Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 17. maj 1951 / Time Line May 17, 1951

Version 3.0

16. Maj 1951, 18. Maj 1951

International delegation af kvinder ankommer til Nordkorea.
Rejsen er arrangeret af Kvindernes Demokratiske Verdensforbund.
Litteratur og kilder:
Christensen, Thomas: Krigens sande ansigt.
Danmarks Radio: Kate Fleron om Korea, 1951.
Gunnar Hansen taler med redaktør af Frit Danmark, KATE FLERON om krigen i Korea. Hun har netop været på besøg i Nordkorea. Hun taler om befolkningens uhyre lidelser.
I: Pacifisten. Juli 1951 s. 80.
Engel, Knud: En pacifists syn på koreakrigen.
I: Frit Danmark. September 1950 s. 2.
Fleron, Kate: Fra Korea. I: Frit Danmark, juli 1951.
Meget stort billede af illustreret dobbeltside i Frit Danmark, juli 1951, 79 MB!.
Fleron, Kate: Fra rejser mod øst og nord. I: Frit Danmark, juli 1951.
Fleron, Kate: Hvorfor blev Korea bombet sønder og sammen? Leder i Frit Danmark, August 1951
Fleron, Kate: Intet nyt fra Nordkorea. I: Frit Danmark, juli 1951.
Fleron, Kate: Rapport fra Nordkorea: Korea er brændt - hus for hus. I: Frit Danmark. 1951: vol. 10:4 s. 9-[13].
Fleron, Kate: Rapport fra Nordkorea. I: Frit Danmarj. August 1951 s. 12-15.
Fleron, Kate: Nord-Korea; Rapporter fra et hærget land.
- København, [sn] 1951. - 32 s.
De vil ikke. I: Tværtimod, november 1951 s. 168-169
Der bor mennesker i Korea. Leder i Frit Danmark, marts 1951
Korea. I: Vi Kvinder. 1952 :7 - s 6.
'To kendte danske kvinder, redaktøren af »Frit Danmark«, Kate Fleron, og overbibliotekar Ida Bachmann, har været med en international kvindedelegation i Korea, og rystende er den beretning, de på møder aflægger om de rædsler krigens gru bringer over det koreanske folk.'
Rohde, Peter P.: Der har længe været krig i Korea :
Kendsgerningerne forud for Korea-Konflikten
. I: Frit Danmark, August 1950 s. 12-16.
Schrøder, Fritz: F.N. bør stemple angreb på
civilbefolkningen som krigsforbrydelse
. I: Frit Danmark, August 1951 s. 4-5.
Vad vi såg i Korea: rapport från kvinnornas internationella Koreakommission. 1951. - 29 s.
Vara systrar jorden runt. I: Vi kvinnor i demokratiskt världsförbund, nr. 8/9, december 1951.
- http://www.vimä
Sanningen om Korea sprids -- trots repressalier mot KDV :s Koreadelegater!
'Fru Lily Wächter, den västtyska delegaten i KDV:s Koreakommission, dömdes den 4 okt. av amerikansk militärdomstol i Stuttgart till 8 månaders fängelse! Domen har föregåtts av upprepade attacker mot fru Wächter -- hon har med våld bortförts från möten där hon skulle tala om Korea. och redan den 25 sept. stod hon inför rätta men släpptes "tills vidare" mot en borgen på 15.000 riksmark som insamlades av de tyska kvinnorna på 3 dagar.'
American Policy and the Reconstruction of West Germany, 1945-1955. / : Jeffry M. Diefendorf, Axel Frohn, Hermann-Josef Rupieper. Cambridge University Press, 1994 - 560 s. Online omtale af:
Bericht der internationalen Frauen-Kommission für die Untersuchung von den amerikanishen und südkoreanischen Truppen in Kores verübten Greueltaten.

