
Latin: Oprindelig betydning: Usædvanlig straf; anvendelse af grusom, forsætlig, stærke legemlige og psykiske lidelser, pinsler og vold under fangeskab og forhør, ofte for at opnå ønskede tilståelser og vidneudsagn, for at nedbryde personer, for at terrorisere en befolkning; eller pga sadisme. Størstedelen af tortur finder sted i politi eller militær varetægt, inden ofret stilles for en dommer.
Tortur afskaffes helt i dansk ret i 1837.
FNs torturkonvention / Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
FNs standard minimumsregler for behandling af fanger; adfærdskodeks for politi / UN Standart Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, Code of Conduct for Law Enforcemet Officials,
FNs principper om medicinsk etik / UN Principles of Medical Ethics.
FNs Body of Principels for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention of Imprisonment og Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subject to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
Konventionerne indebærer samlet, at alle handlinger og udeladelser som falder inden for begrebet tortur skal kriminaliseres efter en national strafferet og at konventionerne skrives ind i den nationale lovgivning.
Eksport af hardware (torturinstrumenter) og viden om tortur finder sted, på samme måde som våbenhandel.
Den eruropæiske menneskerettighedskonvention.
Dokumenter fra Bush-regeringen viser, at ophævelse af Genèvekonventionerne skal beskytte amerikanske ledere mod straf for tortur. The Pinochet Principle, Pinochetprincippet er at forsvare anvendelsen af tortur i den nationale sikkerheds interesser.
FNs antitorturdag, 26 juli.
Amerikanske og britiske soldater, efterretningsfolk og politikere anklages for tortur mod irakiske og afghanske krigsfanger fra 2003-.
Hver fjerde danske accepterer anvendelse af tortur, ifølge en meningsmåling referet i Berlingske Tidende, 05/22//2004.
Se også: Amnesty International ; benlås ; beskidt krig ; general Jacques Pâris de Bollardière ; Center for torturoverlevere ; CIA ; DIA ; elektrochok ; fangelejre ; folkeret ; forvaringscentre ; frihedsberøvelse ; Genève-konventionen om krigsfanger fra 1929 ; Gulag ; heksejagt ; ikkedødelige våben ; isolationsfængsel ; koncentrationslejre ; krigsforbrydelser ; menneskerettigheder ; militær straffelov ; OASIS ; Operation Condor ; Operation Phoenix ; Rehabiliceringscentret for Torturofre ; rendition ; Premier Executive Transport Services Inc. ; Røde Kors ; torturlejre ; traume ; the United Nations Committee against Torture ; ØSKR-konventionen.


Amerikansk tortur. I: Information, 02/28/2003.
Amter på kant med FN-konvention / Sidsel Nyholm ; Klavs Vedel. I: Information, 01/20/2004.
Bravin, Jess : Pentagon Report Set Framework For Use of Torture. I: The Wall Street Journal, 06/072004
Bundgaard, Bente: Avis: Topgeneral kendte til overgreb. I: Berlingske Tidende, 05/24/2004.
Classified Abu Ghraib Documents
October 12, 2004
The Complaint against Donald Rumsfeld under the German Code of Crimes against International Law
Fischer-Lescano, Andreas: Torture in Abu Ghraib: The Complaint against Donald Rumsfeld under the German Code of Crimes against International Law, in: German Law Journal 2005:3, S. 689-724.
Cook, Robin: Rumsfeld godkendte brugen af tortur. I: Information, 08/31/2003.
Danmark har moralsk medansvar / Rikke Berg ; Jrøgen Steen Nielsen. I: Information, 05/12/2004.
Dansk militær sendte flere fanger i torturlejr [Camp Bucca]. / Lars Halskov ; Mathias Seidelin. I: Politiken, 11/09/2004.
Davidsen, Lisbeth: [italiensk] Oberst meldte overgreb - intet skete. I: Politiken, 05/14/2005.
Dragsdahl, Jørgen: Bush blev frikendt på forhånd. I: Information, 05/21/2004.
FBI E-Mail Refers to Presidential Order Authorizing Inhumane Interrogation Techniques
Edelberg, Peter: Overgreb er hverdag i USAs fængsler. I: Information, 05/12/2004.
