
Geografi ; natur og klima ; demografi ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; kunst ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography, nature and climate, demographics, history, wars, culture, film, music, politics, defense, peace movements, religion, social issues, education, economy and arms trade.
Géographie, la nature, la démographie, histoire, la culture, la politique, la défense, les mouvements pacifistes, la religion, les questions sociales, l'éducation, économie.
Geografía, naturaleza, demografía, historia, cultura, política, defensa, movimientos por la paz, la religión, las cuestiones sociales, la educación, la economía.
Geographie, Natur, Demographie, Geschichte, Kultur, Politik, Verteidigung, Friedensbewegungen, Religion, Soziales, Bildung, Wirtschaft.
Geografi: Rwanda er en tropisk central- og østafrikansk republik og landet er aktuelt defineret, ifølge ligningsmyndigheden Skatterådet, som et udviklingsland, med grænser til Burundi, Den demokratiske republik Congo, Tanzania og Uganda.
Massemedier og pressefrihed / Mass media and freedom of the press:
Propaganda and conflict: evidence from the Rwandan genocide
David Yanagizawa-Drott. Harvard University, August 2014
- 'This paper investigates the role of mass media in times of conflict and state-sponsored mass violence against civilians. We use a unique village-level dataset from the Rwandan Genocide to estimate the impact of a popular radio station that encouraged violence against the Tutsi minority population. The results show that the broadcasts had a sig- nificant impact on participation in killings by both militia groups and ordinary civilians. An estimated 51,000 perpetrators, or approximately 10 percent of the overall violence, can be attributed to the station. The broadcasts increased militia violence not only directly by influencing behavior in villages with radio reception, but also indirectly by increasing participation in neighboring villages. In fact, spillovers are estimated to have caused more militia violence than the direct effects. Thus, the paper provides evidence that mass media can affect participation in violence directly due to exposure, and indi- rectly due to social interactions.'
Biblioteksvæsen / Libraries. Bogvæsen / Books:
Rwanda Library Service: National Library
The National Library ( Bibliotheque Nationale) was established in 1989.
'1. To build up a complete collection of published documents emanating from or relating to Rwanda;
2. To render a national bibliographic service and to act as the national bibliographic agency.'
Aviser / Newspapers / journaux / Prensa / Tageszeitungen
Rwanda: News:
Tidsskrifter, periodica / Journals, periodicals / Revues spécialisées, périodiques / Revistas, publicaciones periódicas / Zeitschriften, Periodika
Kunst / Art
Inema Arts Center
Film / Movies / cinéma / Cine / Filme:
Undervisning i film:
International organisering
Rwanda var medlem af Union Africaine et Malgache / Den afrikanske og madagaskiske Union 1970-1985 og er medlem af Den afrikanske enhedsorganisation / Organisation of African Unity (den afrikanske union), det Østafrikanske Fællesskab / East African Community, FN.
Forsvar / militær: SIPRI: Militærudgifter / Military expenditure of Rwanda.
Værnepligt: WRI: Country report and updates: Rwanda.
Paramilitære styrker:
Fredsbevægelser: / Peace movements / les mouvements pacifistes / movimientos por la paz / Friedensbewegungen
Sociale bevægelser, herunder miljøorganisationer: Association pour la promotion des etudes d'impacts environnementaux au Rwanda
IBUKA (Association of genocide survivors)
Sociale forhold:
Offentlige myndigheder
Private organisationer:
Udenrigshandel / Foreign trade / Commerce extérieur / Außenhandel
BNP - FN data, landbrug, fiskeri, industri.
Landbrug: FAO Country Profiles.
Kaffe / Coffee / Café / Kaffee, produktion og eksport.
Members of the International Coffee Organization.
Monthly export statistics - January 2016. / : the International Coffee Organization.
Naturresourcer / Natural resources: Guld, cassiterit (tin malm), wolframit (wolframmalm), metan, vandkraft, agerjord.
Gold, cassiterite (tin ore), wolframite (tungsten ore), methane, hydropower, arable land.
Rapport sur l’etat des lieux des eie des projets miniers au Rwanda. / : Association pour la promotion des etudes d'impacts environnementaux au Rwanda, 2010. - 16 s.
Erhverv, handel og industri:

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