Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; kernevåben ; fredsbevægelser ; sociale bevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse og økonomi.
Geography, nature and climate, demographics, history, wars, culture, film, music, politics, political parties, defense, Nuclear weapons, peace movements, religion, social issues, education, economy and arms trade.
Géographie, la nature, la démographie, histoire, la culture, la politique, la défense, armes nucléaires; les mouvements pacifistes, la religion, les questions sociales, l'éducation, économie.

Israels våbenhandel

Israelske våbenfabrikker, våbenhandel og våbentransporter: / Israeli weapon factories, arms trade and -transport / Les fabriques d'armes, le commerce des armes et de transport / Las fábricas de armas, tráfico de armas y -transporte / Waffenfabriken, Waffenhandel und Verkehr:
Staten Israel er siden den kolde krig tid medlem af atomvåbenklubben: Israelske  kernevåben.
Militærudgifter / Military, expenditure
Lande med en militær byrde på mere end 4 procent af bruttonationalproduktet (BNP) i 2014 eller i år med seneste tilgængelige data.
/ Countries with a military burden over 4 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2014 or in year of most recent available data
Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2014. / : Sam Perlo-Freeman, et al. SIPRI Fact Sheet, 2015.
CRS: U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel. / : Jeremy M. Sharp, 2020
Arms Transfers to the Middle East. / : Sam Perlo-Freeman. SIPRI Background Paper, 2009.
Human Rights in Countries of Concern.
Human Rights and Democracy: The 2014 Foreign & Commonwealth Office Report Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.
- London: Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2015.
Turning 'swords into silicon chips': the Israeli homeland security industry and making of jewish nationhood. / : Leila Stockmarr. Thesis for the degree of Ph.D Roskilde University, September 2015.
'The security industry produces a broad range of technologies and systems of control, which have been developed over time to meet the needs of the Israeli military and the growing settler community. In recent years, the industry has had a large impact well beyond the cartography of Israel-Palestine. Building on original empirical material and interviews with actors of the Israeli security industry and fieldwork conducted in interviews and at defence and security fairs, this thesis provides a social and economic history of the genesis, development, and practices of the companies, institutions, and individuals that comprise Israel’s homeland security sector.'
Norsk våpenhandel og militært samarbeid med Israel. / : Alexander Harang.
- Oslo : Fagforbundet og Norsk Folkehjelp, 2012.
Rüstungskooperation zwischen Deutschland und Israel. / : Otfried Nassauer ; Christopher Steinmetz.
- Berlin : Berliner Informationszentrum für Transatlantische Sicherheit. ; BITS Research Report 03.1 September 2003)
Nye hjemmesider med analyser af israelsk våbeneksport: The Database of Israeli Military and Security Export (DIMSE) provides data on trade and use of Israeli military, security and police weapons and equipment as well as other services from the year 2000. The Database support searches by Country and by weapons and aims to be a resource for civil society actors seeking information about this industry.
Neged Neshek!
Composite table of Member States that reported in 2011 to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms. / : United Nations Disarmament Yearbook 2011: Part II. Annex I.
Eksport af store våbensystemer: Angola, Argentina, Aserbajdsjan, Australien, Brasilien, Botswana, Cameroun, Chile, Colombia, Cypern, Den dominikanske republik, Ecuador, El Salvador, Elfenbenskysten, Estland, Fiji, Filippinerne, Honduras, Indonesien, Iran, Lesotho, Mauritius, Myanmar / Burma ; Papua Ny Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Schweiz, Seychellerne, Singapore, Spanien, Sri Lanka, Sydkorea, Tchad, Tjekkiet, Uganda, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam og Ækvatorial Guinea.
Eksport af konventerede våben
/ Export of converted weapons
Eksport af våbendele til: Danmark.
Import af våben og ammunition, ifølge SIPRIs Arms Transfers Database, fra: Belgien, Bulgarien, Danmark, EU, Finland, Frankrig, Grækenland, Holland, Irland, Italien, Polen, Rumænien, Slovakiet, Slovenien, Spanien, Storbritannien, Sverige, Tjekkiet, Tyskland, Ungarn, USA, Vesttyskland og Østrig.
Arming Apartheid: UK complicity in Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people. / : War on Want, Campaign Against Arms Trade and Palestine Solidarity Campaign, 2015.
UK Exports to Israel
'Since 2010, the UK government has approved more than £53 million worth of export licences to Israel for military goods. In 2014 alone, the value of licences awarded for export to Israel amounted to £11,615,840 for military use and £28,992,833 for dual use.'
Se tillige: Våbenhandel i: Afghanistan ; Albanien ; Algeriet ; Andorra ; Antigua & Barbuda ; Armenien ; Bahamaøerne ; Bahrain ; Bangladesh ; Barbados ; Belize ; Benin ; Bhutan ; Bolivia ; Bosnien-Hercegovina ; Brunei Darussalam ; Burkina Faso ; Burundi ; Cambodia ; Canada ; Den centralafrikanske republik ; Comorerne ; Republikken Congo ; Costa Rica ; Cuba ; Den demokratiske republik Congo ; Djibouti ; Dominica ; Ecuador ; Egypten ; Eritrea ; Etiopien ; De forenede arabiske emirater ; Færøerne ; Gabon ; Gambia ; Georgien ; Ghana ; Grenada ; Grønland ; Guatemala ; Guinea ; Guinea-Bissau ; Guyana ; Haiti ; Hviderusland ; Indien ; Irak ; Island ; Jamaica ; Japan ; Jordan ; Kap Verde ; Kazakstan ; Kenya ; Kina ; Kirgisistan ; Kiribati ; Kosovo ; Kroatien ; Kuwait ; Laos ; Letland ; Libanon ; Liberia ; Libyen ; Liechtenstein ; Litauen ; Luxembourg ; Madagaskar ; Makedonien ; Malawi ; Malaysia ; Maldiverne ; Mali ; Malta ; Marokko ; Marshalløerne ; Mauretanien ; Mexico ; Mikronesien ; Moldova ; Monaco ; Mongoliet ; Montenegro ; Mozambique ; Namibia ; Nauru ; Nepal ; New Zealand ; Nicaragua ; Niger ; Nigeria ; Nordkorea ; Norge ; Oman ; Pakistan ; Palau ; Palæstina ; Panama ; Portugal ; Qatar ; Rusland ; Rwanda ; Saint Kitts & Nevis ; Saint Lucia ; Saint Vincent & Grenadinerne ; Salomonøerne ; Samoa ; San Marino ; Sao Tomé & Principe ; Saudi-Arabien ; Senegal ; Serbien ; Sierra Leone ; Somalia ; Sudan ; Surinam ; Sverige ; Swaziland ; Sydafrika ; Sydsudan ; Syrien ; Tadjikistan ; Taiwan ; Tanzania ; Thailand ; Togo ; Tonga ; Trinidad og Tobago ; Tunesien ; Turkmenistan ; Tuvalu ; Tyrkiet ; Ukraine ; Usbekistan ; Vanuatu ; Vatikanstaten ; Yemen ; Zambia ; Zimbabwe og Østtimor.