Egelund, Rasmus: Le Pen taber tortursag : Le Monde har nu rettens ord for, at den gerne må skrive om Jean-Marie Le Pens anvendelse af tortur under krigen i Algeriet. I: Information, 07/05/2003.
Harbo, Marianne: Ekstra undervisning i god opførsel. I: Berlingske Tidende, 08/05/2004.
Hentoff, Nat: Torture as Foreign Policy : The House Republican leadership authorizes torture in our war against terrorism.
October 22nd, 2004 6:15 PM
Houmark Andersen, Iver: [Russiske] Soldater praler af torturvideoer. I: Information, 06/05/2004.
Inge Genefke - Portræt af en ildsjæl. / : Thomas Larsen. Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2005.
Lægen Inge Genefke (f. 1938) fortæller om sit liv og om sit arbejde gennem 30 år for at bekæmpe tortur og hjælpe torturofre, bl.a. med stiftelsen af Rehabiliterings- og Forskningscentret for Torturofre (RCT) og Det Internationale Rehabiliteringsråd for Torturofre (IRCT).
Justice Dept. Memo Redefines 'Torture' : Broader View Covers Variety of Abuse
. / : R. Jeffrey Smith and Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, December 31, 2004; Page A09
Jørgensen, Mette: UK og USA kræver immunitet for soldater i Irak. I: Information, 05/26/2004.
Jørgensen Rodgers, Mette: USA skjulte fanger for Røde Kors. I: Information, 10/18/2004.
Kragh, Claus: Frankrig kæmper med sine egne torturspøgelser [i Algier 1954]. I: Berlingske Tidende, 05/14/2004.
Krogh, Kasper: Borgerlig USA-kritik giver Politisk genlyd. I: Berlingske Tidende, 05/24/2004.
Krusell, Jesper: Officerer udsættes for torturøvelser. I: Berlingske Tidende, 08/08/2004.
Larsen, Bjarke: Med 'Pinafore' til Irak. I: Politikens kronik, 07/07/2004.
Leder: Det definitive ansvar. I: Information, 05/06/2004.
Leder: De gode mod de onde. I: Information, 05/12/2004.
Leder: Kortene på bordet. I: Information, 08/12/2004.
Lewis, Neil A.: Broad Use of Harsh Tactics Is Described at Cuba Base
Lewis, Neil A.: Røde Kors: Tortur af fanger på Guantánamo-basen. I: Berlingske Tidende, 12/01/2004.
Lifton M.D, Robert Jay: Doctors and Torture.
In: New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 351, No. 5, July 29, 2004.
Michelsen, Johnni: Dansk omdømme skadet. I: Information, 08/07/2004.
Michelsen, Johnni: Virkeligheden er kommet til Danmark. I: Information, 08/12/2004.
No More Excuses: A Roadmap to Justice for CIA Torture. / : 2015 Human Rights Watch.
- 'US officials who created, authorized, and implemented the CIA program should be among those investigated for conspiracy to torture as well as other crimes. They include: Acting CIA General Counsel John Rizzo, Assistant Attorney General for Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) Jay Bybee, OLC Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo, an individual identified as “CTC Legal” in the Senate Summary, CIA Director George Tenet, National Security Legal Advisor John Bellinger, Attorney General John Ashcroft, White House Counsel Legal Advisor Alberto Gonzales, Counsel to the Vice President David Addington, Deputy White House Counsel Timothy Flanigan, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Defense Department General Counsel William Haynes II, Vice President Dick Cheney, and President George W. Bush. In addition, James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, CIA psychologist contractors who devised the program, proposed it to the CIA, and helped carry it out, should also be investigated for their role in the initial conspiracy.'
Poulsen Jørgen: Jeg anklager den danske regering og det danske folketing for at have svigtet de mest grundlæggende menneskelige principper. I: Information, 05/18/2004.
Den repatrierede soldat. / Hans Davidsen-Nielsen ; Mathias Seidelin. I: Politiken, 08/05/004.
Reuters ; Ritzau: [Amerikansk] Topgeneral i Irak trækker sig tilbage. I: Berlingske Tidende, 05/26/2004.
