NORAD; NOrth American Air Defence Command ; the North American Aerospace Defense Command

NOrth American Air Defence Command. Nordamerikas luftforsvarskommando.
Fælleskommando mellem USA og Canada oprettet i maj 1958. Fælleskommandoen omfatter bl.a. : Newfoundland Base Command, The United States  Northeast Command (USNEC), the Northeast Air Command (NEAC). NEAC disponerede over følgende baser: Pepperrell AFB, Ernest Harmon AFB, og McAndrew AFB i Newfoundland, Goose Air Base i Labrador, Narsarssuak, Sondrestrom, og Thule Air Force Base i Grønland. Yderligere var der AACS (Army Airways Communication System), AC&W (Aircraft Control & Warning) og AWS afdelinger placeret inden for området. Fra 1957 er disse omstruktureret og en del af the Air Defense Command and Strategic Air Command.
Kilde: Cardoulis, John N.: A Friendly Invasion s. 203, Appendix C. citeret fra
NORAD er en intigreret i USNORTHCOM.


Denholm Crosby, Ann: A Middle-Power in Alliance : Canada and NORAD. I: Journal of Peace Research, 1997:1 s. 37-52.
Moore, Oliver: Canada refuses further role in missile defence
Globe and Mail Update, 02/24/2005
US Army Air Defense Digest, 1966

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