
Geography, nature and climate, demographics, history, wars, culture, film, politics, defense, peace movements, religion, social issues, education, economy.
Géographie, la nature, la démographie, histoire, la culture, la politique, la défense, les mouvements pacifistes, la religion, les questions sociales, l'éducation, économie.
Geografi: Fransk ø og koloni som er en del af Tuamotu øgruppen i Fransk Polynesien i det sydlige Stillehav.
Atlas: French Polynesia
Natur, klima. Biodiversitet. Fauna og flora: Fisk. Fugle. Koralrev. Vådområder.
Nature, climate. Flora and fauna: Botanical gardens. Fish. Birds. Coral reefs. Wetlands
Flore et faune: Poissons. Oiseaux. Les récifs coralliens. Les zones humides.
Flora y fauna: Fish. Pájaros. Los arrecifes de coral. Los humedales.
Natur, Klima. Flora und Fauna: Botanische Gärten. Fisch. Vögeln. Korallenriffe. Feuchtgebiet, Feuchtbiotop.
International Network of Basin Organizations / Det internationale netværk af flodbassin organisationer.
Geologi og jordbundsforhold: Bjerge, vulkaner, jordskælv og ørkenområder:
Geology: Mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes and desert areas
Géologie: Montagnes, volcans, tremblements de terre et les zones désertiques
Geología: Montañas, volcanes, terremotos y zonas desérticas
Geologie: Berge, Vulkane, Erdbeben und Wüstengebiete
World Database on Protected Areas: Beskyttede områder og nationalparker.
Historie: Mururoa og Fangataufa øerne var stedet for omfattende franske atomvåbenforsøg under og efter den kolde krig, 1966-1996.
Oplysninger om kernevåbenforsøgene er stadig skjulte som klassificeret eller maskeret information.
History: Mururoa and Fangataufa Islands was the site of extensive French nuclear weapons tests during and after the Cold War, 1966-1996.
Information on the nuclear weapons tests are still hidden or masked as classified information.
According to the The Radiological Situation at the Atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa: Main Report”, issued by the IAEA: 'Between 1966 and 1974, France conducted nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere at the atolls, including 41 nuclear tests and five “safety trials”. In a safety trial, a nuclear weapon is destroyed with conventional explosives with no, or very little, release of nuclear energy. With the exception of four tests (three at Mururoa and one at Fangataufa) carried out on barges floating in the lagoons, most atmospheric tests were carried out, suspended from balloons, hundreds of metres above the lagoons so that there was very little local fallout of radioactive material. Indeed, most of the radioactive material was transported into the upper atmosphere and dispersed. Thereafter, testing was conducted underground in sealed vertical shafts some 500-1100 metres beneath atoll rims or under the lagoons. Between 1975 and 1996, a total of 137 deep underground tests took place, and 10 underground “safety trials” were also conducted.'
Geschichte: Mururoa und Fangataufa Inseln war der Schauplatz umfangreichen Französisch Atomwaffenversuchen während und nach dem Kalten Krieg, 1966-1996. Informationen zu den Kernwaffenversuche sind noch verborgen oder maskiert als vertrauliche Informationen.
Histoire: Mururoa et Fangataufa îles a été le site de nombreuses françaises essais d'armes nucléaires pendant et après la guerre froide, 1966-1996. Informations sur les essais d'armes nucléaires sont encore cachés ou masqués comme des informations classifiées.
Historia: Mururoa y Fangataufa Islas fue el escenario de extensas pruebas nucleares francesas armas durante y después de la Guerra Fría, 1966-1996. Información sobre las pruebas de armas nucleares siguen ocultos o enmascarados como información clasificada.
Se også: Archives sur les expérimentations nucléaires Françaises en Polynésie ; Bengt Danielsson ; Gambierøerne ; force de frappe, herunder Force océanique stratégique ; Forsøgsområderne i Stillehavet ; Mururoa veterans ; Palau.


The Mururoa Files
Nuclear issues in the South Pacific : hearing before the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, November 15, 1995 (1996).
Encouraging the peace process in Sri Lanka and expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should recognize the concerns of the peoples of Oceania and call upon the government of France to cease all nuclear testing at the Moruroa and Fanataufa Atolls : markup before the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, on H. Res. 181 and H. Con. Res. 80, July 26, 1995 (1995).
The radiological situation at the atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa main report . / : Report by an International Advisory Committee. - Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency, 1998. - 310 s. ; Radiological assessment reports series) -ISSN 1020-6566) - ISBN 92-0-101198-9

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