Ritzaus Bureau: Hemmelige afhøringsregler. I: Information, 08/12/2004.
Ritzaus Bureau: General: Ledelsessvigt. I: Information, 05/12/2004.
Ritzaus Bureau: [John Ashcroft] Afviser at udledere tortur-notat. I: Information, 06/10/2004.
Ritzaus Bureau: Oberst forflyttes efter toturudtalelser. I: Informations kronik, 05/18/2004.
Ritzaus Bureau: Strid om afhøringer : Tilbageholdte irakere er ikke blevet afhørt, forklarer forsvarsminister. I: Information, 08/07/2004.
Ritzaus Bureau: Tortur Blairs mareridt. I: Informations kronik, 05/11/2004.
Ritzaus Bureau: Forsvaret slipper for kritik : Forsvarsminister Søren Gade afviser at kritisere forsvarets håndtering af oplysninger om britisk toturdrab. I: Information, 05/15/2004.
Ritzaus Bureau: Dansk tolk: Tortur og drab ved amerikanske afhøringer [i Afghanistan]. I: Berlingske Tidende, 06/10/2004.
Ritzaus Bureau: Tortur i flere irakiske fængsler. I: Information, 05/26/2004.
Ritzaus Bureau: USA beskyldes for fangetortur i Afghanistan. I: Information, 05/10/2004.
Rumsfeld forbyder fotografering / Poul Husted ; Christine Cordsen. I: Politiken, 05/25/2004.
Schooner, Steven L., "Contractor Atrocities at Abu Ghraib: Compromised Accountability in a Streamlined, Outsourced Government" . Stanford Law & Policy Review, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2005
Stephens, Tom: A Chronology of US War Crimes & Torture, 1975-2005 The Crimes of Empire.
May 13, 2005
Theils, Lone: Briter holdt tyske kommunister i torturlejre. I: Berlingske Tidende, 04/04/2005.
U.N. Report Slams Use of Torture to Beat Terror
USAs regering havde ikke fuldmagt til at anvende forbudte forhørsteknikker [sic] / Mike Allen ; Susan Schmidt.
I: Politiken, 06/24/2004.
Valelly, Paul: Tortur trives i bedste velgående verden over. I: Information, 05/15/2004.
Vedel, Klavs: Torturofre må betale to gange. I: Information, 01/20/2004.
Wiesener, Kim: Britisk domstol accepterer tortur. I: Politiken, 08/13/2004.
Willum, Bjørn: Uerfarne bruges til fangeforhør. I: Information, 05/06/2004.
Willum, Gunnar: Tortur har vi folk til. I: Information, 03/06/2003.
Zizek, Slavoj: Mærk ydmygelsens subkultur. I: Informations kronik, 05/12/2004.
Aagaard, Charlotte: Torturskandale [i Irak] koster USA dyrt. I: Information, 05/01/2004.

Records related to the Taguba Report

(US Govt has withheld Taguba Annexes # 25, 26, 34, 40, 97, 103 and 104 and referred them to other agencies for review) Various 10/19/2004 DOD Various. See below
Certification (AR-16
Investigation of the 800th Military Police Brigade) 06/04/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Chief of Military Justice's certification that the printed copy of the report is true and accurate.
