
Erhvervenes og bøndernes anvendelse af land og natur til fødevareproduktion, afgrøder.
Ved landbrug forstås, ifølge Statistisk årbog 2017, den udvidede landbrugssektor,
dvs. omfattende landbrug, gartneri, pelsdyravl, jagt og biavl.
Agronomi er landbrugsvidenskab.
Animaler har deres oprindelse i dyr: kød, fjerkræ, æg, fisk og mælk, smør og ost.
Landbrugslande er de stater, hvor landbruget udgør det vigtigste erhverv. Landbrugsvarer handles.
Landbrug påvirkes positivt og negativt af miljøet, klimaet og vejret, herunder også miljøforurening, som gylle, nitrat, pesticider samt klimaforandringer, så som tørke.
I Danmark registreres landbrug bl.a. i matrikler og i Statistisk årbog frem til og med 2017.
Omtalt i Betænkningerne 306, 1351.
Se også: Agerjord ; agerspor ; agroøkologi ; andelsbevægelsen ; Arkegårde eller biodiversitetsgårde ; bier ; dyrevelfærd ; hartkorn ; Axelborg ; Det Kongelige Danske Landhusholdningsselskab eller Landhusholdningsseslskabet ; Departement for landbrugsvæsen ; drivhuse ; FAO ; fiskeri ; Fiskeridirektoratet ; Fiskeriministeriet 1947-1996 ; Forskningscenter Foulum ; Fødevareministeriet 1996- . ; Fødevareøkonomisk Institut, Københavns Universitet ; Fødevarestyrelsen ; Giftnævnet ; gårdbrug ; handelshistorie ; hede ; hø ; høballer ; Jordbrugsdirektoratet ; kulturgeografi ; kulturlandskab ; kvægnomader ; Landbrugsministeriet ; landbrugspolitik ; Landbrugsraadet ; Landbrugsstyrelsen ; Landbrugsuddannelsesrådet ; landbrugsvæsen ; Ministeriet for Landbrug og Fiskeri : Ministeriet for landbrugsvæsen og fødevarer ; Ministeriet for Søfart og Fiskeri ; monokultur ; NaturErhvervstyrelsen ; Det nordiske ødegårdsprojekt ; plantage ; pligthus ; Pligthusankenævnet ; Rachel Carson Council ; Det rådgivende bevaringsudvalg for danske husdyrgenetiske ressourcer ; skov ; udsæd ; Videncentret for landbrug ; økologi ; økonomi.


