Geografi ; natur og klima ; historie ; krige ; kultur ; film ; musik ; politik ; politiske partier ; forsvar ; fredsbevægelser ; religion ; sociale forhold ; uddannelse ; økonomi og våbenhandel.
Geography; Nature and climate; Demography; History; Wars; Culture ; Art; Film; Music; Politics; Political parties ; Defense; Peace movements; Religion; Social conditions ; Education , Economics and Arms trade.
Géographie; Nature et climat; Démographie; Guerres; Histoire; Culture ; La musique; Politique; Partis politiques ; La défense; Mouvements de paix; Religion; Conditions sociales ; Éducation; Économie et commerce des armes

Algeriets demografi:

Thousands of refugees forced onto death march into Sahara desert . / : Bill Van Auken , June 26, 2018
Migrants from across sub-Saharan African – Mali, the Gambia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Niger and more – are part of the mass migration toward Europe, some fleeing violence, others just hoping to make a living. (Jerome Delay/Associated Press)
More than 13,000 refugees and migrants, including pregnant women and children, have been force-marched into the Sahara desert by Algerian security forces over the past 14 months, where many of them have died from hunger and exposure.
The shocking revelation by the Associated Press was substantiated by videos showing hundreds of migrants stumbling through a sand storm and others being driven in massive convoys of overcrowded trucks to be dumped at Algeria’s southern border with Niger and forced into the desert at gunpoint.
As the AP itself makes clear, the murderous policy of the Algerian government is being carried out at the behest of the countries of the European Union, which have increasingly sought to induce North African regimes to act as their border guards, impeding the flow of migrants by means of intimidation, violence and death.
The refugees are being forced by Algerian security forces into the Sahara without food or water and, in many cases, after being robbed of their money and cellphones. They are pointed in the direction of the nearest settlement in Niger, over nine miles away, across empty sands where the temperature rises as high as 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
The migrants told AP of “being rounded up hundreds at a time, crammed into open trucks headed southward for six to eight hours to what is known as Point Zero, then dropped in the desert and pointed in the direction of Niger. They are told to walk, sometimes at gunpoint.”
Two dozen different migrants who survived the crossing told the news agency that in their groups a number were unable to go on and died in the desert. “Women were lying dead, men … Other people got missing in the desert because they didn’t know the way,” said Janet Kamara of Liberia, who was pregnant when she was forced across the border. “Everybody was just on their own.”
Kamara’s baby died at birth and she was forced to bury him in a shallow grave in the desert. “I lost my son, my child,” she said.
While the world’s media has focused on the dangerous crossing from northern Africa to southern Europe having turned the Mediterranean into a watery graveyard for countless thousands, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), for every refugee who drowns in the sea, two more succumb to the relentless heat and harsh conditions of the Sahara. It estimates that the death toll in the desert exceeds 30,000 just since 2014.
The migrants expelled by Algeria come from countries throughout sub-Saharan Africa, including Niger, Mali, Gambia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Liberia and others..