Memorandum for Record
from Special Asst to the Staff Judge Advocate 06/04/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Certifies that the master Disk forwarded to US Central Command in Doha, Qatar is a true and accurate copy of the investigation
Article 15-6
Investigation of the 900th Military Police Brigade (Taguba Report) 10/19/2004 DOD
Concludes that "US soldiers have committed egregious acts of abuse to detainees in violation of UCMJ and international law at Abu Ghraib (BCCF)." List of
Annexes to the Taguba Report (Redacted) 10/19/2004 DOD
Lists 106 annexes to the Taguba Report
Taguba Annex #1 AR 15-6
Investigation--Allegations of Detainee Abuse at Abu Ghraib, Psychological Assessment by USAF Psychiatrist. 10/19/2004 DOD
Examines the psychological factors contributing to detainee abuse including the immersion of soldiers into Islamic culture, which many were encountering for the first time; notes lack of proper training and supervisions, failure to respond to recommendations of corrective actions, failure of leaders to accept responsibility; notes it was "commonplace for detainees to be abused" in certain areas and that detainee abuse was common knowledge among the soldiers at Abu Ghraib; notes abuse incidents dated Aug 23, 2003, 28-29 Oct. 2003, and Nov. 2003 Taguba Annex # 2
Memorandum for Commander, United States Central Command from Lt. Gen, USA 01/19/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Request from CJTF-7 addressed to CENTCOM, for appointment of investigating officer
Taguba Annex #3
Memorandum for Commander, Coalition Forces Land Component Command/CENTCOM from MG R. Steven Whitcomb 01/24/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Directs Commander CFLCC to conduct an investigation into the 800th MP Brigade's detention operations from Nov 1, 2003 to the present.
Taguba Annex # 4
Memorandum for MG Antonio M. Taguba from CFLCC CDR David D. McKiernan 31/1/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Appoints MG Taguba to conduct an informal investigation into the 800th MP Brigade's detention operations from Nov 1, 2003 to the present.
Annex #5
Report of Proceedings by Investigating Officer/Board of Officers re June 9, 2003 investigation into riot and shootings of five civilian internees at Camp Cropper, Baghdad 10/19/2004 DOD
Documents related to an investigation of 9 June 2003 investigation into riot and shootings of five civilian internees at Camp Cropper, Baghdad.
Taguba Annex # 6
Report of Proceedings by Investigating Officer/Board of Officers re the escape, shooting and death of civilian internees from Camp Cropper on June 12, 2003. 10/19/2004 DOD
Documents related to an investigation into the escape, shooting and death of civilian internees from Camp Cropper on June 12, 2003.
Taguba Annex # 7
Memorandum for Commander, 400th Military Police Battalion re June 13, 2003 escape and shooting at Abu Ghraib and related documents; Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Camp Vigilant Center (Abu Ghurayb) 06/21/2003 10/19/2004 DOD
Documents related to an investigation into the escape, shooting of civilian internees from Camp Cropper on June 13, 2003;
includes SOP for Abu Ghraib;
Taguba Annex # 8 15-6
Investigation on Riot and Shootings at Abu Ghrayb on (24 November 2003) including 15-6 Narrative (Findings), memo from MG Wojdakowski, 16th MO Brigade Corrective Actions Plan 10/19/2004 DOD
Documents related to the shooting of 4 detainees that contributed to a prison riot, cellblock shooting at Abu Ghraib. It finds Standard Operating Procedures, Rules of Engagement and Training were ineffective/inadequate; it also notes that a "clear cut chain of command does not exist in the prison. It is difficult to understand whom the Military Police work for, particularly in the MI hold area."
Taguba Annex # 9 Report of
Proceedings by Investigating Officers/Board of Officers re an escape from Camp Bucca on Jan 7, 2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Documents related to an investigation into an escape from Camp Bucca on Jan 7, 2004
Taguba Annex #10
Report of Proceedings by Investigating Officers/Board of Officers re an escape from Camp Bucca on Jan 12, 2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Documents related to an investigation into an escape from Camp Bucca on Jan 12, 2004
Taguba Annex # 11 SIR
Report on 2 prisoner escapes from Hard Site Prison Unit 3A, Cell # 144, Abu Ghraib Prison Nov. 2003 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 12 SIR
Report on prisoner escape from Abu Ghraib Prison Nov. 2003 10/19/2004 DOD
Annex # 13 SIR Report on prisoner escape from Baghdad Correctional Facility Nov. 2003 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 14 SIR
Report 12/13/2003 10/19/2004 DOD
Describes crowd dispersal rounds
Taguba Annex # 15 SIR report
12/13/2003 10/19/2004 DOD
Describes crowd dispersal rounds
Taguba Annex # 16 SIR
report 12/13/2003 10/19/2004 DOD
Describes crowd dispersal rounds
Taguba Annex # 17 SIR
report on disturbance in Ganci, Attack on MP 12/17/2003 10/19/2004 DOD
Describes disruption during prisoner feeding.
