Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.

Taiwans politik:

Demokratisk parlamentarisme
/ Democratic parliamentarism
/ Demokratischen Parlamentarismus
/ Administrative history
/ Histoire administrative
/ Verwaltungsgeschichte:
/ : Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA United Nations 2004.
Undtagelsestilstand / Martial Law 1947-1987 Også kaldet: National Security Law.
Forfatning, grundlov / constitution / Verfassung: 1947.
Forfatningsdomstol / Constitutional Court
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek 1950–1975
Ma Ying-jeou 2008-.
Regeringer / Governments:
Lovgivende forsamling, parlament:
Features of Parliamentary Websites in Selected Jurisdictions.
The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Center.
Valg / Elections:
Central Election Commission (Taiwan) 1980-.
The Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL)
1996 ; 2004 : 2008 ; 2012 ; 2016.
Parlamentsvalg / Parliamentary elections:
2001 ; 2004 ; 2016.
Folkeafstemninger / Referendums:
Se også:

Se tillige: Afrikansk politik ; Amerikansk politik ; Asiatisk politik ; Europæisk politik ; Politik fra Oceanien (inkl. Australien og New Zealand)
Afghansk politik ; Albansk politik ; Algerisk politik ; Andorras politik ; Angolas politik ; Antigua & Barbudas politik ; Argentinsk politik ; Armensk politik ; Aserbajdsjans politik ; Australsk politik ; Bahamaøerne politik ; Bahrains politik ; Bangladesh politik ; Barbados politik ; Belgisk politik ; Belizes politik ; Benins politik ; Bhutans politik ; Boliviansk politik ; Bosnien-Hercegovinas politik ; Botswanas politik ; Brasiliansk politik ; Britisk politik ; Brunei Darussalams politik ; Bulgarsk politik ; Burkina Fasos politik ; Burundis politik ; Cambodjansk politik ; Camerouns politik ; Canadisk politik ; Centralafrikansk politik ; Chilensk politik ; Colombiansk politik ; Comorernes politik ; Congolesisk politik ; Costa Ricansk politik ; Cubansk politik ; Cypriotisk politik ; Dansk politik ; Den demokratiske republik Congos politik ; Djiboutisk politik ; Dominicas politik ; Dominicansk politik ; Ecuadoriansk politik ; Egyptisk politik ; El Salvadoransk politik ; Elfenbenskystens politik ; Eritreas politik ; Estlands politik ; Etiopisk politik ; Fijis politik ; Filippinsk politik ; Finsk politik ; De forenede arabiske Emiraters politik ; Fransk politik ; Fransk Polynesiens politik ; Færøsk politik ; Gabons politik ; Gambiansk politik ; Georgiens politik ; Ghanas politik ; Grenadas politik ; Græsk politik ; Grønlandsk politik ; Guatemalas politik ; Guineansk politik ; Guinea-Bissausk politik ; Guyansk politik ; Haitiansk politik ; Honduransk politik ; Hollansk politik ; Hvideruslands politik ; Indisk politik ; Indonesisk politik ; Irakisk politik ; Iransk politik ; Irsk politik ; Islandsk politik ; Israelsk politik ; Italiensk politik ; Jamaicas politik ; Japansk politik ; Jordans politik ; Kap Verdisk politik ; Kasakhstanisk politik ; Kenyansk politik ; Kinesisk politik ; Kirgisistans politik ; Kiribatisk politik ; Kosovoansk politik ; Kroatiens politik ; Kuwaits politik ; Laotisk politik ; Lesothisk politik ; Letlandsk politik ; Libanesisk politik ; Liberiansk politik ; Libysk politik ; Liechtensteins politik ; Litauens politik ; Luxembourgs politik ; Madagascars politik ; Makedonsk politik ; Malawisk politik ; Malaysiansk politik ; Maldiviensk politik ; Malis politik ; Maltesisk politik ; Marokkansk politik ; Marshalløernes politik ; Mauretaniens politik ; Mauritiusk politik ; Mexicansk politik ; Mikronesisk politik ; Moldovisk politik ; Monacos politik ; Mongoliets politik ; Montenegros politik ; Mozambiques politik ; Myanmars politik ; Namibias politik ; Naurus politik ; Nepals politik ; New Zealandsk politik ; Nicaraguansk politik ; Nigers politik ; Nigeriask politik ; Norsk politik ; Nordkoreansk politik ; Omans politik ; Pakistansk politik ; Palaus politik ; Palæstinas politik ; Panamansk politik ; Papua Ny Guineansk politik ; Paraguays politik ; Peruviansk politik ; Polsk politik ; Portugisisk politik ; Qatars politik ; Rumænnsk politik ; Russisk politik ; Rwandas politik ; Salomonøernes politik ; Samoas politik ; San Marinos politik ; São Tomé & Principles politik ; Saudiarabisk politik ; Schweizisk politik ; Senegals politik ; Serbisk politik ; Seychellernes politik ; Sierra Leones politik ; Singapores politik ; Skotsk politik ; Slovakiets politik ; Sloveniens politik ; Somalisk politik ; Spansk politik ; Sri Lankas politik ; St. Kitts & Nevis politik ; St. Lucias politik ; St. Vincent & Grenadinernes politik ; Sudanesisk politik ; Surinamsk politik ; Svensk politik ; Swazilandsk politik ; Sydafrikansk politik ; Sydkoreansk politik ; Sydsudans politik ; Syrisk politik ; Tadsjikistansk politik ; Tanzaniansk politik ; Tchads politik ; Thailandsk politik ; Tjekkisk politik ; Togos politik ; Tongas politik ; Trinidad & Tobagos politik ; Tunesisk politik ; Turkmenistansk politik ; Tuvalus politik ; Tyrksk politik ; Tysk politik ; Ugandas politik ; Ukrainsk politik ; Ungarnsk politik ; Uruguays politik ; USAs politik: indenrigspolitik ; udenrigspolitik ; Usbekistansk politik ; Vanuatus politik ; Vatikanstatens politik ; Venezueleansk politik ; Vietnamesisk politik ; Yemens politik ; Zambias politik ; Zimbabweansk politik ; Ækvatorial Guineask politik ; Østrisk politik ; Østtimors politik.