The SIPRI top 100 arms-producing and military services companies, 2014. / : Aude Fleurant et al. SIPRI, 2015.
Buying into Occupation and War: The implications of military ties between South America and Israel. Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign. 2010. - 39 s.
CRS: Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2007-2014. / : Catherine A. Theohary, 2015.
Defense, Security and Occupation as a Business : Military, armaments and security trade relations between Spain and Israel. / : Alejandro Pozo (Dir.) et al. Negocis Ocults, 2014.
'The present report is the follow up to a research conducted in 2009 on Spanish military exports to Israel, and the violations of the Spanish and European legislation this action entails. This second report aims at exploring more in depth the rest of the security and defense relations. The establishment of the Israeli military industry in Spain, the provision of training and knowledge transfer by Israel, and the research projects on security manifest the boom in military relations between the two countries, and the process of privatization of public security we are witnessing.'
Israeli arms transfers to sub-Saharan Africa. / Siemon T. Wezeman. SIPRI Background Paper, 2011. - 16 s.
Israel's Worldwide Role in Repression. / : the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, 2012.
Israel and the drone wars : Examining Israel's production, use and proliferation of UAVs. / : Mary Dobbing and Chris Cole Drone Wars UK, 2014.
Security Co-operation between the EU and Israel: Briefing paper, 2010.
Small Arms Transfers: Importing States. / : Small Arms Survey Research Notes, Number 12, 2011.
Sortlistet israelsk våbenhandler del af millionhandel med dansk politi [Elbit Systems]. / : Mathias Koch Stræde ; Lasse Skou Andersen. I: Information, 23. juli 2015.
Tear gassing by remote control: The development and promotion of remotely operated means of delivering or dispersing riot control agents. / : Michael Crowley. - London : The Remote Control project, 2015.
- Report.pdf
Tyske regler for våbeneksport er fuld af huller: Nye stramme regler forbyder salg af tyske våben til konfliktzoner og stater, der krænker menneskerettighederne. Men eksporten af kampvogne til Saudi Arabien og ubåde til Israel fortsætter med uformindsket kraft. / Charlotte Aagaard. Lagt på 30. januar 2012. Bragt i den trykte udgave 31. januar 2012 på side 5 i 1. sektion.

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