Taguba Annex # 18
Commander's enquiry into the escape on Jan 26, 2004 from Camp Bucca 10/19/2004 DOD
Documents related to a prisoner's escape on Jan. 26, 2004 from camp Bucca
Taguba Annex # 19 MG
Ryder's Report (Redacted version released by DOD on Oct 15, 2004, see supra)
11/06/2003 DOD
Taguba Annex #20
Assessment of DoD Counterterrorism Interrogation and Detention Operations in Iraq (Miller Report)
09/09/2003 10/19/2004 DOD
Using JTF-GTMO operational procedures and interrogation authorities as "baselines," the report concludes after Miller's visit of Aug 31-Sep 9, 2003, that "detention operations function [in Iraq] must act as an enabler for interrogation"; recommends consolidating the interrogation mission at one Joint Interrogation Debriefing Center under CJTF-7 command (notes this action has been initiated); and states that "it is essential that the guard force be actively engaged in setting the conditions for successful exploitation of the internees."
Taguba Annex # 21 Army
Regulation 190-8, Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees 10/01/1997 10/19/2004 DOD
Army Regulation establishing "policies and planning guidance for the treatment, care, accountability, legal status, and administrative procedures for Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees." The principal treaties relevant to this regulation are the Geneva Conventions. Art 1-5 provides that "[t]he inhumane treatment of EPW, CI, RP is prohibited and is not justified by the stress of combat or with deep provocation. Inhumane treatment is a serious and punishable violation under international law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)." It prohibits "murder, torture, corporal punishment, mutilation, the taking of hostages, sensory deprivation, collective punishments, execution without trial by properly authority and all cruel and degrading treatment."
Annex # 22 FM 3-19.40
Military Police Internment/Resettlement Operations 08/01/2001 10/19/2004 DOD
This Field Manual depicts the doctrinal foundation, principles, and processes that Military Police will employ when dealing with enemy prisoners of war, civilian internees etc. It provides that the provisions of the Geneva Conventions are applicable to captives and detainees from the time they are captured until they are released or repatriated. . . . Detainees receive humane treatment . . . captives and detainees are not murdered, mutilated, tortured, or degraded."
Taguba Annex # 23 FM 34-52,
Intelligence Interrogation 05/08/1987 10/19/2004 DOD
This Field Manual sets forth the basic principles of interrogation doctrine and establishes procedures and techniques applicable to Army intelligence interrogations.
Taguba Annex # 24
The Fourth Geneva Convention 08/12/1949 10/19/2004 DOD
Sets forth the protections due to civilian persons in time of war.
Taguba Annex # 25 CID
Report on criminal abuse at Abu Ghraib, 28 Jan. 2004 (referred to other agency for review) 01/28/2004
Taguba Annex # 26 CID
Interviews, 10-25 January 2004 (referred to other agency for review) 01/25/2004
Taguba Annex # 27 800th
MP Roster, 29 Jan, 2004 (redacted) 01/29/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Names of Military Police personnel are redacted
Taguba Annex # 28
Interrogation Rules of Engagement (IROE) for 205th MI Brigade, Iraq. 10/19/2004 DOD
Sets forth two lists of techniques for use on detainees, of which one set (including isolation for more than 30 days and the presence of military working dogs) requires the Commanding General's approval; 4 accompanying pages are unreadable.
Taguba Annex # 29 TOA
Order and letter holding witnesses (includes Frago 176 --Military Police Task Org Change and OIF 1 to OIF 2 Transition) 02/01/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Describes Military task Organization Change
Taguba Annex # 30 Investigation
Team's witness list 10/19/2004 DOD
Names on this list are redacted
Annex # 31 Frago 1108 11/19/2003 10/19/2004 DOD
November 19, 2003 Fragmentary order assigning responsibility for Abu Ghraib to the Commander of the 205th MI Brigade, effective immediately.
Taguba Annex # 32
Letters from BG Karpinski suspending several key leaders in the 800th MP Brigade and Rating Chains with suspensions annotated 01/18/2004, 1/19/2004 10/19/2004 DOD Names of suspended individuals are redacted.
