Guthrie, Woody

F. 1912 D. 1967
Amerikanske folkesanger, sangskriver, poet, fagforenings-agitator og humanist. Født og opvokset i Oklahoma. Autodidakt sanger og musiker. Søn: Arlo Guthrie.
Sammen med Pete Seeger var Woody Guthrie en af den moderne folkemusikbevægelses grundlæggere i årene omkring anden verdenskrig, hvor han var medlem af the Almanac Singers - den første folkemusikgruppe med kommersiel succes. Omfattende litterær produktion og diskografi.
American folk singer, songwriter, poet, union agitator and humanist. Born and raised in Oklahoma. Self-taught singer and musician. Son: Arlo Guthrie.
Along with Pete Seeger Woody Guthrie were one of the modern folk movement's founders in the years around World War II, where he was a member of the Almanac Singers - the first folk group with commercial success. Extensive literary production and discography.

Se også: Musik fra Afrika ; Musik fra Amerika ; Musik fra Asien ; Musik fra Europa ; Musik fra Oceanien (inkl. Australien og New Zealand)
Amerikansk musik ; Amerikanske pladeselskaber ; Amerikansk folkemusik ; Amerikansk jazz ; Amerikansk musiklitteratur ; Canadisk musik ; Dansk filmmusik ; Dansk musik ; Dansk folkemusik ; Dansk guldalder jazz ; Dansk klassisk musik ; Dansk musiklitteratur ; Danske komponister ; Danske pladeselskaber ; Danske musikarkiver ; Engelsk musik ; Engelsk musik litteratur ; Engelske pladeselskaber ; Fransk musikIrsk musik ; Skotsk musik ; Svensk musik ; Tysk musik.

Litteratur og musikeksempler
/ Literature and music samples

Se: -
Guthrie, Woody: Bound for glory.- New York, E.P. Dutton, 1943 ; 1968.
BBC Arena: Woody Guthrie (1988)

Leadbelly & Woody Guthrie Live! On WNYC, Down Home Radio Shows 1940
Woody Guthrie Recorded in Washington, DC, 1940.
'In March of 1940, a young Woody Guthrie sat with folklorist Alan Lomax at the U.S. Department of the Interior studios for a series of oral history interviews for the Library of Congress archives. They were the first-ever professional recordings of Woodrow Wilson Guthrie, and while some of these recordings have been released on record, the original aluminum discs remain at the Library of Congress.'
The Columbia. FDR Presidential Library, Video 353, 1949.
'Historic look at the Columbia River and its development. Woody Guthrie was hired by BPA in 1941 to write the songs for this movie, but its production was delayed by World War II. Produced in 1949 in black and white, this film contains rare footage of Grand Coulee Dam construction, Indian fishing at Celilo Falls and the 1948 Vanport flood.'
Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie by Bob Dylan
Woody Guthrie & Pete SeegerWoody Guthrie & Pete Seeger - The Strange Death Of John Doe
Woody Guthrie Songs
'These are some songs by Woody Guthrie. Also featuring some of his friends like Leadbelly, Cisco Houston, Sonny Terry and folks from The Almanac Singers.'
Woody Guthrie - All You Fascists Bound To Lose 1944
Kimberly Keyes Stark: The Sarah Palin Tribute Band Live at Artomatic 2009: "This Land is Your Land" (2009)
Vesterberg, Henrik: Folkets folkesanger. I: Politiken, 10/14/2012.

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