Geografi ; natur ; klima ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography, nature and climate, demographics, history, wars, culture, film, music, politics, defense, peace movements, religion, social issues, education, economy and arms trade.
Géographie, la nature, la démographie, histoire, la culture, la politique, la défense, les mouvements pacifistes, la religion, les questions sociales, l'éducation, économie.
Geografía, naturaleza, demografía, historia, cultura, política, defensa, movimientos por la paz, la religión, las cuestiones sociales, la educación, la economía
Geographie, Natur, Demographie, Geschichte, Kultur, Politik, Verteidigung, Friedensbewegungen, Religion, Soziales, Bildung, Wirtschaft.

Caribien, Vestindien / The Caribbean / Caraïbes, Antilles / Caribe / Karibik

Geografi: Caribien er et tropisk hav og øgruppe ud for Nord- Mellem- og Sydamerika forbundet til Atlanterhavet og Den mexikanske golf.
Caribien består af følgende stater:


Se også: Europæisk slavehandel
/ European slave trade
/ Traite européenne des esclaves
/ Comercio europeo de esclavos
/ Europäische Sklavenhandel
International Migration in the Americas: First Report of the Continuous Reporting System on International Migration in the Americas (SICREMI) 2011.
p.; cm. Includes bibliographical references. (OEA Documentos Oficiales; OEA Ser.D)
ECLAC: Anuario Estadístico de América Latina y el Caribe / Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean.
FAO Statistical Yearbook 2014: Latin America and the Caribbean: Food and Agriculture.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Regional Office for the Latin America and the Caribbean. Santiago, 2014.
Oldtiden / Antiquity.
Palæontologi / Megafauna.
Stenalderen / Stone Age.
Astronomi kulturarv og arkæoastronomi.
Bronzealderen / Bronze Age.
Helleristninger / Petroglyph.
Jernalderen / Iron Age.
The British Leeward Islands was a British colony existing between 1833 and 1960, and consisting of Antigua, Barbuda, the British Virgin Islands, Montserrat, Saint Kitts, Nevis, Anguilla, and (to 1940) Dominica. The colony became known as the Federal Colony of the Leeward Islands from 1871 to 1956 and was absorbed into the West Indies Federation 1958-1962.