International delegation of women arrives in North Korea.
Literature and sources:
Report of the Committee of the Women's International Federation in Korea, May 16-27, 1951.
Having received the invitation of the Women's International Democratic Federation, we have been delegated by different Women's organizations -- some of them members of WIDF and some not -- to join an international Women's Commission to investigate the atrocities committed by American and Syngman Rhee troops in Korea. We represent seventeen countries in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. The members of the Commission are -- Nora K. Rodd (Canada), Chair; Liu Chin-yang (China) Vice-chair; Ida Bachmann (Denmark) Vice-chair; Misuse Svatosova (Czechoslovakia) secretary; Trees Soenito-Heyligers (Netherlands) Assistant Secretary; Dr. Monica Felton (Great Britain); Maria Ovsyannikova (USSR); Bai Lang (China); Li Keng (China); Gilette Ziegler (France); Elizabeth Gallo (Italy); Eva Priester (Austria); Hilde Cahn (German Democratic Republic; Lilly Waechter (German Republic); Dr. Germaine Hannevard (Belgium); Li Thi Que (Vietnam) Candelaria Rodriquez (Cuba), Leonor Aguiar Vazquez (Argentina); Fatma Ben Sliman (Tunisia) Abassia Fodil (Algeria) and Kate Fleron Jacobsen (Denmark).'
"Two well-known Danish women, the editor of Frit Danmark / "Free Denmark ", Kate Fleron and chief librarian Ida Bachmann has been with an international delegation of women in Korea and appalling is the report they at meetings submit on the horrors of war brought upon the Korean people . "
4th July, Mellemfolkelig Samvirke in Aarhus - now Danish ActionAid International, invited the two ladies to a public meeting, which brought together six to seven hundred people and we reproduce the following main points in their speeches.
Kate Fleron stressed that she had traveled to Korea with a skeptical attitude to what she would get to see, and she had only bowed to the irrefutable facts, but she is compelled to say that the way the war in Korea had adopted is inhumane.
Also Kate Fleron touched on how it could happen that young honest people and people who at home are nice people could contribute to all all the inhumanity taking place. She found the partial answer in the same answer as Miss. Bachmann, erosion of the human within the uniform, but also in the operated hate propaganda, who poison the minds, so that it completely forgets that it is people, their misdeeds goes beyond.
The war in Korea is perhaps no more crude than World War Two. But the war in Korea is the first war the UN and thus we all have responsibility for. Thomas Christensen 1951.
Kate Fleron was conservative and known for her work in the resistance movement during the German occupation of Denmark. Ida Bachmann likevise conservative was in the US War Information Office during WW2.
The Korean War: Handbook of the Literature and Research. / : Lester H. Brune.
Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996 - 460 p.
Documents and materials exposing the instigators of the civil war in Korea; documents from the archives of the Rhee Syngman government.
- Pyongyang : Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, 1950. - iv, 255 p. In: Hoover Library.
Korean War - PART 19, Hard fighting, 6.25
Korean War - PART 22, Bombing of North Korea, 6.25
During the Korean War, the United States dropped approximately 250,000 pounds of napalm per day
New Evidence on the Korean War. / : By James Person. New documentary evidence on the Korean War from Russian, Polish and other archives. Compiled in connection with the 16-17 June 2010 conference New Documents and New Histories: Twenty-First Century Perspectives on the Korean War. June 16-17, 2010. Harry S. Truman Presidential Library Independence, Missouri. Organized by The Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars’ North Korea International Documentation Project, 2010. - 453 s.
Zhou Enlai and China’s Response to the Korean War. / : Charles Kraus. NKIDP e-Dossier no. 9.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, DC
'SINCE THE LATE 1980S AND EARLY 1990S, scholarly interest in China’s involvement in the Korean War has been steady and unwavering, nurtured by a constant stream of official Chinese documentary publications. The publication of the first three volumes of Zhou Enlai’s Manuscripts since the Founding of the PRC in 2008, however, has opened a new chapter in the diplomatic and military history of the Korean War, as well as in the study of China’s response to the outbreak of that conflict.
Mrs. Monica Felton (visit to korea)HC Deb 18 June 1951 vol 489 cc1-4 1
'§ 1. Mr. Nigel Fisher asked the Attorney-General whether he is aware of the recent visit of Mrs. Monica Felton to North Korea and of her statement since her return to this country; and whether he has considered prosecuting her on a charge of treason for consorting with the enemy abroad and for spreading enemy propaganda at home.
§ 3. Mr. C. S. Taylor asked the Attorney-General whether he has now received a report from the Director of Public Prosecutions about Mrs. Monica Felton; and 2 whether he proposes to institute proceedings against her for treason. '
§ 49. Mr. Fisher asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been drawn to the recent visit of Mrs. Monica Felton, the chairman of the Stevenage Development Corporation, to the enemy forces in North Korea; why he franked her passport for this purpose; and whether he will ensure that no such visit is permitted in future.'
THE ROAD TO KOREA AND THE HIDDEN WAR CRIMES COMMITTED BY THE UK By Giovanni Di Stefano, Tiina Paivarinta and Ian Tomlinson There has always been speculation that both the United States of America and Great Britain committed serious war crimes during the Korean War. There has never been anything substantially admissible to permit either an investigation or charges to be levied. Not until now that Online Publishing Company has uncovered records that enable the course of justice to take its path.
The IADL Report dated 31st March 1952.
Nature of the War in Korea, The; Green, L. C.: 4 Int'l L.Q. 462 (1951).
The Subcommittee on Korean War Atrooities: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Korean War Atrocities of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee 01, Government Operations United States Senate, eighty-third congress first session pursuant to s. res. 40. part 3, December 4, 1953. Printed for the Committee on Government Operations United States Government Printng Office. Washington : 1954. - 91 s.
"Mrs. Felton is chairman of the National Assembly of Women in Britain, and a prominent worker for peace. She was given a great welcome by POW'S of all nationalities when she visited the camps in the autumn of 1952." s. 200.



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