Bumblebees : behaviour, ecology, and conservation / Humlen ved det hele.
/ : Dave Goulson. Oxford University Press, 2010 ; dansk udgave 2015.
CRS: Food Fraud and “Economically Motivated Adulteration” of Food and Food Ingredients. / Renée Johnson. 2014.
'Food fraud, or the act of defrauding buyers of food or ingredients for economic gain—whether they be consumers or food manufacturers, retailers, and importers—has vexed the food industry throughout history. Some of the earliest reported cases of food fraud, dating back thousands of years, involved olive oil, tea, wine, and spices. These products continue to be associated with fraud, along with some other foods. Although the vast majority of fraud incidents do not pose a public health risk, some cases have resulted in actual or potential public health risks. Perhaps the most high-profile case has involved the addition of melamine to high-protein feed and milk-based products to artificially inflate protein values in products that may have been diluted. In 2007, pet food adulterated with melamine reportedly killed a large number of dogs and cats in the United States, followed by reports that melamine-contaminated baby formula had sickened thousands of Chinese children. Fraud was also a motive behind Peanut Corporation of America’s actions in connection with the Salmonella outbreak in 2009, which killed 9 people and sickened 700. Reports also indicate that fish and seafood fraud is widespread, consisting mostly of a lowervalued species, which may be associated with some types of food poisoning or allergens, mislabeled as a higher-value species. Other types of foods associated with fraud include honey, meat and grain-based foods, fruit juices, organic foods, coffee, and some highly processed foods.'
There is no statutory definition of food fraud or “economically motivated adulteration” (EMA) of foods or food ingredients in the United States. However, as part of a 2009 public meeting, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adopted a working definition, defining EMA as the “fraudulent, intentional substitution or addition of a substance in a product for the purpose of increasing the apparent value of the product or reducing the cost of its production, i.e., for economic gain.” Efforts are ongoing to compile and capture current and historical data on food fraud and EMA incidents through the creation of databases and repositories.' Friends of the Earth International: Farming Money: How European banks, pension funds and insurance companies are increasing global hunger and poverty by speculating on food prices and financing land grabs in poorer countries. 2012. - 44 s.
Carrington, Damian: Farlige insektgifte truer verdens fødevareproduktion: Bier, regnorme og andre livsformer, hvis trivsel er nødvendig for dyrkning af sunde afgrøder, lider i kritisk grad under brugen af en ny generation af insektbekæmpelsesmidler, advarer ny videnskabelig undersøgelse. Information, 07/02/2014.
'Den nye rapport, der bærer titlen Worldwide Integrated Assessment on Systemic Pesticides, har analyseret alle peer-reviewed undersøgelser af neonicotinoider og insektgiften Fipronil, siden disse midler første gang blev taget i brug i midten af 1990’erne.'
The Task Force on Systemic Pesticides is the response of the scientific community to concern around the impact of systemic pesticides on biodiversity and ecosystems. Its intention is to provide the definitive view of science to inform more rapid and improved decision-making.
In 2009 a group of European scientists from several disciplines convened amid growing scientific concern about the rapid decline in insect and arthropod populations across Europe.
Their objective was to consider all the possible causes of the decline from the 1950s to the present time. This included the intensification of agriculture with its accompanying loss of natural habitats and massive use of pesticides and herbicides, the manifold increase in roads and motorized traffic, climate change, continent-wide nocturnal light pollution and other types of pollution and stress introduced by modernization.
Carson, Rachel: Silent Spring, 1962.
Carson, Rachel: Det tavse forår. Gyldendal 1969.
FN's kræftagentur udsat for heftig kampagne, efter det konkluderede, at Roundup kan give kræft : FN's kræftagentur, der mener, at aktivstoffet glyfosat i Monsantos ukrudtsmiddel kan give kræft, er genstand for en heftig kampagne, der skal fjerne tilliden til agenturet og dermed til dets afgørelse om glyfosat. / : Jørgen Steen Nielsen. I: Information, 30. oktober 2017.
Friends of the Earth International: Land, life and justice : How land grabbing in Uganda is affecting the environment, livelihoods and food sovereignty of communities. 2012. - 20 s.
'This report investigates cases of land grabbing in Uganda, focusing in particular on oil palm plantations in Kalangala, Lake Victoria. It assesses the impacts on rural communities and on the local environment, and questions who benefits from these projects'.
Farmland Birds across the World. / : Edited by Wouter van der Weijden, Paul Terwan, Adriaan Guldemond - Barcelona : Lynx Edicions, 2010.
Haandbog for det mindre Landbrug, I-II. / : red. af Aksel Milthers ; under Medvirkning af De samvirkende danske Husmandsforeningers Sekreariat. A. C. Normanns Forlag, 1947-1948.
IPES-Food. 2016. From Uniformity to Diversity: A paradigm shift from industrial agriculture to diversified agroecological systems.
Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich, 1842-1921: Haandens og Hjærnens Arbejde; Landbrug, Industri og Haandværk i Nutid og i Fremtid, en Udviklingshistorie (1904).
Larsen, Henrik: Her begynder landbruget. I: Politiken, 04/03/2012.
Maher LA, Richter T, Macdonald D, Jones MD, Martin L, et al. (2012) Twenty Thousand-Year-Old Huts at a Hunter-Gatherer Settlement in Eastern Jordan. PLoS ONE 7(2).
Vestager byder verdens største agrokemiske fusion velkommen i EU : Med Margrethe Vestagers ja til Bayers opkøb af Monsanto er verden på vej mod kun fire giganter med total kontrol over markedet for sprøjtemidler og såsæd. Glæde hos koncerncheferne, bekymring blandt landmænd, forbrugere og miljøfolk. / : Jørgen Steen Nielsen. I: Information, 22. marts 2018.

Det tavse forår. / : Rachel Carson. Gyldendal, 1969.
Silent Spring. / : Rachel Carson. Boston, Mass. : Houghton Mifflin, 1962.

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