NSA; US National Security Agency
Bamford, James: Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the
Ultra-Secret National Security Agency From the Cold War Through the
Dawn of a New Century. Doubleday.
Fiscal Year 2012 National Defense Authorization Budget Request for
National Security Space Activities. H 15, 2011: Hearing on national
defense authorization act for fiscal year 2012 and oversight of
previously authorized programs before the committee on armed
services house of representatives one hundred twelfth congress
first session subcommittee on strategic forces hearing on budget
request for national security space activities hearing held March
15, 2011.
Bamford, James: The Puzzle Palace. 1982.
CRS: Memorandum January 5, 2006: SUBJECT: Presidential Authority
to Conduct Warrantless Electronic Surveillance to Gather Foreign
Intelligence Information. FROM: Elizabeth B. Bazan and Jennifer
K. Elsea, Legislative Attorneys, American Law Division.
Efterretningstjenesternes praksis og lovgivningen herom skal
være i overensstemmelse med forfatningen, men er det ikke,
skriver forfatterne. et enkelt citat fra denne rapports s. 13:
Since the 1930’s, intelligence agencies have frequently
wiretapped and buggedAmerican citizens without the benefit of
judicial warrant . . . . . past subjects ofthese surveillances have
included a United States Congressman, Congressional staffmember,
journalists and newsmen, and numerous individuals and groups
whoengaged in no criminal activity and who posed no genuine threat
to the nationalsecurity, such as two White House domestic affairs
advisers and an anti-Vietnam War protest group. (Vol. 2, p.12)
The application of vague and elastic standards for wiretapping and
bugging has resulted in electronic surveillances which, by any
objective measure, were improper and seriously infringed the Fourth
Amendment rights of both the targets and those with whom the
targets communicated. The inherently intrusive nature of electronic
surveillance, moreover, has enabled the Government to generate vast
amounts of information — unrelated to any legitimate
government interest — about the personal and political lives
of American citizens. The collection of this type of information
has, in turn, raised the danger of its use for partisan political
and otherimproper ends by senior administration officials. (Vol. 3,
p. 32.).
Madsen, Wayne: Hayden's Heroes: A tale of incompetence and
politicization at America's super-secret intelligence agency.
May 10, 2005
Online Journal Contributing Writer
Byrckel, Tine: Fransk vrede over big brother på
Concordepladsen. I: Information 25. juni 2015.
Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin.
CRS: Overview of Constitutional
Challenges to NSA Collection Activities. / : Edward C. Liu
et al. 2015
'Beginning in summer 2013, media reports of foreign intelligence
activities conducted by the National Security Agency (NSA) have
been widely published. The reports have focused on two main NSA
collection activities approved by the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Court (FISC) established under the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978. The first is the bulk
collection of telephony metadata for domestic and international
telephone calls. The second involves the interception of
Internet-based communications and is targeted at foreigners who are
not within the United States, but may also inadvertently acquire
the communications of U.S. persons. As public awareness of these
programs grew, questions about the constitutionality of these
programs were increasingly raised by Members of Congress and
others. This report provides a brief overview of these two programs
and the various constitutional challenges that have arisen in
judicial forums with respect to each.'
CRS: NSA Surveillance Leaks: Background and Issues for
Congress. / : Marshall Curtis Erwin ; Edward C. Liu. July 2,
2013. - 18 s.
'Recent attention concerning National Security Agency (NSA)
surveillance pertains to unauthorized disclosures of two different
intelligence collection programs. Since these programs were
publicly disclosed over the course of two days in June, there has
been confusion about what information is being collected and what
authorities the NSA is acting under. This report clarifies the
differences between the two programs and identifies potential
issues that may help Members of Congress assess legislative
proposals pertaining to NSA surveillance authorities. One program
collects in bulk the phone records—specifically the number
that was dialed from, the number that was dialed to, and the date
and duration of the call—of customers of Verizon Wireless and
possibly other U.S. telephone service providers. It does not
collect the content of the calls or the identity of callers. The
data are collected pursuant to Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT ACT,
which amended the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of
1978. Section 215 allows the FBI, in this case on behalf of the
NSA, to apply to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)
for an order compelling a person to produce “any tangible
thing,” including records held by a telecommunications
provider concerning the number and length of communications, but
not the contents of those communications. The FBI must provide a
statement of facts showing that there are “reasonable grounds
to believe” that the tangible things sought are
“relevant to an authorized investigation.” Some
commentators have expressed skepticism regarding how there could be
“reasonable grounds to believe” that such a broad
amount of data could be said to be “relevant to an authorized
investigation,” as required by the statute.
