Department of Energy

USA's Energiministerium oprettet i 1977 ved en samenlægning af the Energy Research and Development Administration og Atomreguleringskommissionen / the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. En del forskning, vedligeholdelse, oprydning og udgifter til det amerikanske kernevåben industrielle kompleks administreres af energiministeriet. DOE's National Nuclear Security Administration administerer bl.a. Advanced Simultation and Computing Programme, og kernevåbenlaboratorier organiseret som United States Department of Energy National Laboratories eksempelvis: Arbejdsgrupper i Energiministeriet anbefaler udvikling af nye kernevåben og kernevåbenfabrikker så som Pantex .
Se også: Den amerikanske atomenergikommission ; Declaration of a National Security Area ; Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board ; militærforskning ; NASA ; Nuclear Regulatory Commission ; Office of Secure Transportation ; Pentagon ; Pinellas Plant, Largo, Florida ; Yucca Mountain Underground Laboratory.


Energy Citations Database
The Energy Citations Database (ECD) contains bibliographic citations for energy and energy related STI from the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies, the Energy Research & Development Administration (ERDA) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). The Database provides access to electronic documents, primarily from 1943 forward.
CRS Insight: Westinghouse Bankruptcy Filing Could Put New U.S.Nuclear Projects at Risk. / : Mark Holt, 2017.
CRS : The U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex: Overview of Department of Energy Sites. / : Amy F. Woolf ; James D. Werner, 2018.
CBO: Cleaning Up the Department of Energy's Nuclear Weapons Complex, May 1994.
Amarillo Railroad Museum, Inc: Department of Energy Nuclear Weapons Transport Cars.
Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management: Paths to Closure report, March 2000.
U.S. Department of Energy, Secretary of Energy Advisory Board: Report of the Nuclear Weapons Complex Infrastructure Task Force : Secretary of Energy Advisory Board: Recommendations for the Nuclear Weapons Complex of the Future July 13, 2005. Draft Final Report.
Historical Records Declassification Guide. CG-HR-3, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, Office of Classification and Information Control, October 2005.
Managing the Nation's Nuclear Materials: The 2025 Vision for the Department of Energy. / D. C. Christensen ... [et al].
Nuclear Watch of New Mexico: Nuclear Weapons: Big Business Not Paying Its Share! : An Overview of Comparative Budgets in New Mexico.

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