Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse og økonomi.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars; Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education and Economics.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie; Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion; Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce des armes

Argentinas våbenhandel

Argentinas våbenfabrikker, våbenhandel og våbentransporter: / Weapon Factories, arms trade and -transport / Les fabriques d'armes, le commerce des armes et de transport / Las fábricas de armas, tráfico de armas y -transporte / Waffenfabriken, Waffenhandel und Verkehr:
The Arms Trade Treaty, 2013.
/ Bekendtgørelse af traktat af 2. april 2013 om våbenhandel.
'Den 3. juni 2013 undertegnede Danmark De Forenede Nationers våbenhandelstraktat, som vedtaget i New York den 2. april 2013.'
La Industria de la Defensa y Seguridad en América Latina 2014-2015. / : Ana Victoria Suárez Jiménez.
- Madrid (España) : IDS, 2015.
Argentina Missile Chronology. / : NTI, 2011.
Fabricaciones Militares 1941-.
Composite table of Member States that reported in 2011 to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms. / : United Nations Disarmament Yearbook 2011: Part II. Annex I.
Eksport af våben til: Bolivia, Bosnien-Hercegovina, Colombia, Ecuador, Kroatien, Paraguay og Sri Lanka.
Våbenimport, ifølge SIPRIs Arms Transfers Database, fra Canada, Danmark, Frankrig, Holland, Israel, Italien, Kina, Rusland, Spanien, Storbritannien, Sverige, Tyskland, USA og Østrig.
Den tidlige danske våbeneksport er bl.a. dokumenteret i:
/ The early Danish arms exports is documented in:
/ Les premières exportations d'armes danoises est documentée dans:
/ Las primeras exportaciones de armas daneses se documenta en:
/ Die frühen dänischen Waffenexporte ist dokumentiert in:
Rustningsindustri og krigsforskning i Danmark
/ Armaments Industry and war research in Denmark.
/ : De Danske Vietnamkomiteers Dokumentationsgruppe
/ The Danish Vietnam committees Documentation Group.
Demos, 1973 ; 1978. Specielt s. 15.
Argentina blev regeret af en amerikansk støttet militærjunta 1976-1983, hvilket bl. a. førte til deres beskidte krig mod oppositionelle og fagforeningsfolk.
Argentina was ruled by a US backed military junta 1976-1983, which among other things led to their dirty war against dissidents and trade unionists.
UK Argentina: Arms embargo
26 Apr 2012 : Column 43WS
Written Ministerial Statements
Business, Innovation and Skills
Export Control Policy
'The Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (Vince Cable): I would like to inform the House of a change of policy on the licensing of exports of, and trade by British persons (trafficking and brokering) in, controlled goods and technology to military end-users in Argentina. Previous policy dating from 1998 required the refusal of licences for exports and trade which would enhance Argentine military capabilities but permitted licences for goods which maintained existing capability. In practice this has meant the authorisation of the export and trade of components for maintenance purposes.
The Government have reviewed this policy in the light of recent actions by the Argentine Government aimed at harming the economic interests of the Falkland Islanders. We are determined to ensure that no British licensable exports or trade have the potential to be used by Argentina to impose an economic blockade on the Falkland Islanders or inhibit their legitimate rights to develop their own economy.
