Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography, nature and climate, demographics, history, wars, culture, film, music, politics, defense, peace movements, religion, social issues, education, economy and arms trade.
Géographie, la nature, la démographie, histoire, la culture, la politique, la défense, les mouvements pacifistes, la religion, les questions sociales, l'éducation, économie.
Geografía, naturaleza, demografía, historia, cultura, política, defensa, movimientos por la paz, la religión, las cuestiones sociales, la educación, la economía.
Geographie, Natur, Demographie, Geschichte, Kultur, Politik, Verteidigung, Friedensbewegungen, Religion, Soziales, Bildung, Wirtschaft.


Geografi: Sydkorea er en demokratisk østasiatisk  republik med grænse til Nordkorea og med kystlinje til Koreastrædet / Korea Strait, et stræde mellem Japan og Sydkorea, som forbinder Det østkinesiske hav med Det japanske hav i den nordvestlige del af Stillehavet.
Sydkoreanske øer: Jeju vulkanøen i Koreastrædet, herunder Peace Park Museum and Memorial.
Sydkoreas kultur:
UNESCO: Republic of Korea.
Massemedier og pressefrihed / Mass media and freedom of the press:
Internet enemies. Reporters Without Borders (Paris), 2009.
The Geography of Korea 2010. / : National Geographic Information Institute (NGII) ; Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs.
Omfattende, dokumenterede beskrivelse af sydkoreansk anvendelse af massemedier.
Biblioteksvæsen / Libraries. Bogvæsen / Books:
The National Library of Korea.
Aviser / Newspapers / journaux / Prensa / Tageszeitungen
Tidsskrifter, periodica / Journals, periodicals / Revues spécialisées, périodiques / Revistas, publicaciones periódicas / Zeitschriften, Periodika
Kunst / Art
Film / Movies / cinéma / Cine / Filme:
International Peace Film Festival in Gangjeong
Why the Film festival was forced to change the venue?
(From the ipffig. org facebook , April 18, 2016)
Announcement Regarding the Change in Venue of IPPFIG Film Screenings Originally Scheduled to Take Place at Seogwipo Art Hall
The organizers of the 1st International Peace Film Festival in Gangjeong (IPFFIG) wish to notify all those concerned that we have been given no choice but to relocate the screenings that had been scheduled to take place at Seogwipo Arts Center. Although it had been one of our main venues planned for the festival, the Arts Center has abruptly withdrawn permission to use its space, and it thus canceled an existing agreement negotiated with IPFFIG representatives several months earlier...
We believe that gathering to watch films means engaging with urgent social issues and allowing free expression of thought and opinion in response to our shared social and cultural milieu. The International Peace Film Festival in Gangjeong is an event for those who love film, appreciate culture, and think seriously about the challenges facing our society. We seek to embrace the social suffering of Gangjeong Village and Jeju Island and, through an engagement with provocative films, to open a space for experiencing emotions and conversations about social conflict and also about possibilities for the future. Therefore, we are profoundly honored to hold this film festival in Gangjeong Village, as we do our utmost to establish it as an enriching cultural event for Jeju people who yearn for peace.
Undervisning i film:
Trige Andersen. Nina: Asiatisk filmalliance udfordrer Hollywood. I: Information, 01/02/2014.
International organisering
Sydkorea er medlem af Antarktis traktatsystemet / Antarctic Treaty System, FN, det internationale energiagentur.
Forsvar / militær: SIPRI: Militærudgifter / Military expenditure of South Korea.
Værnepligt: WRI: Country report and updates: South Korea.
South Korea: Constitutional Court recognises conscientious objection, War Resisters' International
On 28th June 2018, in a landmark decision, South Korea's Constitutional Court ordered the government to introduce alternative service of a civilian nature for conscientious objectors. The court ruled that Article 5 of the Military Service Act (MSA), which fails to provide alternative forms of national service, is unconstitutional and obligated lawmakers to change the law by the end of 2019.
Revisions to the U.S. global defense footprint : Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, hearings held June 15, and 23, 2004 (2006). - 142 s.
Den sydkoreanske avis Chosun Ilbo rapporterede den 22. december 2010, at værnepligten i landet vil blive fastfrosset til 21 måneder, og den vil ikke blive reduceret til 18 måneder, som oprindeligt planlagt. Det skridt, som er en reaktion på de voksende spændinger på den koreanske halvø, sætter bremserne i på en gradvis reduktion af værnepligten fra 24 måneder til 18 måneder for hæren, 20 måneder for søværnet og 21 måneder for luftvåbnet, som ellers blev annonceret i september 2007.
South Korea: Military service frozen at 21 months.
Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA), oprettet 1961. Nu, fra 1999: The National Intelligence Service.
Paramilitære styrker:
Sydkoreas sociale bevægelser, herunder miljøorganisationer:
Korean Federation of Environmental Movements
The Korea Federation for Environmental Movement (KFEM) was founded on April 2, 1993 to continue the work of several previously existing civil environmental movements, including the Korea Anti-Pollution Movement Association (KAPMA, founded 1988) and Korea Research Institute for Environmental Problems (KRIEP founded 1982).
Trige Andersen, Nina: Danmark legitimerer Miljøkatastrofe: Den grønne vækststrategi, som GGGI udspringer af, har ulovligt beriget byggevirksomheder og ført til ødelæggelse af fredede vådområder i Sydkorea. ’Jeg kan aldrig tilgive, hvad de har gjort her. Det er en forbrydelse,’ . I: Information, 10/18/2013.
Religion: Buddhisme. Kristendom, herunder Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, Unification Church eller Moon-bevægelsen 1954-.. Mugyo. Lembaerne (jøder)., hvilket skyldes amerikansk-jødiske soldater under Koreakrigen.
Starr, Frederick: Korean Buddhism : history, condition, art : three lectures (1918).
Sociale forhold:
Jeju Peace Institute 2006-.
Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute
IAEA: Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Republic of Korea / Report by the Director General. 2004.- 8 s.
Offentlige myndigheder
Private organisationer:
Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU).
BNP - FN data, landbrug, fiskeri, industri.
Landbrug: FAO Country Profiles.
Naturresourcer: Indium, vanadium.
The Geography of Korea 2010. / : National Geographic Information Institute (NGII) ; Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs.
Omfattende, dokumenterede beskrivelse af sydkoreanske naturresourcer.
Udenrigshandel / Foreign trade / Commerce extérieur / Außenhandel
Erhverv, handel og industri: Atomkraftværker -
Bilproduktion, cement, elektronik, medicin, tog, våben. Import af olie fra Iran. U.S. Energy Information Administration: Country Analyses Briefs, Iran, 2012. - 13 s.
The Geography of Korea 2010. / : National Geographic Information Institute (NGII) ; Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs.
Omfattende, dokumenterede beskrivelse af den sydkoreanske industri.

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