Taguba Annex # 33 FM 27-10,
Military Justice 09/06/2002 10/19/2004 DOD
Field Manual setting forth treaties relating to the conduct of land warfare which have been ratified by the United States.
CID Report on abuse of detainees at Camp Bucca, 8 June, 2003 (Referred to another agency) 06/08/2003
Taguba Annex # 35
Article 32 Findings on abuse of detainees at Camp Bucca, 26 Aug. 2003, IO Report 08/26/2003 10/19/2004 DOD
Documents related to investigations of abuse of Iraqi detainees by four military personnel. The Investigating officer's report finds by a preponderance of the evidence that one of the accused's "actions were cruel and maltreated" an EPW; and that the accused "inflicted bodily harm" on the EPW and that the use of force was "unlawful."; investigating officer's reports are addressed to BG Karpinski
Taguba Annex # 36 Army
Regulation 381-10, US Army Intelligence Activities 04/01/1984 10/19/2004 DOD Regulation setting forth policies and procedures governing the conduct of intelligence activities by Department of the Army intelligence components
Taguba Annex #37
Excerpts from log books, 320th MP Battalion 10/19/2004 DOD
An entry for Sep. 15, 2003 states "Per M.I., cell #9 can now leave his outer cell door open for ventilation and is off the light schedule."; an entry for Sep 16, 2003, 1040 am notes that a detainee was placed in an isolation cell for fighting with IP's; for 1045 am, it notes, "continued with jail beautification for VIP's"; at 14.45 he notes that a detainee "was stripped down per M/I he is neked [sic] and standing tall in his cell."; for Sep. 22, 2003, at 0005, another entry notes, "one OGA inmate moved to cell 1A25"; an entry for 29 Sep 03, 1130, notes, "moved 2 OGA prisoners to 4B for interrogation."; an entry for Sep 29, 2003, 1415 notes "MI wants 150548 transferred to Iso[lation] for infor extraction pulled from 2B134 . . ."; anentry for Nov. 30, 2003 at 100 notes, "spoke with LTC Jordan about MI Holds in 1A/B. He stated he would clear up with MI and let MP's runA/B as far as what inmate gets (clothes).
Taguba Annex # 38 310th
Military Police BN, Al-Hillah Prison Standard Operating Procedures
10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 39 320th
MP Batallion's Change Sheet
10/19/2004 DOD This appears to be a blank form to record prisoner arrival and departure.
Taguba Annex # 40 Joint Interrogation and Debriefing Center's (JIDC) slides, undated (Referred to another agency)
Taguba Annex # 41 Order
of Battle Slides, 12 January 2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 42
Publication 0-2, Unified Actions Armed Forces, 10 July 2001 07/10/2001 10/19/2004 DOD
Manual that provides the basic doctrine and policy governing the unified direction of forces and discusses the functions of the Department of Defense and its major components.
Taguba Annex # 43
General Officer reprimand memos (from LTG McKiernan or BG Karpinski reprimanding various officers)
11/29/2003, 5/25/2003, 5/25/2003, 5/25/2003, 11/10/2003, 11/10/2003, 8/20/2003, 8/20/2003, 8/20/2003, 8/20/2003 10/19/2004 DOD Reprimands for having inappropriate relationships with junior female soldiers, consuming alcoholic beverages, fraternizing with drinking colleagues,, lack of leadership in preventing escapes, lack of leadership and failure in training on proper weapons as demonstrated by subordinate soldier negligently discharging an M-16 round while exiting his vehicle, rendering the vehicle inoperable.
Taguba Annex # 44 800th
MP Brigade Tactical SOP (TACSOP) Sep. 2002 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 45 Article 15-6
Investigation Interview by MG Taguba of BG Karpinski 02/15/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 46
Testimony of Thomas Pappas, Commander, 205th MI Brigade 02/09/2004 10/19/2004 DOD States that "LTG Sanchez gave me, in writing, a specific interrogation plan. We were under strict guidance."; "if detainee abuse was brought to my attention, action was taken"; "if the interrogation plan falls within the outline set by LTG Sanchez then the 05 Deputy Director or myself approve the plans. Those interrogation plans include a sleep plan and medical standards. . . . based on LTG Sanchez's outline, the approval came from me. Myself or a senior person in the JIDC signed off on the interrogation plan and took it down to work it with the MPs."; "I am not aware that a copy of the Geneva Conventions under AR 190-8 must be posted in the facility in the language of the country to which the detainees are being held. The Geneva Convention was not specifically posted in any of the facilities where the detainees were held."; "The interrogation teams are predominantly MI."
