Operation Red Hat, 1971

Operation Red Hat var en amerikansk militær aktion i 1971, som indebar flytning af ammunition til kemisk våben, eksempelvis Agent Orance, fra den amerikanske base i Okinawa i Japan til Johnston atollen i det nordlige Stillehav.
Se også: Operation Ranch Hand ; Vietnamkrigen.


Brankowitz: William R. : Chemical Weapons Movement: History Compilation.
Office of the Program Manager for Chemical Munitions (Demilitarization and Binary) (Provisional), Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, 1987 - 137 s.
“I was exposed to nerve agent on Okinawa” – US soldier sickened by chemical weapon leak at Chibana Ammunitions Depot in 1969 breaks silence on what happened that day.. / : Jon Mitchell The Asia-Pacific Journal, Japan Focus Volume 1, Issue 20: 2. Oct 15, 2019. On July 8 1969, 19-year old US soldier Daniel Plemons was working at Chibana Ammunition Depot, Okinawa, in one of the most dangerous – and secretive – jobs in the US military: the maintenance of chemical weapons.
Operation Red Hat : Men and a Mission (1971) / National Archives and Records Administration Department of Defense. Department of the Army. U.S. Army Materiel Command. U.S. Army Munitions Command. Edgewood Arsenal. (08/01/1962 - 1971). 'This film shows the movement of Okinawa - based American munitions to Johnston Island in 1971. Footage reveals that in 1962, Edgewood Arsenal was involved in a classified operation to ship munitions to Okinawa under the code name "Red Hat." In 1969, it was discovered that toxic munitions were in Okinawa and President Richard Nixon promised Japan's Prime Minister that he would remove the toxic munitions. On February 13, 1971, the first convoy of chemical weapons was sent to Johnston Island, located 750 miles southwest of Hawaii. Each vehicle leaving the munitions holding center was inspected to ensure that the civilian population in Japan had not been contaminated. Japanese officials inspected the empty igloos after the munitions were removed. On September 10, 1971, the transportation of munitions and the operation were complete.'

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