Algeria: Migration profiles.
/ : UNICEF, 2014.
Les violences faites aux femmes pendant leur voyage clandestin: Algérie, France, Espagne, Maroc. / Smaïn Laacher. UNHCR. 2010. - 65 s. ; New issues in Refugee Research, Research Paper No. 188.)
FAO Statistical Yearbook 2014: Near East and North Africa. Food and Agriculture.
- Cairo : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa, 2014.
Se tillige: Afrikansk demografi ; Amerikas demografi ; Asiens demografi ; Europæisk demografi ; Latinamerikansk demografi.
Afghansk demografi ; Albansk demografi ; Amerikansk demografi ; Andorras demografi ; Angolas demografi ; Antigua & Barbudas demografi ; Argentinsk demografi ; Armensk demografi ; Aserbajdsjans demografi ; Australsk demografi ; Bahamaøerne demografi ; Bahrains demografi ; Bangladesh demografi ; Barbados demografi ; Belgisk demografi ; Belizes demografi ; Benins demografi ; Bhutans demografi ; Boliviansk demografi ; Bosnien-Hercegovinas demografi ; Botswanas demografi ; Brasiliansk demografi ; Brunei Darussalams demografi ; Bulgarsk demografi ; Burkina Fasos demografi ; Burundis demografi ; Cambodjansk demografi ; Camerouns demografi ; Centralafrikansk demografi ; Chilensk demografi ; Colombiansk demografi ; Comorernes demografi ; Congolesisk demografi ; Costa Ricas demografi ; Cubansk demografi ; Cypriotisk demografi ; Dansk demografi ; Den demokratiske republik Congos demografi ; Djiboutis demografi ; Dominicas demografi ; Dominicansk demografi ; Ecuadoriansk demografi ; Engelsk demografi ; Egyptisk demografi ; El Salvadors demografi ; Elfenbenskystens demografi ; Eritreas demografi ; Estlands demografi ; Etiopisk demografi ; Fijis demografi ; Filippinsk demografi ; Finsk demografi ; De forenede arabiske Emiraters demografi ; Fransk Polynesiens demografi ; Færøsk demografi ; Gabons demografi ; Gambias demografi ; Georgiansk demografi ; Ghanas demografi ; Grenadas demografi ; Græsk demografi ; Grønlandsk demografi ; Guatemalas demografi ; Guineas demografi ; Guinea-Bissaus demografi ; Guyansk demografi ; Haitiansk demografi ; Hollansk demografi ; Honduras demografi ; Hvideruslands demografi ; Indisk demografi ; Indonesisk demografi ; Iraks demografi ; Iransk demografi ; Irsk demografi ; Islandsk demografi ; Jamaicas demografi ; Jordans demografi ; Kap Verdisk demografi ; Kasakhstanisk demografi ; Kenyas demografi ; Kinesisk demografi ; Kirgisistans demografi ; Kiribatis demografi ; Kosovos demografi ; Kroatiens demografi ; Kuwaits demografi ; Laotisk demografi ; Lesothisk demografi ; Letlands demografi ; Libanesisk demografi ; Liberiansk demografi ; Libysk demografi ; Liechtensteins demografi ; Litauens demografi ; Luxembourgs demografi ; Madagascars demografi ; Makedonsk demografi ; Malawis demografi ; Malaysias demografi ; Maldiviensk demografi ; Malis demografi ; Maltesisk demografi ; Marokkansk demografi ; Marshalløernes demografi ; Mauretaniens demografi ; Mauritius demografi ; Mexicansk demografi ; Mikronesisk demografi ; Moldovisk demografi ; Monacos demografi ; Mongoliets demografi ; Montenegros demografi ; Mozambiques demografi ; Myanmars demografi ; Namibias demografi ; Naurus demografi ; Nepals demografi ; New Zealandsk demografi ; Nicaraguansk demografi ; Nigers demografi ; Nigerias demografi ; Norsk demografi ; Nordkoreansk demografi ; Omans demografi ; Pakistansk demografi ; Palaus demografi ; Palæstinas demografi ; Panamas demografi ; Papua Ny Guineansk demografi ; Paraguays demografi ; Peruviansk demografi ; Polsk demografi ; Portugisisk demografi ; Qatars demografi ; Rumænsk demografi ; Russisk demografi ; Rwandas demografi ; Salomonøernes demografi ; Samoas demografi ; San Marinos demografi ; São Tomé & Principles demografi ; Saudiarabisk demografi ; Schweizisk demografi ; Senegals demografi ; Serbisk demografi ; Seychellernes demografi ; Sierra Leones demografi ; Singapores demografi ; Skotsk demografi ; Slovakiets demografi ; Sloveniens demografi ; Somalisk demografi ; Sri Lankas demografi ; St. Kitts & Nevis demografi ; St. Lucias demografi ; St. Vincent og Grenadinernes demografi ; Sudanesisk demografi ; Surinams demografi ; Svensk demografi ; Swazilands demografi ; Sydafrikansk demografi ; Sydkoreansk demografi ; Sydsudans demografi ; Syrisk demografi ; Tadsjikistans demografi ; Taiwanesisk demografi ; Tanzanias demografi ; Tchads demografi ; Thailandsk demografi ; Tjekkisk demografi ; Togos demografi ; Tongas demografi ; Trinidad & Tobagos demografi ; Tunesisk demografi ; Turkmenistans demografi ; Tuvalus demografi ; Tyrksk demografi ; Tysk demografi ; Ugandas demografi ; Ukrainsk demografi ; Ungarnsk demografi ; Uruguays demografi ; Usbekistans demografi ; Vanuatus demografi ; Venezuelas demografi ; Vietnamesisk demografi ; Yemens demografi ; Zambias demografi ; Zimbabwes demografi ; Ækvatorial Guineas demografi ; Østrisk demografi ; Østtimors demografi.

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