Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse og økonomi.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars; Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education , Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie; Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion; Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce des armes

Sydkoreas våbenhandel

Sydkoreas Våbenfabrikker, våbenhandel og våbentransporter: / South Korean weapon factories, arms trade and -transport / Les fabriques d'armes, le commerce des armes et de transport / Las fábricas de armas, tráfico de armas y -transporte / Waffenfabriken, Waffenhandel und Verkehr:
Militærudgifter / Military, expenditure
Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2014. / : Sam Perlo-Freeman, et al. SIPRI Fact Sheet, 2015
War profiteer of the month: Poongsan. / : Jarron Kamphorst, Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau
War Profiteers News, May 2016, No. 50.
Where do our Euro coins come from? Maybe since we use the coins on a daily basis, this wouldn’t be the first question to pop into one’s mind, but there is a bigger story behind the production of the coins. On March 24th the Dutch television program Keuringsdienst van Waarde (KVW) broadcasted an episode on the topic and it came to a rather disturbing conclusion. The South Korean company Poongsan Corporation that also fabricates cluster munitions produces a big part of the Euro coin blanks. Making its European trade partners indirect contributors to these by convention prohibited bombs
Composite table of Member States that reported in 2011 to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms. / : United Nations Disarmament Yearbook 2011: Part II. Annex I.
Eksport af store våbensystemer til: Australien og Bangladesh, Cambodia, Colombia, Filippinerne, Ghana, Indonesien, Iran, Jordan, Liberia, Malaysia, Peru og Venezuela.
Eksport af konventerede våben
/ Export of converted weapons
Balleny, Luke: South Korean govt targets corruption in the arms trade.
LONDON (TrustLaw) - The South Korean legislature is debating a bill that would force the arms sector to publish its costs. 'The bill is aimed at increasing transparency in South Korea's notoriously corrupt arms sector where defence spending makes up 6 percent of the national budget.'
Import af våben, ifølge SIPRIs Arms Transfers Database, fra Danmark, Frankrig, Holland, Italien, Norge, Storbritannien, Sverige, Tyskland og USA.
Se tillige: Våbenhandel i: Afghanistan ; Albanien ; Algeriet ; Andorra ; Angola ; Antigua & Barbuda ; Argentina ; Armenien ; Aserbajdsjan ; Bahamaøerne ; Bahrain ; Barbados ; Belgien ; Belize ; Benin ; Bhutan ; Bolivia ; Bosnien-Hercegovina ; Botswana ; Brasilien ; Brunei Darussalam ; Bulgarien ; Burkina Faso ; Burundi ; Cameroun ; Canada ; Den centralafrikanske republik ; Chile ; Comorerne ; Republikken Congo ; Costa Rica ; Cuba ; Cypern ; Den demokratiske republik Congo ; Djibouti ; Dominica ; Den dominikanske republik ; Ecuador ; Egypten ; El Salvador ; Elfenbenskysten ; Eritrea ; Estland ; Etiopien ; Fiji ; Finland ; De forenede arabiske emirater ; Færøerne ; Gabon ; Gambia ; Georgien ; Grenada ; Grækenland ; Grønland ; Guatemala ; Guinea ; Guinea-Bissau ; Guyana ; Haiti ; Honduras ; Hviderusland ; Indien ; Irak ; Irland ; Island ; Israel ; Jamaica ; Japan ; Kap Verde ; Kazakstan ; Kenya ; Kina ; Kirgisistan ; Kiribati ; Kosovo ; Kroatien ; Kuwait ; Laos ; Lesotho ; Letland ; Libanon ; Libyen ; Liechtenstein ; Litauen ; Luxembourg ; Madagaskar ; Makedonien ; Malawi ; Maldiverne ; Mali ; Malta ; Marokko ; Marshalløerne ; Mauretanien ; Mauritius ; Mexico ; Mikronesien ; Moldova ; Monaco ; Mongoliet ; Montenegro ; Mozambique ; Myanmar / Burma ; Namibia ; Nauru ; Nepal ; New Zealand ; Nicaragua ; Niger ; Nigeria ; Nordkorea ; Oman ; Pakistan ; Palau ; Palæstina ; Panama ; Papua Ny Guinea ; Paraguay ; Polen ; Portugal ; Qatar ; Rumænien ; Rusland ; Rwanda ; Saint Kitts & Nevis ; Saint Lucia ; Saint Vincent & Grenadinerne ; Salomonøerne ; Samoa ; San Marino ; Sao Tomé & Principe ; Saudi-Arabien ; Schweiz ; Senegal ; Serbien ; Seychellerne ; Sierra Leone ; Singapore ; Slovakiet ; Slovenien ; Somalia ; Spanien ; Sri Lanka ; Sudan ; Surinam ; Swaziland ; Sydafrika ; Sydsudan ; Syrien ; Tadjikistan ; Taiwan ; Tanzania ; Tchad ; Thailand ; Tjekkiet ; Togo ; Tonga ; Trinidad og Tobago ; Tunesien ; Turkmenistan ; Tuvalu ; Tyrkiet ; Uganda ; Ukraine ; Ungarn ; Uruguay ; Usbekistan ; Vanuatu ; Vatikanstaten ; Vietnam ; Yemen ; Zambia ; Zimbabwe ; Ækvatorial Guinea ; Østrig ; Østtimor.


The SIPRI top 100 arms-producing and military services companies, 2014. / : Aude Fleurant et al. SIPRI, 2015.
CRS: Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2007-2014. / : Catherine A. Theohary, 2015.
Israel and the drone wars : Examining Israel's production, use and proliferation of UAVs. / : Mary Dobbing and Chris Cole Drone Wars UK, 2014.
Justitsministeriets våbenudførselstilladelser i 2009. I: Udenrigsministeriet: Udførsel af våben og produkter med dobbelt anvendelse fra Danmark for 2009. 2010. - 100 s. .
Small Arms Transfers: Importing States. / : Small Arms Survey Research Notes, Number 12, 2011.
Tear gassing by remote control: The development and promotion of remotely operated means of delivering or dispersing riot control agents. / : Michael Crowley. - London : The Remote Control project, 2015.
- Report.pdf

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