Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars; Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education , Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie; Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion; Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce des armes

Gambias politik:

/ Administrative history
/ Histoire administrative
/ Verwaltungsgeschichte:
/ : Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA United Nations 2004.
Forfatning, grundlov / constitution / Verfassung:
Regeringer / Governments:
Lovgivende forsamling, parlament:
Valg / Elections:
African Elections Database, the Gambia
Report of the Commonwealth Expert Team: The gambia presidential election 24 November 2011. / : The Commonwealth Secretariat.
- items/documents/TheGambiaPresidentialElection2011Final.pdf
'The Gambia achieved independence on 18 February 1965, as a constitutional monarchy within the Commonwealth, and subsequently became a republic on 24 April 1970, following a referendum. President Sir Dawda Jawara of the People's Progressive Party (PPP) dominated political life from independence until 1994 when Lieutenant Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh led the military coup that ousted him.
The relative stability of the Jawara era was interrupted by a violent, though unsuccessful coup attempt in 1981. President Jawara, who was in London when the attack began, appealed to Senegal for help. Senegalese troops defeated the rebel force. There were two important ramifications of the coup attempt: the establishment of a short-lived confederation with Senegal in February 1982; and the establishment of a Gambian Army (later known as the Gambian National Army).
At elections held in 1982, Jawara was re-elected President with 72% of the vote. Two new political parties emerged in 1986; the Gambia People's Party (GPP); and the People's Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS).
The 1994 coup and the transition to democratic rule
On 22 July 1994, the Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council (AFPRC) seized power in a military coup d?état, deposing Jawara?s government. Lieutenant Jammeh, chairman of the AFPRC, became Head of State. International reaction to the military take-over was generally unfavourable and The Gambia was placed on the agenda of the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) pending a full return to democracy and constitutional rule.'
1982 ; 1987 ; 1992 ; 1996 ; 2001 ; 2006 ; 2011.
Parlamentsvalg / Parliamentary elections:
1960 ; 1962 ; 1966 ; 1972 ; 1977 ; 1982 ; 1987 ; 1992 ; 1997 ; 2002 ; 2007 ; 2012.
Folkeafstemninger / Referendums:
Se også:

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The gambia presidential election 24 November 2011. / : The Commonwealth Secretariat.
- items/documents/TheGambiaPresidentialElection2011Final.pdf

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