guld / gold / oro

Latin.Et ædelmetal. Grundstof nummer 79 i det periodiske system.
Guld anvendes bl.a. som betalingsmiddel, i kunst og smykker, i elektroniske instrumenter og af tandlæger.
Blandt store guldproducerende lande kan nævnes: Afghanistan ; Angola, Australien, Canada, Ghana, Columbia, Holland, Curaçao, Indonesien, Kina, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Panama, Peru, Rusland, Sydafrika, Syrien, USA, Usbekistan og Ækvatorial Guinea.
Guld anvendes også i de tidlige kernevåben som en del af detonatorens isoleringsmateriale.
Guldet og nikkellaget beskytter beryllium fra de alfapartikler, der udsendes af polonium og den omkringliggende plutonium.
Urchin er det amerikanske kodenavn for detonatoren som var knyttet til et monteringsbeslag inde i kernens centrale hulrum. /
The gold and nickel layers protected the beryllium from alpha particles emitted by the polonium and surrounding plutonium. The Urchin was attached to a mounting bracket inside the core’s central cavity.
Carey Sublette: Section 8.0 The First Nuclear Weapons: Nuclear Weapons Frequently Asked Questions
Se også: Atomfysik ; UK Blue Stone ; moduleret neutron igangsætter.


British Geological Survey: World Mineral Production, 2005-2009. 2011. - 118 s.
Defence Atomic Suppert Agency: Nuclear Test Summary - TRINITY-HARDTACK. Sanitized 1962. - 271 pp.
Gold May Have Too Much Glow. / Joby Warrick, Washington Post.
Saturday, August 14, 1999; Page A1
'It was one of the most secretive missions at a factory that was all about secrecy: Nuclear warheads, retired from service and destined for the junkyard, were trucked at night to the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant to be dismantled, hacked into unrecognizable pieces and buried.
Workers used hammers and acetylene torches to strip away bits of gold and other metals from the warheads' corrosion-proof plating and circuitry. Useless parts were dumped into trenches. But the gold – some of it still radioactive – was tossed into a smelter and molded into shiny ingots.'
Cancer caused by radioactive gold rings. / E M Callary.
CMAJ, VOL. 141, SEPTEMBER 15, 1989.

The Art of Precolumbian Gold : the Jan Mitchell collection / edited by Julie Jones ; color photography Justin Kerr. the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1985.
Exhibition shown at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, May 9 to August 11, 1985. Bibliography: p. 243-248.

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