The other program collects the electronic communications, including
content, of foreign targets overseas whose communications flow
through American networks. The Director of National Intelligence
has acknowledged that data are collected pursuant to Section 702 of
FISA. As described, the program may not intentionally target any
person known at the time of acquisition to be located in the United
States, which is prohibited by Section 702. Beyond that, the scope
of the intelligence collection, the type of information collected
and companies involved, and the way in which it is collected remain
unclear. Section 702 was added by the FISA Amendments Act of 2008.
Prior to the enactment of Section 702, FISA only permitted
sustained domestic electronic surveillance or access to domestic
electronically stored communications after the issuance of a FISC
order that was specific to the target.'
Europa-Parlamentets Udvalg for Borgernes Rettigheder og Retslige
og Indre Anliggende Udkast til
betænkning om USA's NSA-overvågningsprogram,
overvågningsorganer i forskellige medlemsstater og deres
indvirkning på EU-borgeres grundlæggende rettigheder
samt om det transatlantiske samarbejde inden for retlige og indre
anliggender (2013/2188(INI)) Udvalget om Borgernes Rettigheder
og Retlige og Indre Anliggender. Ordfører: Claude Moraes.
Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976,
Volume XXXVIII, Part 2, Organization and Management of Foreign
Policy; Public Diplomacy, 1973–1976. / : Editors:M. Todd
Bennett. Alexander R. Wieland. General Editor: Adam M. Howard.
United States Government Printing Office, Washington, 2014.
Greenwald, Glenn: Medlemmer af USA's kongres nægtes adgang
til oplysninger om NSA. I: Information, 08/05/2013.
Heeger, Troels: Tysk Efterretningstjeneste udleverede data til
NSA. I: Information, 08/07/2013.
National Security Archive: The National Security Agency
Declassified, edited by Jeffrey T. Richelson assisted by
Michael L. Evans. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing
Book No. 24. January 13, 2000.
- http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB23/index.html
Maass, Peter: Vi var ved at gå bag over, da vi så,
hvor ung han var. I: Information, 08/24/2003.
Nielsen, Jørgen Steen: Aflytningslækage er
oprør mod politikere : Aflytning af FNs
sikkerhedsråd. I: Information, 03/11/2003.
NSA-dokumenter afslører dyb splid om Grækenland i
Europa. / : Mette Rodgers. I: Innformation, 3. juli
NSA vinder kampen mod kryptering. / : Sebastian Gjerding.
I: Information, 09/07/2013.
Overvåget : en insiderberetning om Edward Snowden, NSA og
den amerikanske overvågningsstat. / : Glenn Greenwald.
Informations forlag, 2015.
'I maj 2013 rejser journalist Glenn Greenwald til Hongkong for at
møde en anonym kilde, som hævder at ligge inde med
beviser for, at USA´s efterretningstjeneste NSA ulovligt har
masseovervåget egne og andre landes borgere. Kilden viser sig
at være den 29-årige tidligere NSA-agent Edward
Snowden, som har forladt sit job, sin kæreste og sit hjem og
forskanset sig på et hotelværelse, uden nogen vej
tilbage. Edward Snowden betror Greenwald sit enorme arkiv af
tophemmelige dokumenter, som han ønsker offentliggjort for
at afsløre USA´s systematiske overvågning og
ikke mindst for at starte en principiel debat om national sikkerhed
og privatlivets fred.'
Raben, Birgitte: Efterretningstjek af Windows Vista.
I: Politiken, 01/07/2007.
Seidelin, Michael: USAs hemmelige ører. I:
Politiken, 11/07/2001
Spionvæsen taber formue på lyttepost :
Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste har solgt en bornholmsk
aflytningscentral, der burde være lukket for år
tilbage, lyder kritikken. / : Hans Davidsen-Nielsen ; Jacob
Svendsen. I: Politiken, 07/ 07/2013.
Tysk efterretningstjeneste i NSA skandale: En
spionageaffære ruller over Tyskland, fordi landet ulovligt
har sendt følsomme data til det amerikanske NSA. Det kan
komme til at koste jobbet for efterretningstjenestens chef. / :
Lasse Soll Sunde. I: Information, 04/25/2015
Deutsch-Geheimdienst NSA-Skandal
Globale Überwachungs- und Spionageaffäre
Udvider aflytningsmulighed. I: