Geografi ; natur og klima ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars; Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education , Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie; Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion; Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce des armes

Kenyas demografi


Kenya: Migration profiles.
/ : UNICEF, 2014.
Atlas of Health Statistics of the African Region 2011.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Africa, 2011.
Indians Overseas A guide to source materials in the India Office Records for the study of Indian emigration 1830-1950.
Kenyan Refugee Camp Closures will have Disastrous Consequences
By Tharanga Yakupitiyage
UNITED NATIONS, May 11 2016 (IPS) - The Kenyan government’s decision to close its refugee camps will have disastrous consequences and must be reconsidered, international organisations have stated. At the end of last week, the Kenyan government announced that the “hosting of refugees has to come to an end”, citing economic, security and environmental concerns.
Currently, Kenya hosts over 600,000 refugees, many of whom are from Somalia and South Sudan. The country is also home to the Dadaab complex, the largest refugee camp in the world.-
The government has already disbanded its Department of Refugee Affairs and is working to close its camps in the “shortest time possible.”
International human rights groups have lambasted the move.
“In a single breath, the Kenyan government recognizes that the Somalis it has been hosting for nearly 25 years are still refugees, but then states it’s finished with them,” said Human Rights Watch’s (HRW) Refugee Rights Program Director Bill Frelick.
Amnesty International’s (AI) Regional Director for East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes Muthoni Wanyeki called the decision “reckless” and an “abdication” of its responsibility to protect the vulnerable. Similarly, Médecins Sans Frontières’ (MSF) Head of Mission in Kenya Liesbeth Aelbrecht said that the move highlights the “continued” and “blatant neglect” of refugees around the world.
The government has already disbanded its Department of Refugee Affairs and is working to close its camps in the “shortest time possible.”
The camp closures mean refugees will be repatriated to their countries of origin.
Aelbrecht stated that in one Dadaab camp alone where MSF works, approximately 330,000 Somalis will be affected and forced to return to a war-torn country with little access to vital humanitarian assistance. Somalia is also facing a drought, exacerbating food insecurity and malnutrition in the country. Approximately 4.7 million people—nearly 40 percent—are in need of humanitarian assistance in the East African nation.
The ongoing conflict in neighbouring South Sudan has also displaced and killed millions, worsened access to food and water, and destroyed schools and hospitals.
Wanyeki said that the forced repatriation would be in “violation of Kenya’s obligations under international law.” Frelick echoed these sentiments, stating that though the threat of Al-Shabab is real, Kenya still has to “abide by international refugee law.” HRW also noted that there is no evidence linking Somali refugees to any terrorist attacks in Kenya.
Food Price Watch. Poverty reduction and equity group : poverty reduction and economic management network, the world bank, february 2011.
Al Jazeera : Somalia famine has killed '29,000 children' : Claim by US officials follows declaration of three new famine zones by UN and warning that more areas are vulnerable.
Nielsen, Jørgen Steen: Maden findes, men prisen er dødbringende. I: Information, 08/16/2011.
Nielsen, Jørgen Steen: Lyse tider for fødevarespekulanterne. Usikkerheden på aktie- og valutamarkedet gør det på ny tillokkende for investorer at spekulere i ris, hvede, sojabønner, majs ... Om det betyder en ny prisboble med rekordpriser, vil verdens fattige få at mærke. I: Information, 08/16/2011.
Land rights of Indigenous Peoples in Africa: With Special Focus on Central, Eastern and Southern Africa. Second edition – revised and updated. / : Albert Kwokwo Barume.
- Copenhagen : IWGIA Document 128, 2014.
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