Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; kernevåben ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars; Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education , Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie; Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion; Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce des armes

Indisk politik:

Demokratisk parlamentarisme
/ Democratic parliamentarism
/ Demokratischen Parlamentarismus
/ Administrative history
/ Histoire administrative
/ Verwaltungsgeschichte:
/ : Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA United Nations 2004.
Indien og Pakistan blev selvstændige 15. august 1947.
India and Pakistan became independent on Aug. 15, 1947.
Indien er medlem af atomvåbenklubben.
India is a member of the nuclear weapons club.
Forfatning, grundlov / constitution / Verfassung: 1920, 2007.
The Imperial and Colonial Constitutions of the Britannic Empire: Including Indian institutions. / : Edward Shepherd Creasy.
- London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1872.
Indian constitutional reforms : government of India's despatch of March 5th, 1919, and connected Papers : first despatch on Indian constitutional reforms. - Calcutta : Supt. [of] Govt. Print., 1919.
Government of India Act 1935.
Government of India Act as amended up to 15 August 1943.
Constitution of India (As modified up to the 1st December, 2007). / : Government of India. Ministry of Law and Justice.
'In this edition, the text of the Constitution of India has been brought up-to-date by incorporating therein all amendments made by Parliament up to and including the Constitution (Ninety-fourth Amendment) Act, 2006. The footnotes below the text indicate the Constitution Amendment Acts by which such amendments have been made. The Constitution applies to the State of Jammu and Kashmir with certain exceptions and modifications as provided in article 370 and the Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 1954.
Regeringer / Governments: Westminster regerings systemet. Gandhi Peace Prize - 1995-.
Leder: Indien i isolation. I: Information, 26. marts 2020. [COVID-19 ]
Parlamenter før uafhængigheden:
Imperial Legislative Council 1861-1947, Central Legislative Assembly 1919-1947.
Legislative Council Proceedings and Debates Held by South Asia Microform Project September 2007.
The Indian Annual Register 1919-.
Lovgivende forsamling, parlament: 1. Overhuset. Rajya Sabha, The Council of States / Statsrådet eller Delstatsrådet, 1954-.
2. Underhuset. Lok Sabha.
Features of Parliamentary Websites in Selected Jurisdictions.
The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Center.
Valg / Elections:
Den indiske valgkommisson / The Election Commission of India registrerer og dokumenterer både valg og politiske partier i Indien.
The Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL)
Parlamentsvalg før uafhængigheden:
1920, 1923, 1926, 1930, 1934, 1937, 1945.
Valg til underhuset, Lok Sabha:
1951-1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, 1971, 1977, 1980, 1984, 1989, 1991, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019.
Indiens nye parlament slår rekord: 43 procent venter på at komme for retten : Denne uge mødtes medlemmerne af Indiens nye parlament for første gang. 43 procent af dem står anklaget for kriminelle handlinger ved en domstol. Det er en markant stigning og et udtryk for en svag stat og skruppelløse partier, lyder det fra demokratiforkæmperen Jagdeep S. Chhokar. / : Lasse Karner. I: Information, 21. juni 2019.
Det vigtigste valg i Indiens historie. / : Vibeke von Sperling. I: Information, 5. april 2019.
Indian general election, 25 October 1951 to 21 February 1952.
The Indian National Congress (INC) won a landslide victory, winning 364 of the 489 seats and 45% of the total votes polled. This was over four times as many votes as the second-largest party. Jawaharlal Nehru became the first democratically elected Prime Minister of India.
Statistical report on general elections, 1951 to the first Lok Sabha volume I (national and state abstracts & detailed results). / : Election commission of India. New Delhi.
Statistical report on general elections, 1957 to the second Lok Sabha volume I (national and state abstracts & detailed results). / : Election Commission of India. New Delhi.
Indian General Elections 2009 Web Archive - Archived in the Library of Congress Web Archives at -, og
'This collection is a selected set of 57 web sites documenting the 2009 Indian General Elections. As the world’s most populated democratic nation with the largest number of eligible voters, India’s political landscape encompasses an electorate comprised of 44 major linguistic groups and over 61 officially recognized political parties at the national and state level.
To constitute the 15th Lok Sabha (Lower House of the Indian Parliament), general elections in India were held in five phases between April 16 and May 13, 2009. As the election campaign progressed, indicators pointed to an erosion of the power of national political parties and a strengthening of regional political parties. Ultimately, the final results of the election showed national political parties receiving the majority of votes and corresponding seats in Parliament.'
Leder: Katastrofen i Indien er også global. I: Information, 5. maj 2021.
Leder: Krudttønden Kasmir. I: Information, 8. august 2019.

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