Chronological History of the West Indies: In Three Volumes. / : Thomas Southey. Longman, 1827.
General History of the Caribbean. UNESCO, 2003.
Volume I: Autochthonous Societies. / : Edited by Jalil Sued-Badillo
Volume II: New Societies: The Caribbean in the Long Sixteenth Century. / : Edited by P. C. Emmer and German Carrera Damas
Volume III: The Slave Societies of the Caribbean. / : Edited by Franklin W. Knight
Volume IV: The Long Nineteenth Century: Nineteenth-Century Transformations. / : Edited by Jalil Sued-Badillo
Volume V: The Caribbean in the Twentieth Century. / : Edited by Franklin W. Knight
Volume VI: Methodology and Historiography of the Caribbean. / : Edited by B.W. Higman
The history of the Caribby-islands : viz. Barbados, St Christophers, St Vincents, Martinico, Dominico, Barbouthos, Monserrat, Mevis, Antego, &c. in all XXVIII in two books : the first containing the natural; the second, the moral history of those islands : illustrated with several pieces of sculpture, representing the most considerable rarities therein described : with a Caribbian-vocabulary. / : Charles de Rochefort et al.
- London : Printed by J.M. for Thomas Dring and John Starkey ... 1666.
Martin, Robert Montgomery: History of the West Indies comprising Jamaica, Honduras, Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, the Bahamas, and the Virgin Isles. - London : Whittaker & Co., 1836. - 376 s.
'Vol. 1. Jamaica, Honduras, Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, the Bahamas, and the Virgin Isles -- v. 2. British Guiana, Barbadoes, St. Vincent's, St. Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua, St. Christopher's, &c., &c'.
Deltagelse i konflikter, militærkup og i krige
/ Participation in conflicts, military coups and wars
/ La participation à des conflits, coups d'Etat militaires et les guerres
/ La participación en conflictos, golpes militares y las guerras
/ Die Teilnahme an Konflikten, Militärputsche und Kriege
War in the Leeward Islands : 1775-1783 . / : A. G. Jamieson. University of Oxford, 1981.
Første verdenskrig
Copy of petitions addressed to the Recruiting Committee by members of the British West Indies Regiment August 1918 – February 1919.
- committee-co-28-294-24.pdf
'The second petition is related to the Taranto Mutiny of December 1918. After the Armistice a group of 180 black sergeants signed a petition demanding the same pay increase that was given to the rest of the British Army under Army Order 1 of 1918. Unlike the West India Regiment, the British West Indies Regiment was established on the same terms as imperial British regiments, and should have received the pay rise, Forty nine men from the regiment were found guilty of mutiny.'
The Interwar Years & the Caribbean Soldier in Social Transformation: A Dominican perspective. / : Gabriel Christian, Esq.
West Indians at War. / : Richard Smith.
Caribbean Studies, vol. 36, núm. 1, enero-junio, 2008, pp. 224-231.
Instituto de Estudios del Caribe. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Biblioteksvæsen / Libraries. Bogvæsen / Library system. Books On Books:
Aviser / Newspapers / journaux / Prensa / Tageszeitungen
Tidsskrifter, periodica / Journals, periodicals / Revues spécialisées, périodiques / Revistas, publicaciones periódicas / Zeitschriften, Periodika
Kunst / Art
Film / Movies / cinéma / Cine / Filme:
Undervisning i film:
List of Caribbean music genres
Caribien er medlem af Fællesskabet af Latinamerikanske og Caribiske Stater;
/ The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States;
/ Communauté des États Latino-Américains et Caribéens;
/ Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños, CELAC;
Comunidade de Estados Latino-Americanos e Caribenhos;
Gemeenschap van Latijns-Amerikaanse en Caraïbische Staten;
og er repræsenteret i Det Latinamerikanske og Caribiske Parlament, Parlatino
/ The Latin American and Caribbean Parliament
/ Parlamento Latinoamericano y Caribeño
Og den Euro-Latinamerikanske Parlamentariske Forsamling
Emneblade om Den Europæiske Union. / : Jesper Tvevad, 2015.
'Regelmæssig kontakt mellem Europa-Parlamentet (EP) og latinamerikanske parlamentarikere begyndte i 1974 med den første af 17 interparlamentariske konferencer. Dette var det første — og i mange år det eneste — forum for institutionaliseret politisk dialog mellem Europa og Latinamerika. I 2006 erstattedes de interparlamentariske konferencer af Den Euro-Latinamerikanske Parlamentariske Forsamling (Eurolat) — den parlamentariske institution for det biregionale strategiske partnerskab. Eurolat fungerer som et forum for drøftelse, overvågning og vurdering af alle spørgsmål af relevans for partnerskabet. Det har 150 medlemmer: 75 fra EP og 75 fra de latinamerikanske subregionale parlamenter, herunder Parlatino (det latinamerikanske parlament), Parlandino (det andinske parlament), Parlacen (det mellemamerikanske parlament) og Parlasur (Mercosur-parlamentet), samt fra Chiles og Mexicos kongresser. Eurolat har siden 2006 afholdt otte ordinære plenarmøder, senest i juni 2015. Det næste plenarmøde finder sted i andet halvår 2016.'
Association of Caribbean Electoral Organisation (ACEO).
'The founding meeting of the ACEO was held in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1998. The Association was officially established with 17 founding members: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Puerto Rico, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, and U.S. Virgin Islands. Anguilla, Aruba, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines later joined the Association, bringing the total members to 22. Trinidad and Tobago is the current chair of the ACEO. The secretariat is housed in Jamaica.
As outlined in the Charter adopted March 31, 1998, the purpose of the ACEO is to promote co-operation and mutual assistance among electoral organisations in the Caribbean in the pursuit of democracy by processes that ensure free and fair elections.'
the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) -
Politiske partier
Partido Red Democrática:
Partido Pueblo Soberano
Partido Comunista por la Independencia y el Socialismo
Consejo Nacional de Comités Populares –
Puerto Rico
Frente Socialista –
Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano – www
Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico –
Se også: ALBA-landene ; The Caribbean Forum of African, Caribbean and Pacific States / Gruppen af stater i Afrika, Vestindien og Stillehavet (AVS-landene) ; Latinamerika ; Leeward-øgruppen ; Monroe doktrinen ; De små Antiller ; United States Southern Command, US Caribbean Command.
Se også: Puerto Rico. Caribbean Voices. / : John Crow and Waldaba Stewart.
'A 2-part program focusing on the perspectives and experiences of people of African descent and Latinos, from the Caribbean and Central America. Pt. 1: The Caribbean Experience goes from the histories of resistance against colonialism to plans for the economic and political empowerment of the region. Pt. 2: A Puerto Rican Experience presents highlights from a conference on the Puerto Rican struggle against U.S. colonialism, held in May 1992. Coordinating Producers: John Crow and Waldaba Stewart for the Caribbean Video Project (Brooklyn, NY).
Se også: TTlatelolco-traktaten, Traktat om forbud mod kernevåben i Latinamerika og Caribien
See also: Treaty of Tlatelolco, Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and Caribbean.
Se også:
Fredsbevægelser: / Peace movements / les mouvements pacifistes / movimientos por la paz / Friedensbewegungen
Sociale bevægelser, herunder miljøorganisationer / Social movements, including environmental organizations:
Sociale forhold:
Erhverv, handel og industri:
Våbenfabrikker, våbenhandel og våbentransporter / Weapon Factories, arms trade and -transport:


Transparency in Military Spending and Arms Acquisitions in Latin America and the Caribbean. / Mark Bromley and Carina Solmirano. 2012. - 60 s. ; SIPRI Policy Paper no. 31. - ISBN 978-91-85114-70-2
- Current operations in Bosnia, North Korea, Haiti, and the Caribbean : Hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, May 10, 1995 (1996).- 54 s.
Caribbean Basin Free Trade Agreements Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on Trade and the Subcommittee on Oversight of the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, on H.R. 1403, to ensure that the Caribbean Basin Initiative is not adversely affected by the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement and to apply "fast track" approval procedures to free trade agreements entered into between the United States and certain Caribbean Basin countries, June 24, 1993 (1993). - 264 s.
Communist threat to the United States through the Caribbean. Hearings before the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-sixth Congress, first session. bd I-XIII. (1959).
Jones, Chester Lloyd: Caribbean interests of the United States.
- New York, [etc.] D. Appleton, 1916. - 406 s.
'"The substance of two of the chapters on the 'International importance of the banana trade' and 'Oil on the Caribbean' has appeared as articles in the North American review."--Pref "A select list of recent discussions relating to the Caribbean": p. 353-368.
Farmer, John Stephen: Americanisms, old & new : a dictionary of words, phrases and colloquialisms peculiar to the United States, British America, the West Indies, etc., etc., : their derivation, meaning and application, together with numerous anecdotal, historical, explanatory and folk-lore notes.
- London : Privately printed by T. Poulter, 1889.
- ; eller
- Hart, Francis Russell: Admirals of the Caribbean.
- Boston : Houghton Mifflin co., 1922. - 272 s.
'Subject: Drake, Francis, Sir, 1540?-1596; Morgan, Henry, Sir, 1635?-1688; Pointis, Jean-Bernard-Louis Desjean, baron de, 1645-1707; Du Casse, Jean, 1646-1715; Vernon, Edward, 1684-1757; Rodney, George Brydges Rodney, Baron, 1719-1792; Caribbean Sea; West Indies -- History'. -
Anti-Slavery International: The Recovered Histories collection of pamphlets and supplementary texts including the writings of British abolitionists Thomas Clarkson, Zachary Macaulay, James Ramsay, James Stephen, Elizabeth Heyrick and William Wilberforce, as well as their American counterparts, including William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass and Angelina Grimke...
Oldmixon, Mr. (John): The British Empire in America : containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress and state of the British colonies on the continent and islands of America : being an account of the country, soil, climate, product and trade of Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Vincents [sic], Dominico, Antego, MontSerrat, Nevis, St. Christophers, Barbuda, Anguilia, Jamaica, Bahama and Bermudas (1741).
Oldmixon, Mr. (John): The British Empire in America : containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress and present state of all the British colonies, on the continent and islands of America : the second volume : being an account of the country, soil, climate, product and trade of Barbados, St. Lucia, St. Vincents ... : with curious maps of the several places, done from the newest surveys, by Herman Moll, geographer (1708) -
Bartolomé de Las Casas: A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies : Or, a faithful NARRATIVE OF THE Horrid and Unexampled Massacres, Butcheries, and all manner of Cruelties, that Hell and Malice could invent, committed by the Popish Spanish Party on the inhabitants of West-India, TOGETHER With the Devastations of several Kingdoms in America by Fire and Sword, for the space of Forty and Two Years, from the time of its first Discovery by them [1542].
/ Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias / Regionvm Indicarum per Hispanos olim devastatarum accuratissima descriptio, insertis Figuris æneis ad vivum fabrefactis (1664).

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