biologisk mangfoldighed / Biological Diversity

Biologisk mangfoldighed i international lov:
Konventionen om den biologiske mangfoldighed, oprindelige folk og bevaring af biodiversitet
Bekendtgørelse af Konvention af 5. juni 1992 om den biologiske mangfoldighed (Biodiversitetskonventionen)
'I denne konvention forstås ved:
Biologisk mangfoldighed: mangfoldigheden af levende organismer fra alle kilder, herunder bl.a. terrestriske, marine og andre akvatiske økosystemer og de økologiske strukturer, de indgår i; dette omfatter mangfoldighed inden for de enkelte arter og mellem arterne samt økosystemernes mangfoldighed.
Biologiske ressourcer: genetiske ressourcer, organismer eller dele heraf, populationer eller en hvilken som helst anden biotisk bestanddel af økosystemerne, som kan udnyttes af eller have værdi for menneskeheden nu eller i fremtiden.
Bioteknologi: enhver teknologisk udnyttelse af biologiske systemer, levende organismer eller produkter heraf med henblik på at fremstille eller ændre produkter eller processer til bestemte anvendelser.'
The Convention on Biological Diversity, Indigenous Peoples and Conservation of Biodiversity, 1992
The Biodiversity Heritage Library
The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is a consortium of natural history and botanical libraries that cooperate to digitize the legacy literature of biodiversity held in their collections and to make that literature available for open access and responsible use as a part of a global “biodiversity commons.”
Since 2009, the BHL has expanded globally. The European Commission’s eContentPlus program has funded the BHL Europe project, with 28 institutions, to assemble the European language literature. Additionally, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (BHL China), the Atlas of Living Australia (BHL Australia), Brazil (through BHL SciELO), the Bibliotheca Alexandrina(BHL Egypt), and the South African National Biodiversity Institute (BHL Africa) have created national or regional BHL nodes. Additionally, in 2014, the National Library Board of Singapore became the first institution to join BHL as both a Member of BHL and a global node (BHL Singapore). Global nodes are organizational structures that may or may not develop their own BHL portals. It is the goal of BHL to share and serve content through the BHL Portal developed and maintained at the Missouri Botanical Garden. These projects will work together to share content, protocols, services, and digital preservation practices.
Se også: Klimaforandringer.


The Global Biodiversity Facility
Eksempelvis: - GBIF Secretariat (2015). GBits Newsletter no. 44. 10 pp. Copenhagen: Global Biodiversity Information Facility.
The Global Biodiversity Facility GBIF is an inter-governmental organization borned in 2001 that currently comprises 53 governments and 43 international organizations. GBIF is a network of national nodes with an international mandate settled in Copenhagen. The main goal of GBIF is to provide free and open online access to global biodiversity data supporting at the same time scientific research, conservation and sustainable development.
GBIF Data Access and Database Interoperability: An Introduction to GBIF Biodiversity Informatics. / : Donald Hobern.
Organiske lavbundsjorder – natur-, miljø- og klimagevinster. / : Salik Rosing, Klaudia Gram, Thomas Færgeman. Concito, 2013.
Samtidigt er Danmark ifølge et Environmetal Perfomance Index, som udarbejdes af Columbia og Yale universiteterne i USA , et af de lande i Europa, der gør mindst for biodiversiteten, med en international 66. plads i kategorien. Dermed følger vi ikke de mange konventioner, vi underskriver, og mål, vi sætter os selv op med konkret handling i et omfang, der matcher de problemer og udfordringer, vi har.

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