New restrictions on the export and trade of licensable goods with the Argentine military will now be introduced with immediate effect. In future no licences shall be granted for any military or dual-use goods and technology being supplied to military end-users in Argentina, except in exceptional circumstances. We will review extant licences for military goods to the Argentine armed forces with a view to revoking any that are not consistent with the revised policy. This decision will not affect licences for items intended for end-users other than the Argentine military.'
Se også:
Se tillige: Våbenhandel i: Afghanistan ; Albanien ; Algeriet ; Andorra ; Angola ; Antigua & Barbuda ; Armenien ; Australien ; Aserbajdsjan ; Bahamaøerne ; Bahrain ; Bangladesh ; Barbados ; Belgien ; Belize ; Benin ; Bhutan ; Botswana ; Brasilien ; Brunei Darussalam ; Bulgarien ; Burkina Faso ; Burundi ; Cambodia ; Cameroun ; Den centralafrikanske republik ; Chile ; Comorerne ; Republikken Congo ; Costa Rica ; Cuba ; Cypern ; Den demokratiske republik Congo ; Djibouti ; Dominica ; Den dominikanske republik ; Egypten ; El Salvador ; Elfenbenskysten ; Eritrea ; Estland ; Etiopien ; Fiji ; Filippinerne ; Finland ; De forenede arabiske emirater ; Færøerne ; Gabon ; Gambia ; Georgien ; Ghana ; Grenada ; Grækenland ; Grønland ; Guatemala ; Guinea ; Guinea-Bissau ; Guyana ; Haiti ; Honduras ; Hviderusland ; Indien ; Indonesien ; Irak ; Iran ; Irland ; Island ; Jamaica ; Japan ; Jordan ; Kap Verde ; Kazakstan ; Kenya ; Kirgisistan ; Kiribati ; Kosovo ; Kuwait ; Laos ; Lesotho ; Letland ; Libanon ; Liberia ; Libyen ; Liechtenstein ; Litauen ; Luxembourg ; Madagaskar ; Makedonien ; Malawi ; Malaysia ; Maldiverne ; Mali ; Malta ; Marokko ; Marshalløerne ; Mauretanien ; Mauritius ; Mexico ; Mikronesien ; Moldova ; Monaco ; Mongoliet ; Montenegro ; Mozambique ; Myanmar / Burma ; Namibia ; Nauru ; Nepal ; New Zealand ; Nicaragua ; Niger ; Nigeria ; Nordkorea ; Norge ; Oman ; Pakistan ; Palau ; Palæstina ; Panama ; Papua Ny Guinea ; Peru ; Polen ; Portugal ; Qatar ; Rumænien ; Rwanda ; Saint Kitts & Nevis ; Saint Lucia ; Saint Vincent & Grenadinerne ; Salomonøerne ; Samoa ; San Marino ; Sao Tomé & Principe ; Saudi-Arabien ; Schweiz ; Senegal ; Serbien ; Seychellerne ; Sierra Leone ; Singapore ; Slovakiet ; Slovenien ; Somalia ; Sudan ; Surinam ; Swaziland ; Sydafrika ; Sydkorea ; Sydsudan ; Syrien ; Tadjikistan ; Taiwan ; Tanzania ; Tchad ; Thailand ; Tjekkiet ; Togo ; Tonga ; Trinidad og Tobago ; Tunesien ; Turkmenistan ; Tuvalu ; Tyrkiet ; Uganda ; Ukraine ; Ungarn ; Uruguay ; Usbekistan ; Vanuatu ; Vatikanstaten ; Venezuela ; Vietnam ; Yemen ; Zambia ; Zimbabwe ; Ækvatorial Guinea ; Østtimor.


Argentina still 'owes' UK dictator debt for Falklands arms. / : Jubilee Debt Campaign, 9 April 2012.
- 'New information from National Archives raises further questions on the odious nature of British loans. Economic justice group Jubilee Debt Campaign has uncovered documents which show that Argentina still owes debts to the UK government based on arms sales to the Argentine junta in the years leading up to the Falklands War.'
Buying into Occupation and War: The implications of military ties between South America and Israel. Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign. 2010. - 39 s.
China's Military Agreements with Argentina: A Potential New Phase in China-Latin America Defense Relations. / : Jordan Wilson. U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, 2015.
Israel and the drone wars : Examining Israel's production, use and proliferation of UAVs. / : Mary Dobbing and Chris Cole Drone Wars UK, 2014.
Perilous waters: the political economy of international warship exports: A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Georgetown University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Government. / : Thane C. Clare, M.A. Washington, DC. August 8, 2013.
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