Taguba Annex # 47
Testimony of [Col. Ralph Sabatino-Redacted] CLFCC Judge Advocate, CPA Ministry of Justice
02/10/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 48
Testimony of [LTC Gary W. Maddocks-Redacted] S-5 and Executive Officer, 800th MP Brigade
02/14/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 49
Testimony of [LTC James O'Hare-Redacted] Command Judge Advocate, 800th MP Brigade 02/14/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 50
Testimony of [LTC Robert P. Walters Jr.-Redacted] Commander, 165th MI Battalion 02/14/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 51
Testimony of [LTC James T. Edwards-Redacted ] Commander, 202nd MI Battalion 02/09/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 52
Testimony of [LTC Vincent Montera-Redacted] Commander, 310th MP Battalion 02/17/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 53
Testimony of [LTC Steve Jordan-Redacted] Director, Joint Interrogation and Debriefing Center 02/21/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 54
Testimony of [LTC Leigh A. Coulter-Redacted] Commander, 724th MP Battalion 02/14/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 55
Testimony of [LTC Dennis McGlone-Redacted] Commander, 744th MP Battalion 02/10/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 56
Testimony of [Maj. David Hinzman-Redacted] S1, Personnel Officer, 800th MP brigade 02/15/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 57
Testimony of [Maj. William D. Proietto-Redacted] Deputy CJA, 800th MP Brigade 02/15/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 58
Testimony of [Maj. Stacy L. Garrity-Redacted]S-1 (FWD), 800th MP Brigade 02/14/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 59
Testimony of [Maj. David W. DiNenna-Redacted] S-3, 320th MP Battalion 02/09/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 60
Testimony of [Maj. Michael Sheridan-Redacted] S-3, 320th MP Battalion 02/14/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 61
Testimony of [Maj. Anthony Cavallaro-Redacted]] S-3, 800th MP Brigade 02/15/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 62
Testimony of [CPT Marc C. Hale-Redacted], Commander, 670th MP Company 02/10/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 63
Testimony of [CPT Reese-Redacted] Commander, 372nd MP Company 02/21/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 64
Testimony of [CPT Darren Hampton-Redacted] Assistant S-3, 320 MP Battalion 02/15/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 65
Testimony of [CPT John Kaires-Redacted] S-3, 310th MP Battalion 02/17/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 66
Testimony of [CPT Ed Diamantis-Redacted] S-2, 800th MP Brigade 02/15/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 67
Testimony of [LTC Jerry L. Phillabaum-Redacted] Commander, 320th MP Battalion 02/09/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 68
Testimony of [COT James G. Jones-Redacted] ] Commander, 229th MP Company 02/10/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 69
Testimony of [CPT Michael A Mastrangelo-Redacted] Commander, 310th MP Company 02/10/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 70
Testimony of [CPT Lawrence Bush-Redacted] Inspector General, 800th MP Brigade 02/15/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 71
Testimony of [1LT Lewis C. Raeder-Redacted] Platoon leader, 372nd MP Company 02/10/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 72
Testimony of [1LT Elvis Mabry-Redacted] Aide de Camp to Brigade Commander, 800th MP Brigade 02/15/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 73
Testimony of [1LT Warren E. Ford II-Redacted] Commander HHC 320th MP Battalion 02/09/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 74
Testimony of [2LT David O. Sutton-Redacted] Platoon Leader, 229th MP Company 02/10/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 75
Testimony of [CW2 Edward J. Rivas-Redacted], 205th MI Brigade 02/22/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 76
Testimony of [CSM Joseph P. Arrison-Redacted] Command Sergeant Major, 320th MP Battalion 02/09/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 77
Testimony of [SGM Pascual Cartagena-Redacted] Command Sergeant Major, 800th MP Battalion 02/14/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 78
Testimony of [CSM Timonth L. Woodcock-Redacted] Command Sergeant Major, 310th MP Battalion 02/15/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 79
