
Tørke er en gennem længere tid varende tilstand af tørt vejr(lig), især: (varme,) vandmangel. regnmangel og væskemangel.
Hydrologisk tørke opstår når vandreserver i kilder som floder, søer og grundvand falder under det statistiske gennemsnit.
Tørke er ikke defineret videnskabeligt for danske forhold.
Efter en ekstraordinær tør sommer er regeringen, Socialdemokratiet og Dansk Folkeparti i september 2018 enige om en hjælpepakke til landbruget med lavere afgifter og bedre muligheder for at håndtere nye tørkesituationer, kaldet tørkepakken.
Finansministeriet: Fritagelse for produktionsafgifter i 2019.
Der lægges op til at fritage landbruget for produktionsafgifter i 2019, ved at staten i 2018 tilfører produktionsafgiftsfondene et beløb, svarende til indtægterne fra produktionsafgifter i 2018.
Se også: Afbrændingsforbud ; atmosfæriske forandringer ; botanik ; hungersnød ; klima ; klimaflygtninge ; klimaforandringer ; landbrug ; meteologi ; el niño ; støvstorme ; tørkedøgn ; tørst ; zoologi ; æolisk geomorfologi ; økonomi ; ørken.


Australiens bønder sukker efter en regn, der ikke kommer. / : Gabrielle Chan. I: Information, 4. september 2018.
CRS: California Drought: Hydrological and Regulatory Water Supply Issues. / : Betsy A. Cody et al, 2015.
CRS: Drought in the United States: Causes and Current Understanding. / : Peter Folger, 2017.
GAO: Water Scarcity: DOD Has Not Always Followed Leading Practices to Identify At-Risk Installations, 2019.
DOD reported in January 2019 that critical installations are at risk of water scarcity—that is, of not having sufficient water available to meet their mission needs. According to military department officials, installations depend on water for activities such as training, weapons testing, fire suppression, and sanitation. In its 2018 Fourth National Climate Assessment, the U.S. Global Change Research Program reported that warming temperatures will continue to cause worsening droughts and the decline of surface water quality.
Drought characteristics and management in North Africa and the Near East. / : Mohamed Bazza. et al. FAO 2018.
This report reviews drought management across North Africa and the Near East. It includes Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, UAE, and Yemen, to the extent of data and information availability.
This is an arid/semi-arid region and one of the world’s most water-scarce areas where drought is a familiar phenomenon. In almost all the countries the average annual water resource is less than 1 000 m3/capita (World Bank definition of water scarcity), but some have less than 500 m3/capita which defines acute water scarcity. The average is only 274 m3 in North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia) and the rises to 1786 m3 because of high rainfall areas and shared water resources in the Near East (Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria), although this figure hides the extremes across these countries. In the Arabian Peninsula (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen), the average annual per capita water resource is only 84 m3.
In 2013, the average annual rainfall across North Africa was only 96 mm, 414 mm in the Near East, and 85 mm in the Arabian Peninsula. Some countries, such as Libya, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and UEA rely heavily on fossil groundwater; while others, such as Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Sudan depend on surface water sources, often sharing with other countries. Morocco, Algeria, and Iran rely on a mix of both surface and groundwater. In contrast Bahrain, Kuwait and others in the Arabian Peninsula rely increasingly on desalinated water, treated wastewater, and virtual water in food imports.
FAO. 2011. The state of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture (SOLAW) – Managing systems at risk. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome and Earthscan, London.
- http://www.fao.org/3/a-i1688e.pdf
Frydendahl K (1992): "Tørre situationer" i Danmark 1870-1992. Vejret nr. 52 s. 8-11, Dansk Meteorologisk Selskab.
- http://dams.dk/Vejret/Vejret52.pdf
I Mellemøsten kan vandet sætte alting i brand
Mega Droughts Engulf Countries. / : Robert Hunziker. Countercurrents.org January 11, 2020.
Throughout the world, mega droughts are hitting hard with a ferocity not seen in decades and in some cases not seen in centuries. It’s not merely coincidental that as global warming accelerates droughts turn more vicious than ever before. All of which begs the logical question of when will world leaders wake up with a unified plan of action to mitigate carbon emissions, or is it already too late?
An Australian research paper addressed the issue: Multi-century Cool-and Warm-Season rainfall Reconstructions for Australia’s Major Climatic Regions, European Geosciences Union, Vol. 13, Issue 12, Nov. 30, 2017 by Mandy Freund and Benjamin Henley.According to The University of Melbourne headline about the article: “Recent Australian Droughts may be the Worst in 800 Years.”
That study, which identified the “worst droughts in 800 years,” was published two years prior to the recent drought period accompanied by massive fires across the entire continent… these are unprecedented conditions… never before recorded or seen! Thus sending a strong signal that the world’s normalized climate system is broken, caving-in to a new era of “torrid breakaway climate extremes.”
Mellemøstens vandmangel skaber apokalyptiske scenarier og sender mennesker på flugt : Klimaforandringer og forværrede miljøforhold forstærker vandkrisen i Mellemøsten og risikerer at gøre dele af regionen ubeboelig ved århundredeskiftet. »Glem fremtiden,« siger en international ekspert: »Apokalyptiske scenarier i regionen udspiller sig allerede for vores øjne, og vi er ikke engang begyndt at tale om det« / : Waleed Safi. I: Information, 27. juli 2018.
Med sommerens nyhedstørke er det på sin plads at reflektere over nyhederne om tørke : Hvor længe og hvor tydeligt skal klimaændringernes realitet beskrives, før vi rigtig begriber, hvor fundamentale forandringer det kræver at bremse dem? / : Jørgen Steen Nielsen. I: Information, 7. juli 2018.
Tørkeindeks version 1.0 - metodebeskrivelse. / : Mikael Scharling og Kenan Vilic. Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
- www.dmi.dk/dmi/tr09-08
Tørkeindekset bygger på en relativ simpel model der estimerer hvor meget vand der er i det jordvandmagasin som planterne har til rådighed. I praksis bestemmes størrelsen af dette magasin ud fra plantens roddybde og jordtypen, hvorfor det kan variere meget selv over korte afstande. Ved beregning af DMI’s tørkeindeks er magasinstørrelsen sat til 100 mm som et middeltal for hele Danmark.
Den aktuelle vandmængde i magasinet ændres fra dag til dag som følge af tre processer: tilgang af vand (nedbør), fordampning fra jord og planter (aktuel fordampning) og endelig ved nedsivning til undergrunden. s. 4.

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