CRS: Democratic Reforms in Taiwan: Issues for Congress. / : Shirley A. Kan, 2010.
'For centuries, forces and peoples from various Asian and European countries landed on the island called by the Portuguese name of Formosa (from "Ilha Formosa" for "Beautiful Island"). In more modern history, Taiwan's people did not enjoy democratic self-government until the first direct presidential election in 1996. The Qing Empire had incorporated Taiwan as a province in 1885. Then, under the Treaty of Shimonoseki of 1895, the Qing rulers of China ceded in perpetuity Formosa and the nearby Pescadores islands to Japan. Japan ruled Taiwan as a colony until the end of World War II in 1945. According to the Kuomintang (KMT), or Nationalist Party of China and the ruling party of the Republic of China (ROC) that replaced the Qing rulers in 1912, KMT forces claimed the ROC's sovereignty over Taiwan on October 25, 1945, upon Japan's surrender. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek dominated the KMT and the ROC's political and military power from the 1920s until his death in 1975. After the KMT lost the civil war on mainland China to the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 1949, Chiang Kai-shek as the commander of the KMT's military and ROC's president (he was elected by a National Assembly in 1948) retreated with their forces to Taiwan and ruled its local people. When he died, his son, Chiang Ching-kuo, ruled as the KMT chairman and ROC president from 1978 until his death in 1988. His vice president, Lee Teng-hui, took over as the president. Lee was re-elected in Taiwan's first direct, democratic presidential election in 1996. That Lee was the first president born in Taiwan was significant. Until democratization, the local majority "Taiwanese" people (about 85% on the island) felt oppressed under what they called the "White Terror" of the imposed rule of the KMT and its "Mainlander" supporters who fled to Taiwan in 1945-1949. Still, Taiwan has never been ruled by the CPC regime under the People's Republic of China (PRC) based in Beijing that claims Taiwan as belonging to "China." While many governments face political divisions, Taiwan has the added complexities of ambiguous national and ethnic identities and unsettled sovereign status. The opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), formed in 1986, and its candidate Chen Shui-bian won the presidential election in 2000. Taiwan enjoyed a second democratic transfer of power in 2008, when the KMT's Ma Ying-jeou won the election for president.'
The legislative Yuan election, Taiwan 2001. / : Christian Schafferer. Notes on Recent Elections / Electoral Studies 22 (2003) 503–559
CRS: Underlying Strains in Taiwan-U.S. Political Relations. / : Kerry Dumbaugh, 2007.
'The fundamental framework of U.S. policy toward Taiwan was laid down decades ago, beginning with the Nixon opening to the communist People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1971 that resulted in the severing of official relations with the Republic of China (Taiwan) in 1979. U.S. policy toward Taiwan since then has been defined by four primary documents: the Taiwan Relations Act (P.L. 96-8, enacted in 1979); and three U.S. communiques with the PRC: the Shanghai Communique (1972); the Communique on Normalization of Relations with the PRC (1979); and the August 17 Communique on Arms Sales to Taiwan (1982). In addition, U.S. policy has been shaped during these decades by a combination of other factors. Among these are a set of six policy assurances the United States gave Taiwan in the 1980s; the precedents set by a collection of sensitive “guidelines on Taiwan” that the executive branch has adopted to define and constrain its actions; a variety of statements by successive U.S. Administrations about the nature of U.S. policy toward Taiwan and the PRC; and periodic initiatives by Members of Congress intended to affect U.S. policy in some way.'
CRS: U.S.-Taiwan Relationship: Overview of Policy Issues. / : Shirley A. Kan; Wayne M. Morrison, 2014.

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