Map of Fylingdales

UK RAF ; US Fylingdales

Amerikansk C4I og Early Warning base i North Yorkshire i England, ud til Nordsøen; et led i USAs stjernekrigsprojekter og rumimperialisme. Fylingdales er fra 1999 moderniseret med Milsatcom uden britisk parlamentarisk kontrol og godkendelse.
Basen er oprettet i 1963 i et naturreservat, North York Moors National Park, i et område der har været benyttet til militære øvelsesskydninger fra omkring første verdenskrig og fremefter. Fylingdales er et af de britiske led i USAs stjernekrigs­projekter med bl.a. Milstar og BMEWS-installationer, hvor BMEWS-radaren er oprettet i begyndelsen af 1964.
Fylingdales was first established to counter the threat to the USA posed by Sputnik (Oct 1957). The decision must have been made immediately after because the first act was the purchase in 1958 of the Commoners' Rights to the land (to graze sheep, dig peat, etc).
Fylingdales now normally performs two functions:
a) monitoring satellites as they come up over the horizon.
b) monitoring space junk. Its early warning function of identifying ICBMs aimed from the Eurasion landmass over the poles to USA is in identifying anything unusual. The data is transmitted to US Space Command HQ in Cheyenne Mountain via Milsatcom.
Se også: Faslane ; Fylingdales Action Network ; GPS : US NSA Menwith Hill ; NARS ; US Phased Array Warning System ; UK Sites ; Thulebasen ; X-Band Radar.


Agreement between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the BMEW Station at Fylingdales Moor, Yorkshire, dated 15 February 1960.
Annual Report to Defence and Safety Board 2001/2
Ballistic Missile Early Warning Radar System (BMEWS) at Fylingdales.
Building Design Partnership: Upgrade to RAF Fylingdales Early Warning Radar :
Enviromental and Land Use Report. 2003.
Campbell, Duncan: The Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier.
The Fylingdales Site - by Yorkshire CND.
Fylingdales - Is the Radar Safe?
(Originally published as: "Proposed radar at Fylingdales raises serious health concerns", by Dr David Webb, Electromagnetic Hazard & Therapy, 2003, Volume 13, Nos 3-4, pp 6-7 and "Star Wars at Fylingdales" by Dr David Webb.
Lee, Anne: Response to UK Ministry of Defence Report 16 june 2003 Upgrade to RAF Fylingdales Early Warning Radar : Enviromental and Land Use Report.
Lee, Anne: Submission for the attention of the US Missile Defense Agency's Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.
North York Moors National Park Authority's Chief Executive's Report, Update on Fylingdales, 13 December 2004.
Subbrit: RSG: Sites: Fylingdales
Røder, Ulla: Atomoprustningen for det næste århundrede besluttet på selveste Hiroshimadagen. Simpelthen forkasteligt.

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