New York City

American city - located in the state with the same name, founded by Europeans 1609 as New Amsterdam, Nieuw Amsterdam, which was actually a part of the Dutch colony of New Holland North America, founded in 1626 ( maps). In 1664 the British conquered the city and renamed it New York. Among current and historical international and local peace groups and peace movements based in New York can be mentioned:
Amerikansk  by - beliggende i delstaten med samme navn, grund-lagt af europæere 1609 som Ny Amsterdam, Nieuw Amsterdam, der egentlig var en del af den hollandske koloni, Ny Holland, i Nordamerika, grundlagt i 1626. I 1664 erobrede briterne byen og omdøbte den til New York.
Blandt aktuelle og historiske internationale og lokale fredsgrupper og fredsbevægelser baseret i New York kan nævnes:
Se også: Amerikansk musik ; Hart Island ; Wall Street.


New York - Old Fulton NY Post Card Website: New York State Historical Photos & Newspapers 1795 Thru 2007
80 Organizations in Battle on War; Big Gathering of Government Officers, Educators, and Citizens to Oppose Costly Equipment. Costs Two Billions a Year. President-Elect Wilson to be Honorary President -- Convention Fixed for the 110th Anniversary of Paris Treaty. The New York Times, February 16, 1913.
Johnston, Henry Phelps: The campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn (1971).
Music directory of early New York city; a file of musicians, music publishers and musical instrument-makers listed in New York directories from 1786 through 1835, together with the most important New York music publishers from 1836 through 1875 - New York, The New York public library. 1941.
Singleton, Esther: Dutch New York (1909).
New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York, with chronological data (1889).
The records of New Amsterdam from 1653 to 1674 anno Domini; (1897). The original in the Dutch language is contained in 6 folio volumes. The first of these was translated by a Mr. Westbrook and the remaining five by E. B. O'Callaghan, about 1848. The present editor has retranslated the part translated by Mr. Westbrook.
Riis, Jacob August: Neighbors : Life stories of the other half.
- New York : The Macmillan Company, 1914. - 252 s.
Riis, Jacob August: A Ten Years' War: An Account of the Battle with the Slum in New York.
- New York : The Macmillan company; London, Macmillan & co., ltd., 1902. - 498 s.

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