Testimony of [1SG Dawn J. Rippelmeyer-Redacted] First Sergeant, 977th MP Company 02/20/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 80
Testimony of [SGM Mark Emerson-Redacted] Operations Sergeant Major, 320th MP Battalion 02/18/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 81
Testimony of [MSG Brian G. Lipinski-Redacted] First Sergeant, 372nd MP Company 02/10/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 82
Testimony of [MSG Andrew J. Lombardo-Redacted] Operations Sergeant, 310th MP Battalion 02/17/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 83
Testimony of [SFC Keith A. Comer-Redacted] Platoon Sergeant, 229th MP Company 02/10/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 84
Testimony of [SFC Shannon K. Snider-Redacted] Platoon Sergeant, 372nd MP Company 02/12/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 85
Testimony of [SFC Keith A. Comer-Redacted], 372nd MP Company 02/09/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 86
Testimony of [SSG Robert Elliot-Redacted] SSG, Squad Leader, 372nd MP Company 02/12/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 87
Testimony of [SSG Santos A. Cardona-Redacted], Army Dog Handler 02/12/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 88
Testimony of [SGT Michael Smith-Redacted], Army Dog Handler 02/13/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex #89
Testimony of [MA1 William J.Kimbro-Redacted] MA1, USN Dog Handler 02/11/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 90
Testimony of [Mr. Steve Stephanowicz-Redacted] US civilian contract interrogator, CACI, 205th MI Brigade 02/12/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 91
Testimony of [Mr. John Israel-Redacted] US civilian contract Interpreter, Titan Corporation, 205th MI Brigade 02/12/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 92 FM
3-19.1, Military Police Operations 01/31/2002 10/19/2004 DOD Field Manual which is the foundation for all MP doctrine as it relates to the support the MP Corps provides to the commander.
Taguba Annex # 93 CJTF-7
IROE and DROE, undated
10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 94 CJTF-7
Interrogation and Counter Resistance Policy, 12 October 2003 10/12/2003 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 95 800th
MP Brigade Mobilization Orders
10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 96 Sample
Detainee Status Report, Mar. 13, 2004 03/13/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
*Taguba Annex # 97 530th MP Battalion Mission Brief 2/11/2004 (Referred to another agency) 02/11/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 98
Memorandum for Record, CPT Ed Ray, Chief of Military Justice, CLFCC 03/09/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Describes inaccuracies in maintaining detainee manifests
Annex # 99 SIR 14 Jan, 2004 01/14/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Describes escape incident
Annex # 100
Accountability Plan Recommendations, 9 March 2004 03/09/2004 10/19/2004
Taguba Annex # 101
Testimony of 2LT [Michael M. Osterhout-Redacted] , 320th MP Battalion 02/14/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 102
Memorandum of Admonishment from [LTG Sanchez-Redacted], addressed to LTG Karpinski, 17 Jan, 2004 01/17/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Notes that "[I]n the past 6 months, incidents have occurred that reflect a lack of clear standards, proficiency and leadership within the Brigade. As the commander, I hold you ultimately responsible for these deficiencies. The reported detainee abuse incident at the Baghdad correctional facility (Abu Ghraib) is the most recent example of what I am increasingly concluding is a poor leadership climate that permeates the Brigade." Admonishes Karpinski and suspends platoon leader, company commander and battalion commander of the unites involved in the abuse incident.
Taguba Annex # 103
Various SIRs from the 800th MP Brigade/320th MP Battalion (Referred to another agency) 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 104
205th MI Brigade SITREP to [MG Miller-Redacted], 12 Dec. 2003
(Referred to another agency) 12/12/2003
Taguba Annex # 105
Testimony of SGT [William G. Cathcart-Redacted] 372nd MP Company 02/11/2004 10/19/2004 DOD
Taguba Annex # 106
Testimony of 1LT [Michael A. Drayton-Redacted] Commander, 870th MP Company

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