US Bases and other overseas military
presence Program

Efter lukningen af amerikanske baser i Panama i 1999, og USAs satsning på Plan Columbia har USA oprettet en række mindre baser i Mellem- og Sydamerika, under U.S. Southern Command (SouthCom). Omfatter bl.a. amerikanske Forward Operating Locations i Aruba/Curaçao, Ecuador: Manta og El Salvador, radar anlæg og baser i Cuba: Guantánamo Bay Naval Station (oprettet i 1903), Honduras: Soto Cano, Peru: The Joint Peruvian Riverine Training Center i Iquitos og Puerto Rico: Fort Buchanan og Roosevelt Roads-Vieques.
Following the closure of U.S. bases in Panama in 1999 and the U.S. commitment to Plan Colombia, the U.S. has created a number of smaller bases in Central and South America, under the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM). Includes U.S. Forward Operating Locations in Aruba / Curaçao, Ecuador: Manta and El Salvador, radar installations and bases in Cuba: Guantanamo Bay Naval Station (established 1903), Honduras: Soto Cano, Peru: The Joint Peruvian Riverine Training Center in Iquitos and Puerto Rico: Fort Buchanan and Roosevelt Roads, Vieques.
Se også: US base realignment and closure ; US Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act ; US Defense Environmental Restoration Program ; munitions and explosives of concern ; UXO ; Thulebasen.


Garamone, Jim: U.S. Military Footprint in Europe Changing to Meet Strategy.
Lindsay-Poland, John: U.S. Military Bases in Latin America and the Caribbean. I: Foreign Policy In Focus,

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