American Air Defense Command ; North Atlantic Radio System ; The Northern Command (Northcom) ; NRO ; Nuclear Emergency Search Team ; Office of Forces Transformation ; Office of Public Safety ; OMEGA ; ONR ; OSS ; PACOM (the Pacific Command) ; Project Maven ; Reliable Replacement Warhead ; SAC ; SATCOM ; the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office ; STRATCOM ; SPACECOM ; stop-svind dekreter ; Thule ; United States Southern Command.
Se også: CIA ; Countervailing Strategy of Defense ; deep strike ; Department for Homeland Security ; Department of Energy ; depleted uranium ; deterrence ; devices ; Direct Commercial Sales Program ; drawdowns ; Darleen Druyun ; Economic Support Fund ; FBI ; first strike ; flexible response ; Food for Peace ; Foreign Assistance Act ; Foreign Military Financing Program ; Foreign Military Interaction Program ; Foreign Military Sales Credit Program ; Foreign Military Sales Program ; forhåndslagring ; forstærkningsaftaler ; GAO ; Joint Strike Fighter ; Mutual Assured Destruction ; Military Assistance Program ; Military Reserve Fund ; National Aeronautic and Space Administration ; Nuclear Posture Review ; Plan Columbia Support Program ; Total Information Awarenes ; Tricare.


Arkin, William M.: The U.S. Military Online : A Directory for Internet Access to the Department of Defense. 1994 - ISBN 1-57488-178-7.
Barringer, Felicity: Pentagon Is Pressing to Bypass Environmental Laws for War Games and Arms Testing
CRS: The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11.
GAO: DEFENSE ACQUISITIONS : Assessments of Selected Major Weapon Programs, March 2006
GAO: Water Scarcity: DOD Has Not Always Followed Leading Practices to Identify At-Risk Installations, 2019.
DOD reported in January 2019 that critical installations are at risk of water scarcity—that is, of not having sufficient water available to meet their mission needs. According to military department officials, installations depend on water for activities such as training, weapons testing, fire suppression, and sanitation. In its 2018 Fourth National Climate Assessment, the U.S. Global Change Research Program reported that warming temperatures will continue to cause worsening droughts and the decline of surface water quality.
Appendix II: List of Installations Identified in Department of Defense (DOD) Assessments as Being at Risk of Water Scarcity.
Høi, Poul: Pentagon kendte til terrorcelle. I: Berlingske Tidende, 08/12/2005.
Jensen, Mona: Pentagon forhaler oprydning af baser. I: Arbejderen, 11/02/2004.
Mollenhoff, Clark R.: The Pentagon : Policies, Profits and Plunder.
- New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1967. - 450 s.
Nielsen, Jørgen Steen: Pentagon slår klima-alarm. I: Information, 02/06/2004.
Pentagon Censors Chain of Command on Abu Ghraib
Taguba Report Named Names of Abusers and Commanders : Names Blacked Out in Documents Released Last Week to ACLU, October 24, 2004
Pentagon Extends Tours of Duty for About 6,500 U.S. Soldiers
Pentagon Envisioning a Costly Internet for War
The Pentagon: The First Fifty Years. / Alfred Goldberg. Historical Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1992 - 197 pp.
Program Acquisition Costs by Weapon System : Department of Defense Budget for Fiscal Year 2007, February 2006.
Ritzaus Bureau: Mærsk har på 6 år fået ordrer på 11 mia. kr. fra Pentagon.
I: Berlingske Tidende, 10/01/2004.
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program. 2013. Assessing Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Military Installations: Policy Implications. US Department of Defense.
Climate change will have serious implications for the ability of the Department of Defense (DoD) to maintain its natural and built infrastructure and to ensure military readiness. The 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) requires DoD to conduct climate impact assessments at its permanent installations. Several studies have been completed or are currently underway by the military Services. In particular, the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) has funded four research projects that are developing and testing the information, models, and tools needed to examine climate change impacts on coastal installations.

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